Fraternitas Saturni : Guido Wolther, Grandmaster Frater Daniel

Fraternitas Saturni
Guido Wolther
Frater Daniel

It was Guido Wolther aka Grandmaster / Frater Daniel (18°, 33°) who wrote several rituals of the Fraternitas Saturni. One 18° ritual full of blood and semen roused strong feelings when made public, while many of Wolthers' sex-magical drawings and writings did the rounds.

Erweiterungen zur Geschichte der Fraternitas Saturni. Fotos und Texte von und zu: Eugen Grosche, Der Berg Ipf, Der Putsch 1962, Wolf Rösler, E.P.H. Barth (?)/Amenophis, Karl Wedler, Margarete Berndt, Karl Spiesberger, Walter Englert, Guido Wolther, Walter Jantschik, Horst Kropp, Johannes Maikowski, Dieter Heikaus.

Guido und Miriam Wolther
Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni Guido Wolther

Miriam (Andrée Mériam) + Guido Wolther, Grandmaster Frater Daniel 18°, 33° Fraternitas Saturni.
[Colored with AI]

Guido Wolther:

Some of his sexmagical drawings.
Evokations–Symbole — Luciferische Hierarchie.
Sexualmagische Zaubermittel.
18° Gradus Pentalphae, 1971  [Text Version].
Zur Symbolik des Gradus Pentalphae  |  Das Prat-Alpha   |   Die Schlüsselworte, 1973.
Die Symbolik des 18°   [20 Zeichnungen von 1973].
Zum Gradus Pentagrammatus   [= Gradus Pentalphae].
Ritual des Alten und Mystischen Ordens der Saturnbrüderschaft "Ordo Mysticus Saturni" AMOS.·. OMS   [one of the many secret inner orders within the F.S., founded in 1968, see Der O.T.O.-Phänomen RELOAD]   [adoration of the sun].

Guido Wolther/Daniel

Relatively early in the 1960s, Wolther ceased to exercise his profession as a chemist but tried to gain his money as a freelancing bookseller, always at the border of the subsistence level. Attracted by what seemed to him "puzzling, disturbing and dangerous" at the same time he lead a bohemian life style together with his wife, the French Andrée Mériam Wolther (order name: Rahel; a jewess born in Bayonne who suffered under the Nazi regime and with whom he has a son, Patrick). As Grandmaster of the Fraternitas Saturni he obliged to the wishes of many potential clients (e.g. the academically spoiled occultist Adolf Hemberger) and produced scandalizing sexmagical drawings and eventually created an exotic reputation.

Without knowing exact biographical dates, a pluto-ritual celebrated by Wolther below the depth of the earth's surface might give hints to a unresolved and problematic relationship with his parents. In August 1962 and September 1963, allegedly Wolther and his wife tried to "bring forth the devil from Hell" in a "magnificant stalactite cave in 250 metres below the earth" with the help of burned antimon, uranium salt, thoriumoxyd, strontium and petroleum (a recepy received by Andrée Mériam in trance by "high saturnian intelligences").

Guido Wolther, Frater Daniel, Fraternitas Saturni - Evokations-Symbole, Luciferische Hierarchie

"We are attracted by the unreal and mysterious — we just "have to" ... We are driven to discover and to work —, work magickally. Who met us knows that we are no "esoterical fanatics" but that we know how to skillfully and scientifically thoroughly exercise our operations."
The prime mother is evocated with the "barbaric sounds". "Onia ... Heva!! Onia ... Chavah! Chavah! Heva!! Ino ... Rea! Ria! Rua! Oia! Uuu ... Nahema! Nahema! Uuu! Oie-Ona- Uuea-Uuu! Aie, Aonie, Lilith, Lilith! Lilith! Jahou! Juhooe! Jaaaaheluu! From the deepest depth cometh forth you forces of Pluto! Heareth my call in the depth, rise forth from the transuranos — transuranos — rise forth. Plutonian powers I enforce you to show yourself. Agiel be the mediator, Arratron be the mediator! I call Saturnus, guardian of the threshold, Saturnus, Saturnus, Saturnus open the door to transuranos. Open the door to transuranos. Uuuu Jiiii."

A female demon with the body of a scorpio and the face of a woman appears. Frau Wolther passes out. The demon's body becomes human and "raises his hand against my wife". Guido Wolther utters his needs: "Therefore I beg you for the power to reign over people — the power to be master of an organisation, of an occult society which represents the power on three levels — and this power I want to partake with my wife." But the demon gets upset because "the woman ... is going to betray you, little man". Exit prime mother.

Wolther's sexmagical drawings of the early 1970s consisted of the usual egpytian and hebrew symbols that can be found in western occultism. Wolther focused on awkard images of the penis and vagina. Similar to Johannes Göggelmann aka Saturnius, Wolther seemed to claim scientificity and authenticity in order to ascribe meaning to his private reality. His world wanted to go beyond the normal, he wanted to step over the threshold which causes death to others or "leaves them ill at body and soul".

Guido Wolther, Frater Daniel, Fraternitas Saturni - Evokations-Symbole, Luciferische Hierarchie

Wolther's occult career looks like a sort of an exorcistic ritual with which the protagonist tried to banish unbearable tension of the own existence in order to survive. Wolther's work "ended" in complete inwardness: there are no known drawings or writings after 1974. This can be seen in the context of his huge disappointment with the Fraternitas Saturni (as it is documented in the two volume serial on the FS: In Nomine Demiurgi Nosferati — The first volume is In Nomine Demiurgi Saturni).

Without knowledge of further biographical details (and because analytical interpreation of drawings and contents of rituals seem to be problematic nevertheless there are an astonishing amount of female demons both in Saturnius' and Wolther's world) there seems to be no parallel of occult world with the normal world, as it is possible in Walter Jantschik's universe. Especially there seems to be no turning back. After 1974 (?) he laid down his "instruments" in order never to use them again. Was/is the "creative work" of Wolther therefore a successful try of a self-recovery at the border of society?

Guido Wolther, Frater Daniel, Fraternitas Saturni - Evokations-Symbole, Luciferische Hierarchie

Grandmaster of the FS Walter Jantschik knew both, Saturnius and Wolther personally. "Daniel and Saturnus achieved tremendously with their magical researches. It is to assume that their creative work represented a sort of ritual getaway from unbearably being in a bourgeois and boring society. Of course they did not identify with this society: they always complained that there are no suitable individuals for a true magical work and who could continue the MAGICAL WORK." (24 August 1998).

Vague similarities between Wolther's painted women and some of those of the english Hammer Studio Productions, e.g. "The Reptile", directed by John Gilling, 1965 and "The Gorgon", Terence Fischer, 1964.Hammer Studio Productions,

Drawings are taken from the print version of Abramelin & Co. and In Nomine Demiurgi Nosferati.
Of similar nature: Die GOTOS-Büste. Winke, Anregungen und Ratschläge für die Brüder und Schwestern der Loge Fraternitas Saturni.

More in: The Templar's Reich — The Slaves Shall Serve. Hanns Heinz Ewers — Lanz von Liebenfels — Karl Germer, Arnoldo Krumm-Heller — Martha Kuentzel — Friedrich Lekve — Hermann Joseph Metzger — Christian Bouchet — Paolo Fogagnolo — James Wasserman.

In Nomine Demiurgi Homunculi.

Fraternitas Saturni

The third volume on the Fraternitas Saturni. Johannes Maikowski: Fremdenlegionär, Gefangener im Stasi-Gefängnis Berlin Rummelsburg, Zweimal Grossmeister, Communitas Saturni und Communitas Solis, Grossloge Gregor A. Gregorius/GAG. Eugen Grosche: Bittere Nachkriegszeit, Die Stasi-Akten, Alt-Nazis in der Loge. Karl Wedler: Der Kelch, Die Palastrevolution, Die Kopiermaschine. Sexualmagische Unruhen um den 18°. Experimente mit Johannes Göggelmann und Horst Kropp. Der Ordo Saturni von Dieter Heikaus. Grossmeister und Stagnation: Guido Wolther, Walter Jantschik, Stanislaus Wicha, Joachim Müller, Heinz Conrad, Hartmut B., Ralph-Peter T. Zusammenschluss der GAG mit der F.S. Die Logendämonen: Der Meister GOTOS — Egregor? Exorial.
Und: Wolf Rösler, Wilhelm Uhlhart, Richard Tschudi, die Elixiere des Teufels, die Tropfsteinhöhle in Frankreich, Walter Englert, der Berg Ipf, Horst Knaut, Adolf Hemberger, das Saturn-Kloster, Michael Gebauer, Martin S., Federico Tolli, Calix Borealis

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See also: Andreas Huettl and Peter-R. Koenig: Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz

In Nomine Demiurgi Saturni 1925-1969    First installment of 400 pages of saturnian documents
In Nomine Demiurgi Nosferati 1969-1998   Another 400 pages dealing with the History of the F.S.
In Nomine Demiurgi Homunculi    Further 420 pages about the F.S.
Context: Peter-R. Koenig: Der O.T.O. Phänomen RELOAD



Fraternitas Saturni

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