Sascha Germer
Jane Wolfe
Phyllis Seckler
Karl Germer

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Sascha Germer, Jane Wolfe, Phyllis Seckler, Karl Germer
[Colored with AI]

Phyllis Wade, McMurtry, Seckler, Gary M. Kelly, Grady Louis McMurtry, Ordo Templi Orientis, Caliph Phyllis Wade, McMurtry, Seckler, Gary M. Kelly, Grady Louis McMurtry, Ordo Templi Orientis, Caliph Phyllis Wade, McMurtry, Seckler, Gary M. Kelly, Grady Louis McMurtry, Ordo Templi Orientis, Caliph

Phyllis Seckler (Sor Meral) about her husband Grady Louis McMurtry, Caliph of the Caliphate:
e.g. “he goes on giving out false and phony certificates and grades [...] this is not the real O.T.O.”.

[From: 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.']

More about these early members of the American O.T.O.
Oscar Schlag has played an important rôle in the spiritual development of Jane Wolfe.

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