Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua
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This short article's purpose is to provide evidence to Arnoldo Krumm-Heller's political interests. They are definitely anti-semitic and pro-Hitler.
These texts are of a problematic racist nature and can be regarded as anti-Semitic propaganda. Examples"Mi Sistema" is published by Krumm-Heller with Gérald Encausse / "Papus" in 1906. Mr. Krumm ("Heller", his maternal surname, is only used in Spanish speaking countries) participated in Paris in odour experiments which ascertained 'sympathy' and 'antipathy' he analysed 10 subjects for these tests. [1]Earlier, in the huts of Inca Indians Krumm-Heller distinguished the different tribes according to their body odour. On account of their smells he concluded the racial inferiority of non-whites. [2] "raza superior"From the introductory lesson of Krumm's famous course on Runic Magicp. 2 - Los Hebreos, imitadores por excelencia, dieron a conocer la ciencia de descifrar el destino de sus Letras y si aún es hermoso y aún divertido el descifrar en la Kábala los nombres hebreos, éllos han silenciado que robaron ese sistema de los Nórticos [...] yp. 3 - ANGELES DE LUZ, seres plenos de sustancia crística, con los que estamos conectados como raza blanca, como raza superior de la humanidad. La LOGIA BLANCA no puede admitir en su seño a los negros ni a los amarillos, pues la Ley de conexion exije que sus componentes sean de raza blanca. ![]() ![]() ![]() Basil Thomson: Queer People - Curious Visitors"It was about the same time [May 1916] that a mysterious person calling himself Colonel Dr. Krumm-Heller was taken off a Danish steamer at Kirkwall. He must have expected that this would happen because he had been sending anticipatory protests by wireless all the way over. He claimed to be the Mexican military attaché in Berlin, and to be well known in Mexico for his scientific, literary, and philosophical works. His mission, he said, was to study schools in Scandinavia and not to become military attaché until he entered Germany: his real mission, we felt sure, was propaganda. When I told him that he might have to go back to Mexico he began to cry and said that Carranza would most certainly dismiss him. It became known to me a little later that he was carrying a letter from Bernstorff to the German Government, but that when he found that he was to leave the steamer he had passed it to a Russian for delivery. The next day Colonel Dr. Krumm-Heller offered to make a bargain with me. If I would not send him back he would reveal a new German plan and would thus save the Allies thousands of lives. But when it came to the point he had nothing at all to tell, and back he went. In due course a demand was made upon the Government for £10.000, at which he assessed his «moral and intellectual» damages." [3] John Gaster: Krumm-Heller in England [4]"Following the failure of Napoleon III to establish a right wing Catholic regime in Mexico unter the Emperor Maximillian, there followed a long period of revolutionary unrest. During the relatively lengthy rule of Porfirio Dias, who was a Germanophile; German influence in Mexico became a recurring factor in Mexican politics. Immediately prior to 1914, the prevailing regime was under Huerta; and in 1913, Huerta had a meeting in Spain with von Rintelen, who was later to become famous as the «dark invader» organising sabotage of allied shipping in US ports. This was in preparation for a hypothetical wartime alliance between Mexico and Imperial Germany. Von Bernstorff was German ambassador in Washington in the years leading up to 1914, and was celebrated as the leading representation of the Reich in America from 1914 to 1917. The propaganda department for pro-German/anti-Allied propaganda was controlled financially through von Dernberg. The chief propaganda organ was entrusted by Germany to the half-Jew, George Sylvester Viereck, who employed Aleister Crowley, Hans-Heinz Ewers, and Frank Harries: all connected with sex-magic and occultism, on the staff of quot;Fatherland", which Viereck directed until the entry of America into the war. The occultist Ewers left for Mexico in order to attend in political discussions with the representatives of Venusuesto Carranza, who had succeeded Puerta as the leading Statesman of Mexico. Hence the possibility exists that Ewers will have been acquainted with Krumm-Heller. Particulars of Ewers journey to Mexico are contained in the biographical study of Ewers which you [P.R. König] recommended to us. [5] Carranza was anti-clerical and interested in scientific rationalism. He enacted laws forbidding the Catholic clergy to hold any religious instruction in elementary schools, but there is no written source known to me that he has been interested in esoterical matters, although it is likely that he will have been a freemason. We do not even have proof of this. Carranza was surrounded by a praetorian guard of German officers, of which at least five hundred were involved in training his army. The state armaments industry of Mexico was in the hands of the German industrialist Kloss. Of foreign ambassadors in Mexico City, Carranza favoured more highly the German ambassador, Heinrich von Eckehart. In 1915, answering a request by von Eckehart, Carranza suppressed the daily El Universal, which was conducting loud mouthed allied propaganda. Von Eckehart gained from Carranza permission for the Reich to establish a submarine base on the Mexican coast. Plans for an air programme were in preparation but may not have been realised. It seems entirely likely that Sir Basil Thomson is right in saying that Krumm-Heller was appointed Mexican military attaché in Berlin. It seems likely that inital contact between Carranza and Krumm-Heller would have related to the medical knowledge and expertise of Krumm-Heller. Carranza devoted much energy to improvements in the hospital and medical services in his country which had long been decimated by endemic conflict and US interventions [particularly against Puerta]. One major factor in Mexican politics at the turn of the century was the rivalry between York masonry and the Scottish Rite [Charleston] for control of masonry in Mexico. The conflict was connected with the special role to be played by Knights Templarism in Mexico. The development of German policy in Mexico ended in disaster with the Zimmermann telegramme preceding American intervention against Germany. German Under Secretary of State, Zimmermann, cabled the famous appeal for Mexican war against the United States promising Arizona and New Mexico as a reward for the Mexican alliance. Previously von Eckehart had urged Mexico to count on German support if she wished to conquer Guatemala, a traditional enemy. In general, German policy had been chiefly interested in maintaining a maximum degree of tension between the United States and Mexico, so that public opinion in the USA could be kept away from intervention in the European war. The fiasco of the Zimmermann telegramme was due to the ingenuity of the code breaking system of British Naval Intelligence boss, Admiral Hall, who had broken the code of the German cables. Despite this setback, German Mexican friendship continued to flourish. In 1919 and 1920, when really heavy military supplies were conveyed to Mexico via Holland, and a great deal of secret history would be illumined by a further disclosure of these happenings of which little has yet been published. It is certain that such notorious personalities as Paul Rohrbach leading geo-politician and propagandist in Berlin for Germany during the First World War, as well as von Sebottendorff, were known to have visited Mexico in the post-war years. Possibly related to this, is the presence in Mexico City of Joseph Rettinger, mystery man of Polish politics during the war; an Austrian citizen, who is said to have been playing a major role in the establishment of post Carranza communist rule in Mexico. Carranza had then died in exile in Columbia. According to Gregor Schwartz-Bostunitsch [Nazi author of "Rudolph Steiner — ein Schwindler wie keiner"] Steiner had connections with Central American diplomatic circles, and further meagre details on this can be provided. Paul von Rohrbach, a major figure in German intelligence, who continued to play a role on the scene after 1933, was almost certainly a friend of Rudolph Steiners. Certainly Jaeck's son [?] received special favours from Rudolph Steiner. In general, one must assume that these quasi-illuminated figures were connected with the work of German military intelligence in the First World War, which during the Weimar Republic was continued by the German section of the Druid Order, maintaining liaison with all anti-British and anti-French revolutionary movements from Iran to Mexico, working in 45 countries according to Nesta Webster; but as this forment of discontented masons was in its turn supported by international communism, the question as to where their real loyalties resided would have to be answered differently in each individual case. Rohrbach lived on after 1945, and wrote a furiously anti-Hitler book in retrospect. He is said to have been a major figure in German Templarism. Basil Thomson was known to have been on good terms with Nesta Webster, the anti-esoterical historian, and had access to all the chiefs of allied intelligence during the First World War. Of course, the book «Queer People», from which the data on Krumm-Heller is quoted is intended for the general public. It is possible that he is relating the truth when saying that Krumm-Heller claimed to be ready to betray his mission, but as it seems this was only a bluff and he did not betray anything, it is altogether likely that he was sincerely devoted to the German Mexican alliance, and was only afraid of the consequences of appearing to have failed Carranza by being apprehended. It is difficult to understand why the British had received a signal from the boat on which Krumm-Heller arrived at the Orkneys." [6] John W. DeKayIn September 2005, I received below emails from Richard Spence, Professor of History, University of Idaho, USA: "John W. DeKay was an American journalist and businessman--one might say a "financial adventurer"--who was most active in Mexico prior ro WWI, but who ended up in Switzerland by 1918 and through the early 20s. DeKay had various difficulties with American, British and French justice and was implicated in gun-running and fraud among other things. He also gravitated into radical politics and c. 1918-19 was in close contact with Alexander Helphand-Parvus and other Bolshevik agents and front organizations. At the same time, he is alleged to have had contacts with German intelligence and with a German secret society called the Druidenorden. In 1919 the US military attache in Switzerland also reported that DeKay was "closely associated" with Krumm-Heller." [18] "The basic source for the DeKay-Krumm Heller link is US Military Intelligence Division (MID) file 5384-243/165, report from the US military attache in Switzerland, 5 Nov. 1919. The summary reads: I suspect the above connections have something to do with DeKay's role in the so-called League of Oppressed Peoples/Nations. DeKay was a member of its "Inner Council" and a main financial backer. The LOP had its origins in wartime New York, where Crowley had connection to it, as a German-sponsored anti-British body. Later is became a quasi-Soviet front." [19] "sino Judios los estafadores"Rosa-Cruz VII;1, 27.4.33. Arnoldo Krumm-Heller: "Hitlerianismo" ![]() ![]() ![]() English translation: HitlerismWhen the news reached Latin America that Hitler, a former worker, a defender of the right, and an impulsive fighter, had taken over the government of the German Reich, the implications were not fully understood. Most importantly, people did not grasp what this meant for the rest of the world and the possibility of extending this system to other countries.In America, the principle when a president changes is to hold one's position for as long as one wishes. In some republics, it is a matter of political parties, while in others, power struggles occur without higher goals. Even in Mexico, where we have only seen Marxist regimes since the death of the great Carranza, and where it was declared that the welfare of the people lay in Jewish emigration, there have been entire governments that were mere decorative figures, as there was only one dictator, a single person whose will prevailed. However, it must be noted that despite these dictatorships and their existence, progress was made, and what is coming happens at a great cost to the people. If we look at the press, there is a certain similarity between Mussolini's and Hitler's systems, but there is a significant difference between them. When Mussolini took power, the Italian king remained at the head of state, and the monarchical system continued. In Germany, however, it was the socialists who overthrew the Kaiser and established a system modeled after the French Revolution with the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. They fought for fourteen years against capitalism and tried to implement the most progressive socialist laws. Yet, the differences are not prepared for. There is a lack of resources, experience, and the necessary knowledge for good administration, and they spent disproportionately, paid reparations, and gave every unemployed worker (I am talking about seven million) the same without other difficulties, as if it were charity that had to be collected at the state's doorstep. A series of scandalous trials opened the eyes of the Germans to how public funds were embezzled, with an interesting detail: In 99% of cases, it was not the Germans but the Jews who were the fraudsters, and the Germans reaped the displeasure and lost the money. All money was withdrawn from assets and old savings, and what remained was the destruction of all resources. Republican and communist flags intertwined and were seen everywhere, with the same slogans as L.I.F. [libertad, igualdad, fraternidad]. But it was all just words... In reality, no one felt the freedom, equality, or fraternity. What mattered was to attain a position in the state to be, at least once, at those heights. Fraternity was particularly far removed from the thousands of deaths that the nation incurred due to political disputes. Equality cannot even be achieved within peoples themselves. It is all a matter of culture, and no culture can be pinned down to a phrase or slogan. It must be anchored in the heart of the people. In nature, there is no equality. Everything is different, and it is impossible to achieve this utopia in humanity. Everything in a people is distinct, specific, unique, and something intimate that cannot be denied. Hitler tried to defend the essence of the German people. He himself says that the German should be sacrificed in recent years by trying to adapt him to the French or English character, and even worse, to the American character. Neither the swing, nor the jazz band, nor chewing gum, nor the fashions are acceptable to the Germans, who have their own form. Not even the architecture of high-rises can penetrate the German people, who have their own architecture and thus a clearly defined individuality. Freedom is something highly desirable, but it must begin with ourselves. The Treaty of Versailles only brought further wars. Even the covert war between Japan and China led to additional conflicts. One must ask how such troubles arise and how it is legally permissible to pit two nations against each other. Well, all these farces will end, and the new type of the German path will be restored. Music, theater, and all distractions influenced by exoticism will return to the old, but still valid, way, and Wagner and Beethoven will regain their old and well-deserved preeminence. It is necessary that everything German regain its individuality within Germany. The emigrants follow a path that serves them as guidance, but they follow a different way. It is a bird of a different kind following a different path, and that is the problem. Germans who have emigrated to other countries, and citizens of other countries due to border separations, will have the right to feel again as part of their country and will be entitled to participate in elections. Hitler and his system will end all these fictional matters by clarifying that he represents neither a political party that is part of the government nor a new system. He represents the entire movement, which is philosophical and finds its own way. That is Hitlerism. The true character of Germany and each individual people and race is emphasized, and the individual “I” is highlighted. It is the restoration and recognition of the identity that has been diluted over years and centuries by other influences. Deutsche Übersetzung: HitlerismusAls in Lateinamerika die Nachricht eintraf, dass Hitler, ein ehemaliger Arbeiter, ein Verteidiger der Rechten und ein so impulsiver Kämpfer, die Regierung des Deutschen Reiches übernommen hatte, wurde nicht wirklich verstanden, was das bedeutet, und vor allem wusste man nicht, was das für den Rest der Welt und die Möglichkeit einer Ausweitung dieses Systems auf andere Länder bedeutet.Denn in Amerika ist die Devise beim Wechsel des Präsidenten, dass man seine Position so lange behält, wie es einem passt. In einigen Republiken ist es eine Frage der Parteien, in anderen kämpft man verzweifelt um Macht ohne höhere Ziele. Selbst in Mexiko, wo wir seit dem Tod des großen Carranza nur Regime nach dem Marxismus hatten und wo erklärt wurde, dass das Wohl des Volkes in einer jüdischen Emigration liege, haben ganze Regierungen existiert, die wahre dekorative Figuren waren, da es nur einen Diktator gab, eine einzige Person, deren Wille sich durchsetzte. Jedoch muss man bemerken, dass trotz dieser Diktaturen und trotz ihrer Existenz Fortschritte gemacht wurden, und das, was kommt, geschieht sehr auf Kosten der Menschen. Wenn wir die Presse öffnen, ist eine gewisse Ähnlichkeit zwischen Mussolinis und Hitlers System zu erkennen, aber es gibt einen großen Unterschied zwischen beiden. Als Mussolini die Macht übernahm, blieb der italienische König an der Spitze des Staates, und das monarchische System bestand fort. In Deutschland hingegen waren es die Sozialisten, die den Kaiser stürzten und ein System nach dem Vorbild der französischen Revolution mit den Prinzipien Freiheit, Gleichheit, Brüderlichkeit etablierten. Man kämpfte vierzehn Jahre gegen den Kapitalismus und versuchte, die fortschrittlichsten sozialistischen Gesetze zu praktizieren. Doch die Unterschiede sind nicht vorbereitet. Es fehlen die Mittel, die Erfahrung und die notwendige Wissenschaft für eine gute Verwaltung, und sie gaben unverhältnismäßig viel aus, zahlten Reparationen und gaben jedem Arbeiter ohne Arbeit (ich spreche von sieben Millionen) das gleiche ohne andere Schwierigkeiten, als ob es eine Wohltätigkeit sei, die vor der Tür des Staates eingesammelt werden müsste. Eine Reihe skandalöser Prozesse öffnete den Deutschen die Augen, wie öffentliche Gelder veruntreut wurden, und mit einem interessanten Detail: In 99 % der Fälle waren es nicht die Deutschen, sondern die Juden, die die Betrüger waren, und die Deutschen ernteten den Unmut und verloren das Geld. Alles Geld wurde aus dem Besitz und den alten Ersparnissen abgezogen, und was übrig blieb, war die Vernichtung aller Ressourcen. Die republikanischen und kommunistischen Fahnen verwoben sich und waren überall zu sehen, die gleichen Rufe wie L.I.F. [libertad, igualdad, fraternidad]. Aber es waren alles nur Worte... Tatsächlich fühlte niemand die Freiheit, die Gleichheit oder die Brüderlichkeit. Was zählte, war, eine Position im Staat zu erreichen, um wenigstens einmal auf diesen Höhen zu sein. Die Brüderlichkeit war besonders weit entfernt von den tausenden Toten, die die Nation die politischen Streitigkeiten gekostet haben. Gleichheit kann nicht einmal innerhalb der Völker selbst erreicht werden. Es ist alles eine Frage der Kultur, und keine Kultur kann an einem Satz oder einem Ruf festgemacht werden. Es muss im Herzen des Volkes verankert sein. In der Natur gibt es keine Gleichheit. Alles unterscheidet sich, und es ist unmöglich, diese Utopie in der Menschheit zu erreichen. Alles in einem Volk ist eigen, spezifisch, einzigartig und etwas Intimes, das nicht geleugnet werden kann. Hitler versuchte, das Wesen des deutschen Volkes zu verteidigen. Er selbst sagt, dass der Deutsche in den letzten Jahren geopfert werden sollte, indem man ihn versuchte, dem französischen oder englischen Charakter und noch schlimmer, dem amerikanischen Charakter anzupassen. Weder der Swing, noch die Jazzband, noch das Kaugummikauen, noch die Moden sind für die Deutschen akzeptabel, die ihre eigene Form haben. Nicht einmal die Architektur der Hochhäuser kann in das deutsche Volk eindringen, das seine eigene Architektur hat und damit eine klar definierte Eigenart. Die Freiheit ist etwas sehr Begehrtes, aber sie muss bei uns selbst beginnen. Der Vertrag von Versailles brachte nur weitere Kriege. Selbst der verdeckte Krieg zwischen Japan und China führte zu weiteren Konflikten. Man muss sich fragen, wie es sein kann, dass solche Scherereien entstehen und wie es rechtlich zulässig ist, zwei Nationen gegeneinander auszuspielen. Nun, all diese Farcen werden enden und die neue Art des deutschen Weges wiederherstellen. Musik, Theater und alle Ablenkungen, die vom Exotismus beeinflusst sind, werden den alten, aber immer noch gültigen Weg zurückfinden, und Wagner und Beethoven werden ihre alte und wohlverdiente Vorherrschaft zurückerlangen. Denn es ist notwendig, dass alles Deutsche seine Eigenart innerhalb Deutschlands zurückgewinnt. Die Emigranten folgen einem Pfad, der ihnen als Führung dient, aber sie folgen einem anderen Weg. Es ist ein Vogel einer anderen Art, der einem anderen Pfad folgt, und das ist das Problem. Die Deutschen, die in andere Länder ausgewandert sind, und die Bürger anderer Länder aufgrund der Grenztrennungen, werden das Recht haben, sich wieder als Teil ihres Landes zu fühlen und werden befugt sein, bei den Wahlen teilzunehmen. Hitler und sein System werden all diese fiktiven Dinge beenden, indem sie klarstellen, dass er keine politische Partei repräsentiert, die zur Regierung gehört, noch verkörpert er ein neues System. Er repräsentiert die gesamte Bewegung, die philosophisch ist und sich ihren Weg bahnt. Das ist der Hitlerismus. Der wahre Charakter Deutschlands und jedes einzelnen Volkes und Rasse wird betont und das individuelle „Ich“ hervorgehoben. Es ist die Wiederherstellung und Anerkennung der Identität, die über Jahre und Jahrhunderte hinweg durch andere Einflüsse verwässert wurde. Rosa-Cruz VII;10 dated 27.1.34. Arnoldo Krumm-Heller: "El Problema Judio y Jesus el Nazareno" ![]() English translation: The Problem of Judah and Jesus the NazareneAfter Hitler's book Mein Kampf, the Jewish problem has truly captured the attention of the whole world. However, the Rosicrucian point of view on this matter differs from the general perspective, since even in ancient manuscripts we have observed that certain elements were not accepted for specific reasons, which now oblige us not to overlook this issue.We maintain that many Jews, who consider themselves as such, are not, and we can even affirm that JESUS, the vessel of the CHRIST, was not a Jew. Let us take a look at history. The people of Israel were formed from the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, who occupied the territory we know as Palestine, such that the North was occupied by ten tribes and the South by only two, those of Judah and Benjamin. The latter were called Jews, while those in the North retained their designation as Israelites. This occurred about eight hundred years before the Christian era, when the captivity of the people of Israel ended, and then the true Jews went to the region we know today as the Desert of Judea, while those who occupied the North never returned and truly scattered throughout the world. In the regions of Galilee, we find hundreds of dolmens and stones inscribed with Nordic runes, which demonstrates that a Nordic people lived there, always in open conflict with the Jews. It is certain that the family of Jesus, known as Joseph and Mary, belonged to this people. Even the Jews, after having fought against the Messiah, told him so and threw it in his face. Now, just as Jacob had twelve sons, Jesus had twelve apostles, and also two, though one, Judas Iscariot, was a Jew. JESUS THE NAZARENE The physical characteristics of the Jew are: thick lips, large feet, and curly hair like that of Black people. These are the true Jews of an inferior race. Many of those we consider or who consider themselves Jews are not, even though they have followed the Mosaic religion for centuries. We do not accept true Jews, because they cannot be the vessel of the Christic Force. And since we know certain signs and marks on the hand, we can assure you that, as of now, we have none in the Rosicrucian fraternity. The Mosaic Law that the Jews truly followed said: "You shall not make for yourself a carved image, nor any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the waters." They adhere to these precepts and avoid having paintings, pictures, sculptures, or images in their homes. They never portray themselves and are, as a result, true hindrances to art. Since artistic conception is based on imagination, it is natural that a Jew does not fit into a fraternity that fosters artistic sentiment, which is a manifestation of God within us. This harmful Jew, to whom we refer, has infiltrated society like worms inside fruit, decomposing and disorganizing it. He always dreamed of taking over the world, and among them, they managed to form a secret society called "The Elders of Zion", which is responsible for many wars and much of the suffering endured by humanity. Millions of villagers have died of hunger in Russia, and when one studies who the organizers of this movement were, we see that it was Jews, always promoting conflicts and struggles, while the Nazarene always preached peace and concord, which is an anti-Jewish sentiment. Deutsche Übersetzung: Das Problem von Juda und Jesus von NazarethNach dem Buch von Hitler Mein Kampf hat das jüdische Problem die Aufmerksamkeit der ganzen Welt erregt. Die Sichtweise der Rosenkreuzer in dieser Hinsicht unterscheidet sich jedoch von der allgemeinen, denn in alten Manuskripten haben wir beobachtet, dass einige Elemente aus bestimmten Gründen nicht akzeptiert wurden, die uns nun verpflichten, dieses Thema nicht zu ignorieren.Wir behaupten, dass viele Juden, die sich für solche halten, es nicht sind, und wir können sogar behaupten, dass JESUS, das Gefäß des CHRISTUS, kein Jude war. Sehen wir uns etwas von der Geschichte an. Das Volk Israel wurde aus den Nachkommen der zwölf Söhne Jakobs gebildet, die das Gebiet besetzten, das wir als Palästina kennen, so dass der Norden von zehn Stämmen und der Süden nur von zwei, Juda und Benjamin, besetzt wurde. Letztere wurden als Juden bezeichnet, während die im Norden ihren Namen „Israeliten“ behielten. Dies geschah etwa 800 Jahre vor der christlichen Ära, als die Gefangenschaft des Volkes Israel endete. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt zogen die echten Juden in die Region, die wir heute als die Wüste von Judäa kennen, während diejenigen im Norden nie zurückkehrten und sich über die ganze Welt zerstreuten. In den Regionen Galiläas finden wir Hunderte von Dolmen und Steine, die mit nordischen Runen beschriftet sind, was zeigt, dass dort ein nordisches Volk lebte, das im ständigen Konflikt mit den Juden stand, und es ist sicher, dass die Familie Jesu, genannt Josef und Maria, diesem Volk angehörte. Selbst die Juden sagten ihm dies und warfen es ihm vor, nachdem sie den Messias bekämpft hatten. Nun, wie Jakob zwölf Söhne hatte, hatte Jesus zwölf Apostel, und auch zwei, obwohl einer, Judas Iskariot, Jude war. JESUS, DER NAZARENER Die physischen Merkmale des Juden sind: dicke Lippen, breite Füße und krauses Haar wie bei Schwarzen. Dies sind die echten Juden einer minderwertigen Rasse. Viele von denen, die wir als Juden betrachten oder die sich als solche betrachten, sind es nicht, obwohl sie seit Jahrhunderten die mosaische Religion praktizieren. Die echten Juden akzeptieren wir nicht, da sie nicht das Gefäß der Christus-Kraft sein können. Und da wir bestimmte Zeichen und Spuren an den Händen erkennen, können wir versichern, dass wir derzeit keine Juden in der Rosenkreuzer-Bruderschaft haben. Das mosaische Gesetz, das die Juden befolgten, sagte ihnen: „Du sollst dir kein Bildnis machen, noch eine Statue, noch eine Figur als Symbol von dem, was oben im Himmel ist, noch von dem, was unten auf der Erde ist, noch von dem, was im Wasser ist.“ Diese Gebote befolgen sie, und sie meiden es, Bilder, Gemälde, Statuen oder Skulpturen in ihren Häusern zu haben. Sie lassen sich niemals porträtieren und sind daher wahre Hemmnisse für die Kunst. Da künstlerische Vorstellungen auf Fantasie basieren, ist es natürlich, dass ein Jude nicht in eine Bruderschaft passt, die das künstlerische Empfinden, eine Manifestation Gottes in uns, fördert. Dieser verheerende Jude, auf den wir uns beziehen, ist wie ein Wurm in der Frucht in die Gesellschaft eingedrungen, sie zersetzend und desorganisierend. Er träumte immer davon, die Welt zu beherrschen, und unter ihnen bildeten sie eine Geheimgesellschaft, die „Die Weisen von Zion“ genannt wird, welche für viele Kriege und viele Leiden der Menschheit verantwortlich ist. Millionen von Dorfbewohnern sind in Russland verhungert, und wenn man untersucht, wer die Organisatoren dieser Bewegung waren, sehen wir, dass es Juden waren, die stets Streit und Konflikte förderten, während der Nazarener immer Frieden und Eintracht predigte, was im Gegensatz zum Judentum steht. To analyze this text scientifically, it's essential to address the content critically while emphasizing its problematic nature. The text includes numerous elements of anti-Semitic propaganda, misinformation, and harmful stereotypes. Below is a detailed analysis: Analysis of the TextTitle: The Problem of Judah and Jesus the NazareneHistorical Context and Claims: The assertion that the Rosicrucian perspective “differs from the general perspective” and that ancient manuscripts have specific reasons for excluding certain elements is vague and unsubstantiated. The Rosicrucians are a mystical and esoteric group, and attributing such views to them without clear evidence risks misrepresenting their actual beliefs. Identity and Historical Assertions: The assertion that “JESUS, the vessel of the CHRIST, was not a Jew” is historically inaccurate. Jesus of Nazareth is widely recognized as a Jewish figure based on historical and biblical scholarship. This statement is used to undermine the connection between Jesus and Jewish identity, reflecting a broader anti-Semitic agenda. Historical Misrepresentations: The assertion that Galilean dolmens and stones inscribed with Nordic runes prove a conflict between Nordic people and Jews is unfounded. There is no historical evidence supporting the idea that Nordic runes are related to Jewish history or that such a conflict existed. Physical Characteristics and Racist Stereotypes: The statement that “These are the true Jews of an inferior race” is explicitly racist. It reflects a belief in racial hierarchies and the dehumanization of Jews, which is a core feature of anti-Semitic rhetoric. Religious and Artistic Claims: The critique of Jews avoiding images and art due to adherence to Mosaic Law is misleading. The Mosaic Law’s prohibition of images is a religious and cultural practice, not a general hindrance to art. This argument is used to devalue Jewish culture and artistic expression unfairly. Conspiracy Theories: The claim that Jews were responsible for wars and suffering globally, including the deaths of villagers in Russia, is historically inaccurate and defamatory. Such claims are used to shift blame onto Jews for global conflicts and tragedies, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and biases. Conclusion This text is a prime example of anti-Semitic propaganda that combines historical revisionism, racial stereotyping, and conspiracy theories. It reflects a deeply problematic narrative designed to vilify and dehumanize Jewish people. In a scientific and academic context, such texts should be critically examined with a focus on exposing and challenging the falsehoods and biases they contain. It's crucial to provide accurate historical and cultural context to counteract the harmful effects of such propaganda. Rosa-Cruz VIII;7 dated 27.10.34. Arnoldo Krumm-Heller: "Una Cruzada del Budismo" ![]() ![]() Rosa-Cruz IX;2 dated 27.6.35. Arnoldo Krumm-Heller: "Buzón" ![]() ![]() Rosicrucian National Front?In 1935, the anti-american Arnoldo Krumm-Heller represented the Acción Revolucionaria Mexicanista in Berlin which showed a strong affinity to the German National Socialists (Nazis). 1937 he informed the school authorities about his plans to leave in spring 1938 for extended travels in America and that he intended to take his son Parsival with him. He did not have any plans to take his other son Moc (Cuauthemoc), in order "to guarantee" his education he had registered him with the Napola; Krumm-Heller signed: "Heil Hitler". [7] Arnoldo Krumm-Heller to the High School of Hennigsdorf, 1/6/1937: ![]() [From: 'Noch Mehr Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] The Napola (Nationalpolitische Erziehungsanstalt = National-Political College) was an elitist reformatory in the spirit of Hitler who formulated his educational purposes as follows: "In my order castles of youth will grow which the world will be frightened off. I want a violent, domineering, intrepid, cruel youth." [8] It appears as if Krumm-Heller had hoped to split up his beliefs, ideas and thoughts evenly between his sons, two versions of himself: Parsival, performing rather badly at school [9] was educated for the spiritual life and for travelling, while Cuauthemoc was sent to the school which raised "Hitler's heirs". The Napola was meant as the nursery school for the SS. Under the motto "Who obeys, can order" entire days were spent with marching and sports. The willingness to make sacrifices was trained with corporal punishment. "Comradeship until death" was instilled and followed up with the motto "men make history, we make the men". Nevertheless, dancing lessons, foreign languages and even lessons in gentlemanly behaviour were also part of the curriculum. The children were intoxicated with the ideology of racial selection and the idea that the Jewish culture was the main enemy of the Aryans. [10] At that time Krumm-Heller supported the Swiss "National Front", a fascist movement (1930-40) which hardened itself against "Bolshevism" and campaigned for the armament of the Swiss army. [11] "As Dr. A. Krumm-Heller reported, the ideas of the Nationalistic Action [Nationalistische Aktion] in Mexico found eager approval", (1939 the "Academy of the Rights of the Nations" [Akademie für die Rechte der Völker]). [12] ![]() [From 'Noch Mehr Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] In the issue of his magazine "Rosa-Cruz", 27th April 1933, he wrote inspired by Hitler being a stormy fighter of the working class whose ideas should be adopted by all countries. It was unfortunate, Krumm-Heller opined, that the press compared Hitler with Mussolini, as there was a big difference: Mussolini stripped the Italian King of his power whereas the Germans were rendered powerless by the socialists. Krumm-Heller saw two scapegoats: the Jews and the ideals of the French Revolution. In Krumm-Heller's eyes, The Hitlerianismo should create a new philosophy, that is a new German identity. He believed that the persecution of the Jew was a pure lie and he considered the pain of the Jews as a means for the good of the whole planet [context see documents above]. [13] He passed his political opinions on to his followers in South America: the fascist leader in Italy, Mussolini, the president of Turkey, Kemal Atatürk, and Hitler had "dado un nuevo y heroico impulso al mundo". [14] He even still went on: "Yo soy espiritualista amigo de la paz y por esi simpatico con Hitler, que frente a la militarizacion brutal de Rusia, es el único apóstol de la paz, el único que ha dado libertad y trabajo a un pueblo grande." [15] Krumm-Heller was forced to spend WWII in Berlin where by chance he happened to be at the outbreak of war. Alongside the Mexican flag, the Nazi's Swastika fluttered on his house's gable. [16] ![]() "Rosa-Cruz", 27th November 1932. [Full page in 'Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica' and here. Neither flag is depicted in this photo.] [Colored with AI] Aleister Crowley's DreamlandMartha Küntzel, born in 1857 (Sister 'Ich Will Es' — I want It) stumbled feverishly from one cult to another, until Crowley's 'Book of the Law' put her on the right path and was sustained in her last years by the Law of Thelema. Frau Küntzel's translation of "Liber AL" [= 'Book of the Law'] produced in 1925, of which she claimed to have delivered a copy to Hitler, met with neither Karl Germer's nor Henri Birven's approval; or so Germer passed on Birven's opinion to Crowley: "he calls her translations childish and silly". [17]Nevertheless, in the beginning of the 1940s when he read Hermann Rauschnings " Hitler Speaks" (1939) Crowley opined "Yes, it is astonishing how closely his [Hitler's] intimate thoughts run on the same rails". For example, when Hitler had said that "we are now at the end of the Age of Reason. The intellect has grown autocratic and become a disease of life" he seemed to paragraphe Crowley's Liber AL II;27-32, and when he had said "A new age of magic interpretation of the world is coming of interpretation in terms of the will and not the intelligence", he was similarly paraphrasing I;44 of Crowley's Book of the Law. On March 28th 1937 Crowley toyed with the idea of using Hitler's Swastika as a logo on Thelemic flags and porcelain on which to base a business. At exactly the same time, the Nazis set up a factory in Wewelsburg in order to put swastikas on its chinaware. Crowley got a fixation on Hitler. He scribbled in his copy of Rauschning's "Hitler Speaks" many comments that reveal how much he thought Hitler had taken over from Liber AL. On 4th February 1939 he dreamt "about Hitler & cigars & Magick & my horse Sultan. I was running Germany for him," because "Fascism must always fail because it creates the discontent which it is designed to suppress." On 2nd June 1939 he again dreamt. "I had several long talks with Hitler a very tall man. Forgot subject, but he was pleased & impressed: ordered all my books translated & made official in Germany". Diary 17 October 1939: "Hitler reported dead from a surfeit of raspberries". 24 January 1940 another dream with Hitler and "Phallic geometric pictures, Satanic parodies of diagrams" etc. On 29 July 1943, Crowley went to the movies to see a cartoon film: "Saw show of cartoons lampooing Mein Kampf, with appropriate quotations. Taken in these selected doses, what a masterpiece! And how patent & profound a debt he owes to AL!" After World War II he promptly u-turned his opinion: "Himmler, the Schweinhund [sic] & worse who put Karl Germer on Concentration Camps chiefly because he was my friend! killed himself after capture." Through Mrs. Küntzel, Arnoldo Krumm-Heller met Aleister Crowley in 1930. And Crowley was so enthusiastic about the Rosicrucian that he wanted to give him the leadership of the Ordo Templi Orientis in California in 1936. In vain. It is this branch of the O.T.O., the 'Caliphate', which nowadays presents itself as the only and true O.T.O. |
"Logos Mantram Magia", edition 2005.The 'Caliphate' promotes Krumm-Heller's work by publishing his 1930-book "Logos Mantram Magia" which is void of any anti-semitic attacks or pro-Hitler ramblings but with an introduction by Parcival Krumm-Heller and a whitewashed history account of Arnoldo Krumm-Heller's biography. |
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Nevertheless, the son of Krumm-Heller provides some connection of his father to the extremely racist Ordo Novi Templi (ONT). "In 1925, my father worked with Prof. Ernst Issberner-Haldane on the theories of
Plasmogenia and its relation to the origins of life." Parcival Krumm-Heller, one of Krumm-Heller's children (he also had Hiram Aguirre, Guadalupe, Cuauthemoc and Sieglinde) adds that Issberner-Haldane (1886-1966) was an Ariosophist and that his 1935 book "Arisches Weistum" was banned by the Nazis.
To no surprise: the Nazis considered all occult stuff to be dangerous to real Ariosophy. Nevertheless, racists like Liebenfels, Issberner-Haldane and Krumm-Heller survived Germany and Krumm-Heller even managed to travel to Brazil in the desastrous after-War situation in Germany. The Ordo Novi Templi was founded by Lanz von Liebenfels, "Der Mann, der Hitler die Ideen gab" (The Man Who Provided Hitler With Ideas) and the interested reader is referred to below sources:
The Swiss Head of the O.T.O., Hermann Joseph Metzger, also was interested in Liebenfels. Of course, Metzger also knew of Issberner-Haldane as both contributed to the Swiss occult magazin "Die Arve" where Metzger had published his first article. Issberner-Haldane, born 1886 died in 1966. In the early part of December 1950, Metzger described Liebenfels as "the last Grand Master of the Temple" and in his obituary - Liebenfels died on April 22nd 1954 — of June that year, Metzger spoke of his "unswerving faith and exalted virtue [...] all who knew him confirm their high opinion of him." Rudolf J. Mund, one of Liebenfels' adherents, visited Stein, the place of the Swiss O.T.O. Metzger's house-mate Anna Werder-Binder had only good things to say of Liebenfels: "He proposed a Law of Life [...] and for the preservation of the race. He was writing as a well-known race-hygienist in 1918." [20] Of course, Metzger considered himself to be the successor to Krumm-Heller's Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua. Read more on the Swiss O.T.O. as The Psychosophical Publishing Company. Further Reading
On-line Articles on the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua
A gallery of the protagonists. ![]() Endnotes[1] Krumm-Heller, Osmologische Heilkunde, Berlin 1955,101. [2] see above. [3] Hodder and Stoughton Limited, London 1922, 199-200. [4] John Gaster, dictated to Paul Sturges, letter dated 25 Mai 1995. Completely in P.R. König: Abramelin & Co. [5] Wilfried Kugel: "Der Unverbesserliche," Berlin 88/Düsseldorf 1992. [6] According to Krumm-Heller, he reached England on an English warship. [7] Krumm-Heller to the High School of Hennigsdorf, 1/6/1937, facsimile in König, "Noch mehr Materialien zum O.T.O.", 309ff. The leaving certificate of the 15-year-old Cuauthemoc: "It is a decent character, freshly and operationally [...] national-political education: well; area-sporty study group: well". [8] Hermann Rauschning: “Gespräche mit Hitler“, Zürich 1940, 237. [9] His sons' reports identify the "author Arnoldo Krumm-Heller" as citizen of Mexico. Copies in the possession of the author. [10] Johannes Leeb: "Wir waren Hitlers Eliteschüler", Hamburg 1998. [11] Beat Glaus: "Die Nationale Front", Zürich 1969. [12] Hans K.E.L. Keller: "Der Kampf um die Völkerordnung", Berlin 1939, 139; facsimile in König: Noch mehr Materialien zum O.T.O., München 2000, 315. [13] Rosa-Cruz VII;1, 27.4.33, 3ff. In Rosa-Cruz VII;10 dated 27.1.34, Krumm-Heller referred to Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in an article titled "El problemo judio y Jesus el Nazareno" [see scans above]. [14] Rosa-Cruz VIII;7 dated 27.10.34, 55. [15] Rosa-Cruz IX;2 dated 27.6.35, 16. [16] Interview with Ernâni De Paula, acquintance of Krumm-Heller and head of his Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua in Brazil, 28 May 1994. [17] Karl Germer to Aleister Crowley, 13.9.1929. [18] Richard Spence, email 27th September 2005. [19] Spence, email dated 28th September 2005. [20] "EOL–Mitteilungsblatt" 29, Zürich 1956, 6. ©: P.R. Koenig, 2005. Corrrection of the translation was provided by Kon Vlahos. This short article is an outline of my Der O.T.O. Phänomen RELOAD (2011) expanded with details from my books "Ein Leben für die Rose" (1995) and "Abramelin & Co" (1995). A lot of documents on Arnoldo Krumm-Heller and his Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua can be found either in my books or online at this website. The interested reader is referred to these for further background information. More about all this in: Andreas Huettl and Peter-R. Koenig: Satan - Jünger, Jäger und Justiz O.T.O. Phenomenon navigation page . main page . mail What's New on the O.T.O. Phenomenon site? Scattered On The Floor Browsing Through The Rituals |
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