![]() [Photos by Johannes Maikowski at the home of Eugen Grosche.] Walter Englert, was born on March 16th 1924 in Frankfurt at 9.13 a.m. "Mr. Englert was a Hitler Youth Gruppenführer, but shied away from wearing a uniform and went to the Weltanschauungsfragenbüro where he catalogued forbidden books. When he was 18 he was drafted and was in Stalingrad and afterwards with Manni Rommel in Africa where he was captured by the British and learned Arabic. When he was released he found a newspaper in Frankfurt that referred him to a spiritualist meeting and when he went there he came into contact with Eugen Grosche and furthermore dwarves live with him in his attic and his drugstore will be 100 this year. " [In his inimitable breathless way, Boris Polonski sums up his visits to Englert's drugstore. Polonski, for his part, was a member of the Caliphate in Germany. Email dated July 31, 2003.] ![]() Walter Englert's Drugstore in Frankfurt. [Coloured page from Andreas Huettl und Peter-R. König: 'SATAN — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz'] On December 29th 1962 Englert received the 13°, and on April 4th 1963 the 12° and 18° from Eugen Grosche. Erweiterungen zur Geschichte der Fraternitas Saturni. Fotos und Texte von und zu: Eugen Grosche, Der Berg Ipf, Der Putsch 1962, Wolf Rösler, E.P.H. Barth (?)/Amenophis, Karl Wedler, Margarete Berndt, Karl Spiesberger, Walter Englert, Guido Wolther, Walter Jantschik, Horst Kropp, Johannes Maikowski, Dieter Heikaus. "Effectively made 'homeless' by the sudden death of his Grand Master Gregor A. Gregorius," Englert was appointed into the "miner[v?]al collection at Stein" under the motto 'Telepharos' by E. Engeler "Angelus" on May 27th 1964; on May 29th that year he received the "Masonic light" from H.J. Metzger (Outer Head of the Swiss O.T.O.) himself in Zurich, in his 'Limmat zum Kompass' Lodge. On May 31st, he married his wife Uta at the 'Rose und Kreuz' church in Zurich, the union being blessed by Bishop "Josephus M+" (= Metzger), with his no doubt suitably non-denominational version of a priest's marriage blessing. |
On June 18th 1965 Englert was called by Metzger to the Companion degree, and on October 17th that year, on the occasion of his initiation into the 0° O.T.O. by Günther Naber "Beatus", he recieved a quotation from "Liber AL": "O azure-lidded woman, bend upon them!" (Ch.1 v. 19). On October 19th, Naber bestowed the Master's degree on him, and shortly after on the 22nd in Zurich, Metzger appointed him as X° for Germany; Emil Scheidegger was a witness. "The integrity of this witnessed, fully ratified document is not to be doubted."
![]() ![]() ![]() Englert brought Prosper Wilhelm Maurer (b. 20.6.1892) to Stein on June 20th 1966. From October 14th-18th that year Englert stayed at Stein to arrange for the founding of a lodge in Frankfurt. Then on November 11th, at 11 p.m. the 'Freiherr Adolf von Knigge' Lodge was brought into being by Annemarie Äschbach, Anita Borgert and Metzger at Frankfurt; and Messrs Paul Ruediger Audehm (Chancellor), his "closest friend" Englert (Master), and Peter Lerch (Delegate for Switzerland) were empowered to "work the First to Third Degrees." This lodge was registered with the authorities six weeks later as an O.T.O.-IO incorporated association. Yet only a year later, the 19 members of this lodge split from the Swiss. On May 2nd 1967, Gabriel Montenegro wrote enthusiastically to Günther Naber "Beatus": "Stein is indeed a little bit of heaven." Walter Englert then informed by Montenegro that he was nominated as not only X°, but also to be OHO through Metzger; this caused Montenegro to reply à propos of Metzger: "his attitude and his antics, soon raised within me the questionable, placing me on the defensive at all times. Furthermore, it was not long before I detected certain serious Thelemic errors in his modus operandi, which I could neither ignore nor accept" (30.11.1968). Later he added: "I believe Paragranus has had a great opportunity to in fact fill the Office of OHO, it would appear that he did not" (19.1.69). 30 November 1968: Montenegro informed Englert that he knew of NO active thelemic groups in the U.S. About this time Audehm distributed his "Dokumentation über einen Ordensschwindel" ("Documentation on a Fraudulent Order") in which he came to terms with Metzger's titles. His starting-point was the charter Metzger gave to Englert, Audehm and Lerch on November 11th 1966. "We, H. Josephus M., Frater Paragranus, Bearer of the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit of France, Grand Cross of the Order of Joachites, Profess-Knight of the Ordo Militiæ Templi Cruci [OMCT], Sovereign Grand Master General, O.H.O., Vicarius Ordinis of the Order of Oriental Templars, Sovereign Grand Master of the Order of Illuminati, Sovereign Grand Master General of the Fraternitas Rosicruciæ Antiqua, and Sovereign Patriarch Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ... [etc.]" ![]() On July 23rd 1968 Walter and Uta Englert, Audehm and Adolf Hemberger dropped Metzger as their OHO; Englert then took over as X°. Hemberger said of this: "OHO and X° can be one and the same person. If it's two, then the OHO plays the part of prime minister, the King [X°] that of state president." Montenegro wrote to Naber: "Englert [...] states that he was designated in your presence, not only as X° OTO, but also OHO: something which would give him world-wide jurisdiction? [...] Am I to understand a complete take-over is contemplated?". Naber to Montenegro: "To me it appears unjust to accept grades and offices from an O[rder]-Chief, and then to disqualify this chief whilst illegally continuing to confer those same grades and offices." ![]() ![]() On October 25th 1968, precisely six years after Karl Germer's death, Metzger took the initiative: "To all who have belonged to the Frankfurt group and registered society Ordo Illuminatorum!" Walter and Uta Englert, Audehm and Peter Lerch were stripped of the "right to appear or act in the name of the Order, or to use the Order's name for themselves or a group." The November 1966 warrant was annulled. ![]() ![]() Metzger took Englert to court four times altogether — and lost every case, even his lawsuit over the right to use particular names and titles, which was tried at the Federal Court in Karlsruhe. Hemberger appeared as an 'expert witness'. ![]() ➨ Context: Der Illuminaten Orden. On legal advice, Hemberger made a deposition in court on February 5th 1972 regarding copyrights and the rights to names, and made the following points: Since the Fraternitas Saturni under Metzger and Grosche had already incorporated the O.T.O. into itself as the 18th degree in 1951-2, "prior rights" came under discussion, with the intention of providing the O.T.O. with legal safeguards. Metzger had no claim on the rights in West Germany, and not even in Switzerland; as far as Germer's successors were concerned, their rights only covered English-speaking territories, since Reuss's Charter for Crowley only permitted this; and as the O.T.O. was incorporated as the 18° of the FS, lawful possessors of this grade could start and lead their own individual O.T.O. groups. |
The legal arguments demonstrated that neither the Swiss Abbey of Thelema nor the Psychosophical Society could be prosecuted for the 12,000 Deutschmark fine against the Ordo Illuminatorum. This latter, it appeared, had formed itself as an independent, sovereign society with its own funds. Nor could Metzger himself be sued, since the OI's statutes did not provide for membership-fees (this in contrast to the 1950 statutes).
Of particular interest is the court's finding on the amount in dispute of the claim for damages asserted by Metzger's Ordo Illuminatorum. The OLG Munich as well as the BGH consider a fictitious claim for damages of 1'000.- DM to be sufficient in the context of the determination of the amount in dispute and thus show which financial losses are at best conceivable for the plaintiff World Illuminati Federation as a result of the competing use of the association name Illuminati Order by Englert's group. [The amount in dispute is determined by the court in civil proceedings in order to be able to determine the court and attorney fees on the basis of a table.] |
[From: 'SATAN — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz']
Since this copy of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court comes from the possession of H.J. Metzger, his SOTOM seal and the stamp of the Illuminati Order can also be seen on the document. |
Englert permitted himself to be confirmed anew by Hemberger on March 14th 1991 as the leader of the O.T.O. and FS in Germany at least, since Englert "had won completely in every inclusive instance at the Federal Court" in his lawsuit against Metzger. |
Therefore: there is a legally registered O.T.O. in Germany since 1967. Unchallenged.
Hermann Joseph Metzger died on July 14th 1990.
Adolf Hemberger died on November 10th 1992. Englert died on May 29th 2011. Context: Order of the Illuminati Song of the Whitewash History of the Fraternitas Saturni Facsimiles in: Materialien zum O.T.O. Noch Mehr Materialien zum O.T.O. Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica Historical details in: Der O.T.O. Phaenomen RELOAD Legal details in: Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz |
![]() Kenneth Grant |
![]() John Symonds |
![]() Francis King |
![]() Karl Germer |
Items of Historical InterestIn 1930, Karl Germer sent a description of the Aleister Crowley LTD. to Fernando Pessoa.Aleister Crowley: This is the Last Will. Karl Germer, Louis Wilkinson and Lady Frieda Harris. National Grandmasters and OHOs of the O.T.O. Some background informationLawyers and Historians: The 'Caliphate' versus the Truth? — Introduction.The Maine Decision 1984 [to the disfavour of the 'Caliphate'] | The California Decision 1985 [to the favour of the 'Caliphate']. Purchase of the copyrights on Aleister Crowley from the Official Receiver (OR). The 1999 Particulars of Claim ['Caliphate']. Financial Reports 1996-1999 of the 'Caliphate'. Erraneous opinion on theInternational Copyright Situation. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. What the 'Caliphate' does not want you to know. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. Crowley's Probate. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. 'Caliphate' Capers. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. Based upon a draft by James Graeb. Structure, Constitutions and Money. Partly written by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. Anonymous: Burning Down The House. 'Caliphate', Argenteum Astrum, James Wasserman, Donald Trump — Written in 2021. Library of Congress, letter dated September 6, 2000. 2000, July: An analysis of the Bylaws of the 'Caliphate' and its Board of Directors. By James Graeb. 2000, July: Incorporation of O.T.O., Argentum Astrum and E.G.C.. 2000: "Caliphate-O.T.O. Win" and the The Writing on the Wall. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. Court Order of October 2000. James T. Graeb, co-founder and IX° of the 'Caliphate', a lawyer, calls the 'Caliphate' a "Puppet Show Piece" and files suit vs William Breeze, William Heidrick, Marcus Jungkurth et alii in 2001. The 2002 Ruling. The Summary so far. Ordo Templi Orientis - Trade Mark - Starfire Publishing Limited. Some ThingsCourt Case Hermann Joseph Metzger vs Walter Englert in the 1970s.1991 Opinion of a German prosecuting attorney's office on the body of the 'Caliphate'. Censorship in the UK. The 'Caliphate' Book Patrol: Fahrenheit 418. Paul Joseph Rovelli versus the 'Caliphate', New York January 2000. 1998, July 17 - 2000 October Austrian situation on Copyrights [German and English]. Trademark O.T.O.. By Leslie Anne Childress. 2007 'Caliphat' Kasino in Deutschland. Other BackgroundThe 'Caliphate'.Discussion about the instrument of succession. An introduction to the background, followed by a transcript of this discussion. Minutes of the 11 IX°s 'Caliphate' election in 1985 where it was clearly said that the 'Caliph' is not the juro OHO. Playgame of an O.T.O.-Fatamorgana — Statistics, Censorship, Name Dropping. 2011.
Traduzione italiana: La versione play-game di un O.T.O.-Fatamorgana Fetish, Self-Induction, Stigma and Rôleplay. 2011.
Traduzione italiana: Il feticcio, l’auto-induzione, lo stigma, il gioco di ruolo. Tlumaczenie polskie: Fetysz. Rytualy. Resocjalizacja: Tozsamosc przez stygmat. Autoindukowana schizofrenia. Odgrywanie ról. По русски: Фетиш, самоиндукция, стигма и ролевая игра. To the other Chapters of the English online version of "The O.T.O. Phenomenon" book O.T.O. Phenomenon navigation page | main page | mail What's New on the O.T.O. Phenomenon site? More about all this in: Andreas Huettl and Peter-R. Koenig: Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz Scattered On The Floor Browsing Through The Rituals
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