Secrets of the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) – Aleister Crowley, Theodor Reuss
Touto esti to sperma mou. Ho pater estin ho huios dia to pneuma hagion.
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Aleister Crowley, Theodor Reuss, Hermann Joseph Metzger, Chevalier Le Clément de St.–Marcq, Austin Osman Spare, Spermo–Gnosis, Ordo Templi Orientis, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, Episcopus Vagans, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Michael Bertiaux, Guido Wolther, Johannes Maikowski, Amrita, Transgender
The Technology of Sex
The structure of the O.T.O., like that of Freemasonry, is based on a staged series of initiations or degrees.
The essence of the
Ordo Templi Orientis
is in its higher degrees; strictly speaking only members of these degrees are considered to be
members of the O.T.O. proper
VII°: adoration of the phallus, both within and without. In this contextual framework, Jacques Lacan's elucidation of the phallus comes to mind, wherein he defined it as a symbolic construct encompassing the implications of authority, power, castration, and symbolic arrangement within the sphere of psychoanalysis. The phallus transcends the boundaries of male genitalia (penis) and functions as an emblem of societal power dynamics, value systems, and paradigms of recognition. This conceptualization of the phallus operates not within the confines of physical anatomy, but rather within the domain of symbolic significance and socio-cultural structure. Ultimately, even language itself can be construed as bearing phallic attributes, particularly when perceived as a conduit of expression harmonizing with this overarching conceptual framework.
VIII°: interaction outside the closed vessels of the vagina and the anus. Sexual fluids might be mixed with saliva and then rubbed into the absorbent tissues of the anus and perineum, as well as the external correspondences to the chakras (solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). They also might be used to anoint the internal anus, then transferred as
triune elixir
(semen, anal elixirs, and saliva) back to the mouth. The fluids may also be anointed on the eyelids and/or the entire cabbalistic middle pillar.
IX°: interaction within the vagina involving either menstrual blood or the secretions of a woman when sexually aroused.
X°: impregnation and fertilisation of an egg; also the act of creation or succession (for example, the election of the Outer Head of the Order / O.H.O.).
XI°: two–fold
— (i) isolation in the anus where there is no interaction at all
— (ii) interaction with excrement and small amounts of blood (when small wounds occur through intercourse), mucus and, of course, the mucous membranes that lead directly to the blood supply.
Aleister Crowley
’s own preference was that
"I am inclined to believe that the XIth degree is better than the IXth degree"
, diary entry of 26th August 1916. Diary 1913 about a boy showered with
"foaming seed"
"While the other in his orgasm receives the waters." "Let it be no sin to us to have buggered the virle bum." "While the priest thrusts his thyrsus between boyish buttocks, All is accomplished; come Holy Dove!"
("The Equinox" IV;2, Maine 1998, 405.)
The 1919 portrait of
drawn by Aleister Crowley:
foetus per anum
Degrees could also be of a purely administrative nature. See the
of the Special Ninth Degree Caliphate Election Held September 20/21, 1985.
More about this new American O.T.O.:
But like some free variation of a
Monty Python sketch
, in the O.T.O. sexual magick always came down to semen in the end — more recently it has been more prosaically compared to a pre–formatted computer hard–disk ready to be loaded with software and used at will.
"The industrial use of Semen will revolutionize human society"
; journal 8th August 1923.
His instructional text
, dated 23rd January 1933, defines the use of semen as a remedy for
"Asthma, Bronchitis, Neurasthenia, Obesity, Stricture, Some cardiac distress, Greying hair, Loss of interest in sex,"
reprinted in
O.T.O. Rituals and Sexmagick
(Anthony Naylor, ed.) London 1999, p. 412.
To avoid any danger of being charged with quackery, the current American O.T.O. or
denies it makes medicinal use of this
Elixir of Life
, and claims that it
"does not practice medicine"
(as noted in ‘Thelema Lodge Newsletter’, Berkeley, September 1993).
For sacramental purposes, this O.T.O. uses hosts made from honey, meal, and wine–lees, called
Cakes of Light
(which may however contain small quantities of blood or semen:
"ashes from burned cakes of light prepared according to AL III;23
would be acceptable as an additional ingredient"
) (Supreme Grand Council meeting, April 3, 1993).
According to Crowley these
might also include menstrual fluids, but
"In my Mass the Host is of excrement"
; diary 5th July 1920 — magically speaking, blood and excrement attract spirits, while sperm keeps them alive. He also noted in his diary on May 30, 1923 that
"The Dalai Lama is right to have the faithful eat his excrement."
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Between 1963 and 1967 the
Swiss O.T.O.
(umbrella name:
Psychosophische Gesellschaft
) used a total of 3,000 genuine Catholic hosts obtained from a convent, in their Crowleyan Gnostic Masses; the incense also being opportunely supplied by the Chief Sacristan of St. Gallen Cathedral, while their sacramental wine came straight from the Bishop’s private cellars.
There are other parts of O.T.O. doctrine that could damage its PR image: for instance a requirement for a frog to be crucified in an O.T.O.–related ritual (part of a 1916 version of the VI°) or advice given to members in 1919 that they should look on those without the pale of the Order as inferior beings. Of course more current O.T.O. policy (from 1999) claims that
"OTO does not now encourage its members to treat those outside the Order as inferiors who possess no rights."
But there are blatantly anti–democratic elements in the various O.T.O. constitutions and rules, and
anti–semitic statements
in instructional texts that would certainly curtail religious freedoms if they were ever applied, just to mention a couple of examples.
Theodor Reuss
went even further in 1920: he proclaimed that within the O.T.O. community the use of money was henceforth to be forbidden, and that every member over 18 was obliged to work daily; those refusing the tasks were to be
punished by forced labour
. In Reuss’s O.T.O. utopia, each child was brought up by the community;
under parental supervision would teach children from the earliest age on that the sex–organs were holy (maybe the origin of Crowley’s 1921 idea that even babies should be exposed to sex:
"Moreover, the Beast 666
adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act."
(Israel Regardie: The Law is for All, Arizona 1975, 114.) And again:
"Let children educate themselves to be themselves. Those who train them to standards cripple and deform them."
‘On the Education of Children’ in The Revival of Magick, Tempe 1998). Those found incapable of producing healthy offspring by a
medical board
were not allowed to breed, while those who produced children despite this decree would be punished by forced labour.
All of this could damage O.T.O.'s public image.
An Extended Commentary on THE BOOK OF THE LAW
by Aleister Crowley"
Edited with an Introduction
By Israel Regardie
Arizona 1975.
"Moreover, the Beast 666
adviseth that all children shall be accustomed from infancy to witness every type of sexual act."
[page 114]
These extreme ideas have not survived in modern versions of the O.T.O., if indeed they were ever espoused beyond Reuss’s and/or Crowley’s various propaganda pronouncements.
Aleister Crowley maintained that the task of his Ordo Templi Orientis was
"to restore Christianity to its real status as a solar–phallic religion."
(letter from Crowley to
William Bernard Crow
(1895–1976), dated 11th November 1944). But if the O.T.O.’s initiatory system is little more than an over–elaborate bureaucratic game, it does have a religious association as part of its framework: the
Gnostic Catholic Church
In 1906, the Chevalier Le Clément de St.–Marcq published a booklet called
Sacred Spermatophagy
. It described what Reuss called the
ultimate secret
of the O.T.O.’s religious aspect: the more sperm you ate, the more the manifestation of the Christ took place within you: no women were necessary for that. This consumption of sexual secretions borders on a form of sacred cannibalism, effectively assimilating selected individuals possessed of awe–inspiring powers, to neutralise or even enslave them. The Gnostic aim is to release humanity from its stifling entanglement with the physical universe, and to help the pure Spirit in its return to its Divine potential.
One thing all these
within most of the O.T.O.’s many variants have in common, is their reduction of sexuality down to male physiology alone.
Crowley: Chapter 35 of The Book of Lies, which after condemning the female body as
" states,
"the Lingam and the Yoni are but diverse developments of One Organ"
. In the comment to the chapter, Crowley refutes any appearance of egalitarianism. Placing the female in a distinctly inferior position, he writes,
"the female body becomes beautiful in so far as it approximates to the male. The female is to be regarded as having been separated from the male, in order to reproduce the male in a superior form"
Having an orgasm simply out of lust is eschewed, unless ejaculation is avoided, or the attention is wrenched away from the imminent orgasm and diverted onto wishes that, under the circumstances, appear drearily mundane: in Crowley’s case the object was almost invariably money. Sperm was the entire focus. In the enthusiastic high of genetic and gnostic male superiority, femaleness vegetates in a bizarre no–man’s–land of androgynous necessity and complex superfluousness.
The female Logos remains mute or
in a thimble
In the O.T.O.’s Gnostic Mass (Aleister Crowley’s
Gnostic Catholic Mass
Liber XV — Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon Missæ
) the host is called a
Cake of Light
and is supposed to contain the Logos; this Gnostic host’s ingredients may include sperm, blood and vaginal secretions. Cakes of light are made and consecrated outside the ritual of the Gnostic Mass itself, but not with the intention of transsubstantiation. Instead, a deity is conjured to subsist within each cake of light, known as the
— more specifically an aspect of Horus is invoked as a sort of alchemical homunculus, rather than Osiris or the cognate Christ. The cake is transmuted or changed in form, as a passage in Crowley’s Mass asserts, by the chemical processes of digestion after it is swallowed. Transsubstantiation, on the other hand, is a change of essential quality without change of form. Transmutation is a physiological process, transsubstantiation a non–physical one. Thus, a cake of light is transmuted as it is swallowed, to afford a character appropriate to the
"miracle of the Mass"
: it is effectively a sex–magical medium for the participant’s Will (the ritual itself can be interpreted as a mirror of the perpetual creation of the Universe). Similar passages can be found in the VIII° ritual of the ‘Caliphate’ O.T.O.:
"and, forasmuch as meat and drink are transmuted in us daily into spiritual substance, I believe in the Miracle of the Mass.
This is the Blood and the Body of the Logos."
Consumption, or at least bodily contact with the host is absolutely necessary. Some say it is not the host that is changed, but the consumer of that host who is transformed through its contact with their mouth, saliva, and stomach acid. This transformation is hence a unification of the host with its consumer. The thelemic host changes the consumer — unlike a Roman Catholic host, which is said to change its invisible essence (absorbing the real presence of Christ) without a change in its appearance or chemical qualities. If a host were to be both transmutated and transsubstantiated into
the body and blood
, it would theoretically become a gobbet of actual bleeding flesh.
Aleister Crowley, diary 30th June 1920:
"When I was
Levi, I drew myself as Ayin or Baphomet, ‘The Devil’, with the Beast’s Head. This is the Beast throned, crowned, exalted; the leaper, the erect, the butter–in. Her womb is my city, Babel. This Ayin is then my Phallic Will, my Holy Guardian Angel, Aiwaz, who was afterwards called Satan."
Crowley’s diary 19th/20th January 1918 on Baphomet:
"I find 729 = the curse of Satan! Of course."
The name
is used to signify the
or semen. This is the
of the phallus in which its life–force is concentrated. The Phallus is also the
(in Crowley’s
Gnostic Catholic Mass
) and the semen is the
that continues its existence from generation unto generation. Baphomet as semen is also the Holy Ghost, the continuity between the Father and the Son, and one part of the matter of the Sacrament. This is the Holy Spirit on the Inner.
Baby’s Baphomet ‘Onesie’
as sold by
The technical term for a Gnostic Catholic bishop in the context of the O.T.O. Phenomenon is as one of the
'Episcopi Vagantes'
, otherwise a
'Wandering Bishops'
This status is not defined by their character, abilities, education or theological position. Such bishops are neither elected by a canonical church, nor proposed as an ordinand by a suffragan, nor bound to an historical episcopal see or consecrated by an official bishop according to accepted canonical procedure. A real bishop is not the successor of a sole apostle because only a synod or college of bishops in toto is considere an heir to the apostles in both Catholicism and other episcopal denominations. Therefore, orthodox churches assert no Wandering Bishop has a real apostolic succession because the Holy Ghost is not thought to have been present at their consecration, and their documentation or
instrumentum consecrationis
has no apostolic value.
Nevertheless, Wandering Bishops are assiduous collectors of papers and diplomas in the hope that at least one of the consecrations they record has
. In this context, Reuss tried in vain to make Crowley’s
Gnostic Catholic Church
"official religion for Freemasons"
in 1920.
In the introduction to his edition of the 'Ecclesiæ Gnosticæ Catholicæ Canon Missæ', (Zürich 1955, p.4) Swiss O.T.O. leader Hermann Joseph Metzger claimed he had the
"Antiochite–Jacobinic Succession, Syro–Malabarite Line of Mar Athanasius"
. Today, newer O.T.O. groups like the ‘Caliphate’ try to
continue this tactic.
Touto esti to sperma mou. Ho pater estin ho huios dia to pneuma hagion. AUMGN. AUMGN. AUMGN.
The sexual ideas of the
Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua
(F.R.A.) are based on the aversion to ejaculation, and its leader Arnoldo Krumm–Heller’s
Gnose and Hitlerianismo
remained largely Christian and
in nature.
As a firm believer in homeopathy, Krumm–Heller followed a strictly ascetic version of sex–magic using the Christian Gnostic text the 'Pistis Sophia' as his guide. There are no spermo–gnostic passages in his ceremonies and
, no invocation of Kyrios Phallos or mystic–tantric re–creations of the universe in the rituals. He was however, every bit as mysogynistic as his spermo–gnostic confrères:
"The prostate is the power of creation while the uterus is only the vessel: women therefore only imitate creation."
Also Crowley believed that only
"man is the guardian of the Life of God; woman but a temporary expedient; a shrine indeed for the God, but not the God."
conquered his
holy grail
coitus reservatus
Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn:
The Gnostics
. — About the Gnostic Catholic Church, Androgyn + Gynandria, and the
immissio membri virilis in vaginam
in avoidance of the
ejaculatio seminis
Austin Osman Spare
, born in London in 1886, became a member of Aleister Crowley’s
Argenteum Astrum
and contributed some of his drawings to Crowley’s periodical 'The Equinox' in 1910. In 1913 he published 'The Book of Pleasure (Self–Love): The Psychology of Ecstasy', in which he explained how he tried to conjure thought–forms to manifest visibly and to communicate with the unconscious and the world beyond. For this he used a method somewhat similar to the
automatic writing
and drawing techniques used by the Surrealists, where the hand
lets a line go for a walk
, drawing or writing without using the conscious mind.
The sigils and emblems thus produced formed the letters of Spare's so–called
Alphabet of Desire
claiming that
"each letter in its pictorial aspect relates to a Sex principle."
The basis of this alphabet, together with many early examples of the letters composing it, is given in Spare’s 'The Book of Pleasure' where he described his use of art and sex to explore the subconscious mind.
Kenneth Grant, being his literary executor, and Steffi Grant:
Spare’s sigils were created quite straightforwardly: for example if you wanted power, you wrote out the word “POWER” and then eliminated all the vowels, then combined the remaining consonants P, W and R into a monogram–like sigil as symmetrically as possible.
Spare’s magic was analogous to that taught by Crowley in his
Ordo Templi Orientis
. When visualized while one is sexually aroused, the sigil supposedly stirs the subconscious and a corresponding image arises in the mind; eventually communication with the supernatural world starts — or one’s wish is fulfilled — though consciousness of that wish is said to interfere in this process. Spare called this forgetting of one’s original desire during magical evocation
"union through absent–mindedness"
and he advocated the yogic method of emptying the mind of all but the sigil. The sperm produced during orgasm was used to anoint the sigil, which was then was buried in a box or urn. Spare admitted he
"copulated merely with the atmosphere, or rode
whores, witches and bitches of all kinds, there being few virgins"
— in other words, Spare practised magical masturbation.
Kenneth Grant: "IMAGES & ORACLES OF AUSTIN OSMAN SPARE", London 2003, page 17.
Similar drawings by
Fraternitas Saturni
Guido Wolther
Johannes Goeggelmann
Nevertheless, Spare remained cautious about those who
"praise ceremonial magic and are supposed to suffer much ecstasy! Our asylums are crowded and the stage is over–run. Is it by symbolizing that we become the symbolized? Were I to crown myself King, should I be King? Rather should I be an object of disgust or pity."
Spare died in poverty–stricken obscurity in 1956, but today is very influential among a number of mainly UK–based occult groups like the so–called
Chaos Magic
movement and the
Typhonian Order
(the English O.T.O.) founded by Kenneth Grant.
Alastair Campbell + a poem by his partner, Ann Campbell: 'The Minotaur'.
Page 40 of 'Starfire' Vol I, No.1, journal of the Typhonian Order, published in April 1986.
Grant’s Typhonian Order (sometimes called the
Typhonian O.T.O.
) is concerned with acting on transmissions and communications from beings in
outer space
to open up what it calls
The Typhonian
oversee specific ‘operations of psycho–physical alchemy’ — sex–magic, in other words — using certain subtle essences or elixirs said to be secreted (or excreted) by the vagina, which Grant (adopting a Tantric term) called
. Its formula is supposedly that of the XI°, but as these kalas are entirely absent from the masculine organism, it differs greatly from
Crowley’s XI°
The Typhonian Order cannot easily be compared with other O.T.O.s, mainly because there are no group rituals or ceremonies of initiation at any stage of its degree structure, the basis of initiation being the direct assimilation of magical and mystical working. It follows that all Typhonian initiation is in effect self–initiation, though there is a small amount of set grade–work; the emphasis is on the initiate charting his or her own course, though there is of course the experience of others to draw upon.
The Typhonian Order also received some limited inspiration from Chicago–based occultist Michael Paul Bertiaux, who explained the structure of his own
Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua
in 1987:
"The next Aeon will be male homosexual (Typhon) and lesbian (Ma'at formula) strongly."
In Bertiaux’s 16–degree O.T.O.A. system, sex–magic starts with the VIII° (linked to the Tarot suit of swords), IX° (cups), X° (wands), XI° (coins). The higher grades are related to the tattwas and the elements: XII° (prithiwitattwa), XIII° (apastattwa), XIV° (vayutattwa), XV° (tejastattwa), XVI° (akashatattwa), these latter four being purely homosexual in practice.
Michael Bertiaux
's AIDS table of 1987:
The phallic secret of the letters O.T.O.
The same in the 18°–ring of the Fraternitas Saturni
Eugen Grosche, founder of the
Fraternitas Saturni
, Berlin 1960:
It was
Guido Wolther
a.k.a. Grandmaster/Frater
(18°, 33°) who wrote several rituals for the
Fraternitas Saturni
in the 1970’s. One 18° ritual full of blood and semen roused strong feelings when it circulated, while many of Wolthers' sex–magical drawings and writings were exposed to disapproving scrutiny at the same time.
Wolther’s drawings
contained the usual Egyptian and Hebrew symbols found in much western occultism, but also featured clumsy sketches of sex–acts, penises and vaginas. Like
Johannes Göggelmann
, Wolther sought to claim scientific authenticity for his works, in an effort to lend some greater meaning to his private fantasies. He imagined his world went beyond the normal, stepping over the threshold which causes death to others or
"leaves them sick in body and soul."
Johannes Maikowski
, who had been a member of the Fraternitas Saturni since the 1950s was appointed by Eugen Grosche as his successor and Grand Master of the Lodge in December 1963. He was re–elected by his own adherents in 1964/65.
"It is the exhalation, the orgasm that is at the centre."
The sperm is osmotically
"absorbed by a knowing woman,"
who stores it
"in her OMEGA cells. And that is what gives both partners the power and the light."
"'Light and power' naturally accompany both the woman’s orgasm and the man’s sperm. If a man pours himself into a currently infertile woman, everything is still OK in the sense of S
[S = It, one of the Gnostic deities in Maikowski’s pantheon]
. Both sexes have had their pleasure; for the orgasm of the woman, like the ejaculation of the man, resembles a rocket engine that hurls a rocket up into the realm of deity or godhood; for gods that have emerged from mature human beings (see Manisola) can assume greater responsibility and power than an ordinary human being. The accidental pouring of sperm on a piece of laundry does not hinder the spiritual event associated with joy. The event of the increase of light and power is spiritual. Understood in this spiritual way there is of course no 'waste'. For it is not matter that is responsible for the spiritual event, but JOY. Therefore we have the beautiful saying: LOVE plus JOY = KNOWLEDGE. — The place of the OMEGA cells in the woman is, as far as I know, in the system of the 7 light centres along and within the spine, along which we as men and as women ascend into the Light of the deity Idéa
[one of Maikowski’s Gnostic deities]
, which is brighter than any sunlight. Of course lesbian women are also capable of orgasm when their naked underbellies touch each other. These orgasms are of course also rewarded with supernatural light from S."
Maikowski continues:
"Women who are forced into prostitution will certainly be rewarded with excess light due to the large amount of sperm they store in their omega cells and the orgasms that are very often triggered despite the force, which is certainly diminished by the force. She could still become more intelligent. But the term ‘powerful’ is used completely wrongly here. Because we are not striving for power. It’s only for the fools who haven’t yet learned or understood the truth as you and I know it."
Maikowski’s Gnostic revelations do not call for the constant repetition of fixed rites and rituals (as in the O.T.O. or the F.S.), but are meant as metaphors for a continuous strategy of illumination.
In the course of his life, Maikowski has experienced multiple visions, some of which contradict each other — but each fresh revelation only throws him into renewed efforts to make all his previous insights agree with each other. With his world–view in such a constant state of flux, it is no surprise that he frequently founds new lodges and orders, or renames those he has already set up, while being in a constant process of writing and rewriting rituals and doctrinal materials, which often differ only in the nomenclature used.
In the rapid stream of his ever–changing world–views, there are sometimes statements such as,
"Woman serves at best for lust and the service of man, for lust gives the power and the supernatural light that youth signifies. Only man is spiritually equal
[to the light]
and, thanks to his Ruling Staff, predestined by lust to power and supernatural light"
— which of course can soon evaporate again.
"I, as a
, teach that my lust is the most important thing in sexual intercourse, and all the more so when it comes to the reproduction of loving partners; for lust combined with the man’s lust in the exercise of power over the girl and the ejaculation in sexual intercourse gives the man the Over–Light."
Maikowski, who styles himself as a
and author, once wrote an extreme–hardcore pornographic science–fiction novel which described any and every kind of legally dubious sexual practice, perversion and paraphilia — purely in the spirit of gnosis, or so he claimed. It is such a very ‘dirty’ book that even quoting excerpts from it here would only possible in a version so heavily censored as to be meaningless: Maikowski himself admits the practices and incidents described in his novel are criminal. It just reads like an imitation of the more mechanical parts of de Sade's books when the Marquis's invention was flagging, so he started in on the
Grand Guignol
Perhaps the only thing one can safely mention about the novel is that it contains a spaceship powered by orgone energy; ‘orgone’ being the term coined by Wilhelm Reich (1897–1957) for his postulate of an initially biological, though later primordial, form of cosmic energy, which he claimed to have discovered in the late 1930s.
Eugen Grosche also experimented with it by sitting inside an
Orgone Energy Accumulator Box
to recharge his spiritual and physical batteries.
"I have never had the slightest interest in magic, nor do I today, because I am a mystic and teach my students the direct knowledge of the truth, that is, of the deity. He who follows me does not believe, need not believe anything, but knows, for the way within reveals all knowledge to us."
Maikowski is still convinced he is the only legitimate successor to Eugen Grosche although he rejects the Crowleyan and Thelemic slogans of the old Fraternitas Saturni i.e.
"Love is the Law – Love under will – Pitiless Love"
"Do what thou wilt"
[ = 'Thelema' according to Aleister Crowley].
The term
denotes the male or female variations of a species, especially as differentiated by social and cultural rôles and behaviour; the term
represents the biological aspect of the sexes, also including the context of semen and spermatozoon.
Increasing awareness of the often clichéd occult tropes of sexuality, gender, male, female (and indeed the entire esoteric topography of the sexes and their various representations, together with spermo–gnosticism and sex–magic) have recently come under closer scrutiny in connection with transgenderism.(The term
is mostly used in the psychiatric fields of the USA).
Besides the various O.T.O. groups getting more public attention in new media, new mindsets and guidelines on gender–specific issues have emerged ro affect the traditionally rigid rôles still often inherent in occultism. Here the O.T.O. stands out, because on the one hand it propagates a type of religious transcendence, while on the other it still mimics traditional clichés in its rituals.
Gnostic Catholic Mass
Liber XV Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae
) poses some knotty questions over the status of sperm and transgender people.
Some Crowley adherents simply transfer the biological aspect of semen and sperm, as well as the question of gender, to the symbolical level, where everything can — theoretically — be easily resolved. Whether the semen contains spermatozoa or not, whether the priest or priestess is transgender, certain modern–day participants in the
Gnostic Catholic Mass
maintain the only thing that really matters is what the congregation (regardless of their sexual organs), really experiences (or wants to experience) during Mass. This has opened up a huge can of worms, for a
Mass ceases to be a
one. There are already numerous discussions in progress on this thorny subject, with no sign yet of a resolution in sight.
Within the Fraternitas Saturni the intricate topic of sperm is certainly not the key point round which lodge debates revolve; instead there appears to be a tacit agreement to leave all such matters safely inside a general social context. In 2005 a 36–year–old FS member ‘came out’ by revealing they’d had a male–to–female gender reassignment, despite knowing all about the
"homophobic attitude of some of my brothers."
She went on to say,
"How can I make people understand the great joy and happiness it was for me to be allowed to be as I feel? My special thanks go to my dear sisters who accepted me with amazing honesty and openness and who are now helping me adjust to being a women in comfortable surroundings. I am aware just how unusual it must seem to some of my brothers and sisters — mainly to my brothers — how threatening it must seem to those who, perhaps, are afraid of feeling these same impulses in themselves, which contradict social norms. But I am not deceiving myself."
Sadly, personal problems in the outside world cast a shadow over her membership, and since 2006 she has had to take time away from the Lodge.
© Peter–R. Koenig, 2009.
Translation by
Mark Parry–Maddocks
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SYSTÈME DE MAGIE SEXUEL D’ALEISTER CROWLEY Aleister Crowley a maintenu que la tâche de son organisation pratiquant la magie sexuelle l’Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) était "de rétablir le christianisme à son statut réel comme une religion solaire phallique." La structure de l’O.T.O., comme celui de la franc-maçonnerie, est issue d'une série de mises en scène d'initiations ou degrés. L'essence de l'ordre est dans ses degrés supérieurs ; proprement parler seuls les membres de ces degrés sont considérés comme membres de l’O.T.O. appropriée. VII°: adoration du phallus, de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur. VIII°: interaction en dehors des vaisseaux fermés du vagin et l'anus. Les fluides sexuels pourraient être mélangés avec de la salive et ensuite frottés dans les tissus absorbants du périnée et de l'anus, ainsi que les correspondances externes pour les chakras (plexus solaire, cœur, gorge, troisième oeil et Couronne). Également ils pourraient être utilisés pour oindre l'anus interne, puis transféré comme "élixir trinitaire" (sperme, élixirs anales et salive) retour à la bouche. Les liquides peuvent aussi être oint sur les paupières et/ou du pilier intermédiaire cabalistique. IX°: interaction dans le vagin impliquant sang menstruel ou les sécrétions d'une femme, lorsqu’excitée sexuellement. X°: imprégnation et fécondation d'un ovule ; aussi l'acte de création ou de la succession (par exemple, l'élection du leader, le chef de l'ordre.). XI°: – un double — (i) isolation dans l'anus où il n'y a pas d'interaction du tout — (ii) l'interaction avec les excréments et de petites quantités de sang (lorsque les petites blessures se produisent par le biais de rapports sexuels), mucus et, bien sûr, les membranes muqueuses qui conduisent directement à l'approvisionnement en sang. Préférence propre de Crowley était que "je suis enclin à croire que le XI° est meilleur que le IX°." En fin de compte dans la magie sexuelle de l'O.T.O tout est descendu au sperme — plus récemment comparé à un ordinateur – disque dur préformaté pour être chargé avec le logiciel et utilisé à volonté. Crowley: "l'utilisation industrielle du sperme va révolutionner la société humaine." Son texte explicatif "Amrita" définit l'utilisation du sperme comme la lutte contre "L'asthme, la bronchite, neurasthénie, obésité, sténose, certaines détresses cardiaques, vieillissement des cheveux, perte d'intérêt pour le sexe." Pour éviter les accusations de charlatanisme, l'actuel O.T.O. américain ou Califat rejette l'usage médicinal de cet "élixir de vie" et affirme qu'il "ne pratique pas la médecine." À des fins sacramentelles, cette O.T.O. utilise des hôtes avec miel, repas et vin – les appels "Gâteaux de Lumière" (qui peut toutefois contenir de petites quantités de sang ou de sperme: "les cendres de gâteaux de lumière brûlés préparés selon Liber Al de Crowley AL III;23[–25] serait acceptable comme ingrédient supplémentaire"). 1963 – 1967 la Suisse O.T.O. utilisait un total de 3000 hôtes obtenues par les Crowleyites d'un couvent catholique authentique. L'encens-céréales avait été opportunément fourni par le sacristain du chef de la Cathédrale St. Gallen. "Et le vin pour la Messe est venu directement de l'Évêque." — Conformément à Crowley, ces gâteaux devraient inclure les fluides menstruels, mais "Dans ma messe l'hôte est d'excréments" — magiquement parlant, de sang et d'excréments attirent des esprits, sperme les gardes vivantes. Il a également noté dans son journal le 30 mai 1923 que "le Dalaï Lama a raison d'avoir des fidèles à manger ses excréments." Il y a beaucoup d'autres éléments de doctrines de l’O.T.O. qui peuvent s'avérer incompatible avec son image de relations publiques : l'exigence pour la crucifixion d'une grenouille dans un rituel d'initiation de l’O.T.O., conseils donnés aux membres qu'ils peuvent envisager ceux sans la pale de l'ordre comme des êtres inférieurs et les éléments ouvertement antidémocratiques dans les diverses constitutions de l’O.T.O., antisémites des déclarations et des textes qu'on puisse dire d'interférer avec la liberté de religion, pour ne citer que quelques un. Theodor Reuss, fondateur Allemand de ces Templiers Oriental en 1906, est allé plus loin : au sein de la communauté de l’O.T.O. l'utilisation de l'argent devait être interdit. Chaque membre de plus de 18 ans était tenu de travail tous les jours ; ceux qui refusent de travailler devaient être punis par le travail forcé. Dans l'utopie O.T.O.-Reuss, chaque enfant est élevé par la Communauté, où médecin-prêtres sous supervision parentale auraient enseigné aux enfants dès le plus jeune âge que les organes sexuels ont été sacrés (peut-être idée de Crowley que tous les enfants de la petite enfance devraient être habitués d'être témoin de chaque type d'acte sexuel.) Ceux qui ne se trouvaient pas capables de produire des enfants sains par un "Conseil Médical" ne pouvaient pas se reproduire, alors que ceux qui ont produit des enfants malgré ce décret seraient punis par le travail forcé. Ces idées extrêmes n'ont pas survécu dans les versions modernes de l’O.T.O., si en effet ils n’ont jamais été au-delà d'essai de Reuss. Alors que l’O.T.O. système initiatique est une sorte de match de l'équipe bureaucratique, il possède une section associée religieusement sous son obéissance : l'Église Catholique Gnostique. Il a l'intention "de rétablir le christianisme à son statut réel comme une religion solaire phallique." En 1906, Chevalier Le Clément de Saint-Marcq avait publié une brochure sur le Spermatophagy sacré, appelé "L'Eucharistie". Il décrit ce que Reuss appela l'ultime secret de l'aspect religieux de l’O.T.O. : le plus de sperme que vous mangez, plus la manifestation du Christ a lieu en vous : aucune femme ne sont nécessaires pour cela. La consommation des sécrétions sexuelles confine à l'anthropophagie, l'assimilation de certaines personnes qui possèdent des pouvoirs de causer crainte, afin de neutraliser ou même s'en servir. Le Gnostique vise à libérer l'homme de son enchevêtrement étouffant avec l'univers physique et pour aider l'esprit pur dans son retour à son potentiel divin. Une caractéristique commune de tous les Spermo-Gnostiques dans le contexte de la plupart des O.T.O.-versions nombreux est une réduction de la sexualité à la physiologie masculine. Orgasme pour des raisons de pure luxure est évitée, sauf si l'éjaculation est abstenue, ou l'intention est ordonnée à la dérive et s'éloigne de l'orgasme immanente et se concentrer sur les désirs qui, dans les circonstances, apparaissent mondains à l'extrême. Sperme reste le point de focalisation. Dans la haute enthousiaste de la génétique et la gnose la supériorité de l'homme, féminité végète dans un bizarre vide de nécessité androgyne et superflue presque répréhensible. Le Logos femelle reste muet. Dans la Messe Gnostique de l’O.T.O. un hôte appelé Gâteau de Lumière contient le Logos. Ingrédients sont secrets, sécrétion vaginale, de sang et de sperme. Ce Gâteau de la Lumière est fait en dehors du rituel de la Messe Gnostique. Il est donné son caractère dans sa création. Il est consacré, mais pas transsubstantié. La déité dans le Gâteau de la Lumière est "l’Enfant", correctement un aspect d'Horus (ou une sorte d’homunculus) et pas Osiris ou le Christ apparenté. Transmutation est le changement de forme, dans le cas du passage pertinent dans la Messe de Crowley, par des procédés chimiques de la digestion. Transsubstantiation, est quant à elle, changement de qualité essentielle sans changement de forme. Transmutation est un processus physiologique. Transsubstantiation est un processus non physique. Ainsi, un Gâteau de Lumière est transmuté dans la préparation, pour donner un caractère approprié au "miracle de la messe" : c'est un médium à la magie sexuelle de la volonté du participant (le rituel lui-même peut être interprété comme un miroir de la création perpétuelle de l'univers). On trouvera des passages similaires dans le rituel du VIII° de l’O.T.O.: "et, parce que la viande et des boissons sont transmutées en nous tous les jours en substance spirituelle, je crois au Miracle de la Messe. [...] C'est le sang et le corps du Logos." Consommation de l'hôte est nécessaire, pour communiquer avec le corps. Certains disent, ce n'est pas l'hôte qui est changé, mais le consommateur de l'hôte. Dans tout contact avec la salive, mâcher, donne acide de l'estomac. Il s'agit de la transformation, l'unification de l'hôte avec le consommateur. L'hôte thélémites change le consommateur – contrairement comme dans l'Église Catholique. Une foule de catholiques est censée être transsubstantielle pendant la Messe Romaine Catholic, un changement de son essence invisible (relatif à l'inscription de la présence réelle du Christ) sans un changement dans l'apparence et les qualités chimiques de la chose. Si une chose telle que celle était transmutable et transsubstantielle pour le corps et le sang, il deviendrait réel viande saignement de la transmutation. — Le terme technique pour l'évêché dans le contexte du phénomène de l’O.T.O. est Évêque Errant ou Episcopi Vagants. Ce statut n'est pas défini par les qualités de caractère, pas par l'éducation ou la position théologique. Ces Évêques ne sont pas élus par une église canonique, ne sont pas proposés comme une rutilante par un suffragant et ne sont pas liés à un siège épiscopal historique ou consacrés par un Évêque officiel conformément à la procédure canonique. Un Évêque réel n'est pas un successeur d'un seul apôtre, parce que seulement le Synode/Collège des évêques dans sa totalité est l'héritier du Collège des apôtres. Donc : aucun évêque errant n'a une succession apostolique réelle. Il n'y a aucun Saint-Esprit dans les consécrations de l’Évêque Errant. L'instrumentum consécrationel est sans valeur apostolique. Néanmoins, Évêques Errant sont des collectionneurs de papiers et de diplômes. Dans ce contexte, Reuss a essayé de faire de la "Messe Gnostique" de Crowley la "religion officielle pour les francs-maçons" en 1920. Mais nulle part dans la constitution de l’O.T.O. était le Bureau de O.H.O. (chef de l'O.T.O. : Outer Head of the Order) liée à la conduite de n'importe quelle église. Dans son introduction à "l’Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae", (Zuerich 1955) page 4 le Suisse Hermann Joseph Metzger a soutenu la "Succession Antiochite-Jacobine, Syro-Malabarite ligne de Mar Athanasius." Aujourd'hui, certains nouveaux groups O.T.O. (par exemple, le Califat) essayent de copier ce régime, voir Pour l'aspect antidémocratique et misanthrope de ces occultistes : lire "The Templar’s Reich — The Slaves Shall Serve"
IL SISTEMA DI MAGIA SESSUALE DI ALEISTER CROWLEY Aleister Crowley sosteneva che il compito della sua organizzazione dedita alla magia sessuale, l’Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.), fosse «di ricondurre il Cristianesimo al suo originale rango di religione solare-fallica.» La struttura dell’O.T.O., come quella della Massoneria, si basa su una serie graduale di iniziazioni o gradi. L’essenza dell’Ordine risiede nei suoi gradi più elevati; stricto sensu solo i membri di questi alti gradi sono considerati membri autentici dell’O.T.O.: VII°: l’adorazione del fallo, all’interno o all’esterno di ricettacoli. VIII°: manipolazione fuori dai recipienti della vagina e dell’ano. I fluidi sessuali sono miscelati con la saliva e poi frizionati sui tessuti assorbenti dell’ano e del perineo, e le zone delle concordanze esterne dei chakra (plesso solare, cuore, gola, terzo occhio, corona). Possono essere utilizzati anche per impregnare la zona anale interna, e quindi come ‘elisir trino’ (sperma, umori anali, saliva), tornare alla bocca. I fluidi possono essere unguentati sulle palpebre e/o sull’intera colonna vertebrale, equivalente al pilastro mediano dell’Albero della Vita. IX°: l’interazione all’interno della vagina, che coinvolge sia il sangue mestruale che le secrezioni della donna eccitata sessualmente. X°: impregnazione e fecondazione di un uovo; inteso anche come atto della creazione o di una successione (ad esempio, l’elezione del leader, il Capo Esterno dell’Ordine). XI°: duplice — (i) di isolamento nell’ano senza interazione alcuna — (ii) di interazione con escrementi e piccole quantità di sangue (piccole ferite procurate durante i rapporti), muco e, naturalmente, le membrane mucose che portano direttamente al flusso sanguigno. Crowley (diario, 31 marzo 1946) sognò di dare alla luce un feto dall’ano: «Un orribile sogno lucido, fatto tra due normali azioni: partorire un feto per anum. Era un bolo di sangue e viscidume. La più ributtante esperienza qliphotica che abbia mai avuto!» In quanto alle preferenze personali di Crowley a tal riguardo: «Io sono propenso a credere che l’XI grado sia meglio che il IX grado» (diario, 26 agosto 1916); oppure (diario, 1913) ove si parla di un ragazzo innaffiato «da seme schiumeggiante / Mentre l’altro nel suo orgasmo riceve la pioggia.» «Non sia per noi una colpa l’aver penetrato terga virili.» «Allorché l’officiante infila il suo Tirso tra le natiche fanciullesche, tutto è compiuto; vieni Sacra Colomba!» “The Equinox” IV; 2, Maine 1998, p. 405. In definitiva tutta la magia sessuale dell’O.T.O. è riconducibile allo sperma, una secrezione di cui avvalersi come se fosse un disco di memoria pre-formattato per caricare procedure e istruzioni ed essere usato a piacimento. Nelle parole di Crowley (diario, 8 agosto 1923): «L’uso industriale del Seme rivoluzionerà la società umana.» Nel suo testo di istruzioni pratiche “Amrita” si prescrive l’uso dello sperma per contrastare «asma, bronchite, nevrastenia, obesità, stènosi, alcuni disturbi cardiaci, l’ingrigimento dei capelli, la perdita di interesse per il sesso.» ristampato in “O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick” (Anthony Naylor, ed.) London 1999, p. 412. Per evitare accuse di mistificazione, l’attuale O.T.O. americano, detto ‘Caliphate’ [‘Califfato’], disconosce l’uso terapeutico di questo ‘Elisir della Vita’, sottolineando che «L’O.T.O. non esercita alcuna attività medica.» (‘Thelema Lodge Newsletter’, Berkeley, settembre 1993). Per fini sacramentali, l’O.T.O. odierno utilizza delle ostie a base di miele, farina e fecce del vino chiamate ‘Pani di Luce’ (che possono comunque contenere piccole quantità di sangue o di liquido seminale: «sarebbe accettabile come ingrediente aggiuntivo la cenere ricavata dalla combustione di ‘Pani di Luce’ preparati secondo le istruzioni di Crowley indicate nel Liber AL III; 23 [-25 ]») (Supreme Grand Council meeting, 3 aprile, 1993). Secondo Crowley questi ‘Pani’ possono includere fluidi mestruali, benché «Nella mia Messa l’Ostia è fatta di escrementi» (diario, 5 luglio 1920); magicamente parlando, il sangue e gli escrementi servono ad attrarre gli spiriti, e lo sperma a mantenerli in vita. Il 30 maggio 1923 Crowley annotò pure nel suo diario che «Il Dalai Lama fa bene a dar da mangiare ai suoi fedeli i suoi escrementi.» Tra il 1963 ed il 1967 l’O.T.O. svizzero ha utilizzato un totale di tremila ostie procurate dai crowleyani da un vero convento cattolico. L’incenso era opportunamente fornito dal capo sacrestano della Cattedrale di St. Gallen. E il vino per la Messa direttamente dal Vescovo. Ci sono molti altri elementi nelle dottrine dell’O.T.O. che potrebbero stimarsi pregiudizievoli all’immagine pubblica dell’Ordine: la prescrizione di dover crocifiggere una rana in uno dei rituali di iniziazione collegati all’O.T.O. (nell’ambito del VI grado, anno 1916), l’esortare i membri a considerare tutti quelli al di fuori dell’Ordine come esseri inferiori (1919) (pur tuttavia nella vigente politica dell’O.T.O., 1999, in un Memorandum si avverte che «L’O.T.O. scoraggia i suoi membri a trattare i non appartenenti all’Ordine come esseri inferiori che non possiedono diritti.», gli enunciati palesemente antidemocratici presenti in vari statuti dell’O.T.O., le dichiarazioni antisemite e i testi pregiudicanti il rispetto della libertà di culto, solo per citarne alcuni. Theodor Reuss, colui che nel 1906 fu il fondatore tedesco di questi Templari Orientali, era andato pure oltre: nella comunità O.T.O. l’uso del denaro doveva essere proibito. Ogni accolito al di sopra dei diciotto anni era obbligato a lavorare tutto il giorno; coloro che rifiutavano dovevano essere puniti con il lavoro forzato. Nell’utopico O.T.O. reussiano, ogni bambino doveva essere allevato dall’intera comunità, una comunità in cui medici-sacerdoti, sotto la supervisione dei genitori, avrebbero insegnato ai bambini, fin dalla più tenera età, che gli organi sessuali sono santi (da qui forse Crowley ricavò l’idea che lo portò a raccomandare che tutti i bambini fin dalla prima infanzia fossero abituati ad assistere ad ogni tipo di atto sessuale. Israel Regardie, ed., “The Law Is for All”, Arizona 1975, p. 114, «Lasciate che i bambini educhino se stessi ad essere se stessi. Coloro che li istruiscono secondo le usanze, li storpiano e li rovinano.» ‘On the Education of Children’, in: “The Revival of Magick”, Tempe 1998, Education_of_Children). E sarebbe stata impedita la procreazione a coloro i quali una ‘commissione medica’ avesse ritenuto non essere in grado di generare bambini sani; e chi avesse fatto figli nonostante questo decreto sarebbe stato punito con il lavoro forzato. Queste idee radicali non sono sopravvissute nelle versioni attuali dell’O.T.O., pure ammesso che all’epoca fossero mai state realmente messe in pratica conformemente agli intenti di Reuss. Se il sistema di iniziazioni dell’O.T.O. è una sorta di gretto maneggio burocratico, esiste una sezione associata religiosamente sotto la sua obbedienza: la Gnostic Catholic Church. Il suo scopo è «ricondurre il Cristianesimo al suo originale rango di religione solare-fallica.» (lettera di Crowley a William Bernard Crow [1895–1976], 11 novembre 1944). Nel 1906, il Cavaliere Le Clément de St.-Marcq aveva pubblicato un opuscolo sulla Sacra Spermatofagia, definita ‘L’Eucharistie’. Vi descriveva ciò che Reuss ebbe a definire l’ultimo segreto dell’aspetto religioso dell’O.T.O.: più sperma si ingerisce, più la manifestazione del Cristo si compie dentro di noi, e nessuna donna è necessaria a questo scopo. Il consumo di fluidi sessuali confina con l’antropofagìa, l’assimilazione di individui selezionati che possiedono poteri impressionanti, al fine di neutralizzarli o addirittura servirsene. L’obiettivo Gnostico è di liberare l’uomo dal suo soffocante intreccio con l’universo fisico, ed aiutare il puro Spirito a ritornare al suo potenziale Divino. Una caratteristica comune a tutti gli Spermo-Gnostici all’interno della maggioranza delle tante versioni dell’O.T.O., è la riduzione della sessualità alla pura fisiologia del maschio. L’orgasmo per ragioni puramente di lussuria è evitato, a meno che ci si astenga dalla eiaculazione, o l’intenzione sia tesa a sviarsi dall’orgasmo contingente per concentrarsi su desideri che, date le circostanze, appaiono estremamente prosaici. Lo sperma rimane il punto focale. Al cospetto delle trionfali altezze della supremazia genetica e gnostica del maschio, la femminilità vegeta in una strana terra di nessuno fatta di necessità androgine e di quasi riprovevole inutilità. Il Logos femmina rimane muto. Nella Messa Gnostica dell’O.T.O. (Aleister Crowley, Gnostic Catholic Mass, ‘Liber XV — Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae’) il Logos è contenuto nell’ostia detta ‘Pane di Luce’. Gli ingredienti sono sperma, sangue e secreto vaginale. Questo ‘Pane di Luce’ è fatto al di fuori del rituale della Messa Gnostica. Ne è data la sua natura in divenire. Consacrato, ma non transustanziato. Nel ‘Pane di Luce’ la divinità è l’‘Infante’, propriamente un aspetto di Horus (o una sorta di homunculus) e non di Osiride o dell’affine Cristo. Nella Messa crowleyana la Trasmutazione è un cambiamento di forma causato dai processi chimici della digestione. Transustanziazione, invece, è un cambiamento di qualità essenziale ma senza cambiamento di forma. Trasmutazione è un processo fisiologico. Transustanziazione è un processo non fisico. Così, un ‘Pane di Luce’ si trasmuta nella preparazione, è approntato allo scopo del «miracolo della Messa»: è lo strumento magico-sessuale della Volontà del partecipante (il rito stesso può essere interpretato come specchio della creazione perpetua dell’Universo). Passaggi simili si possono trovare nell’VIII grado rituale dell’O.T.O.: «e, dacché la carne e la bevanda sono trasmutate in noi tutti i giorni in sostanza spirituale, io credo nel miracolo della Messa [...] Questo è il Sangue e il Corpo del Logos.» Il consumo dell’ostia è necessario, è un contatto fisico. Si direbbe che non è l’ostia che è cambiata, ma il consumatore dell’ostia, tramite il contatto con la saliva, l’azione del masticare, i succhi gastrici. Questa è la trasformazione, l’unificazione dell’ostia con il consumatore. L’ostia Thelemica trasforma il consumatore, all’opposto di quanto avviene con l’ostia della Chiesa Cattolica Romana. L’ostia della Chiesa Cattolica Romana transustanzia durante la Messa; per accogliere Cristo in presenza reale avviene un cambiamento della sua essenza invisibile che va ‘oltre la sostanza’ delle apparenze e delle qualità chimiche della materia. Se questo avvenisse contemporaneamente come trasmutazione e transustanziazione del corpo e del sangue, l’ostia si trasformerebbe in vera carne sanguinante. Il termine tecnico per indicare il rango vescovile nell’O.T.O., è quello di Vescovo Errante o Episcopus Vagans. Questo titolo non deriva da una qualità del carattere, dalla cultura o da un ruolo teologico. Questi vescovi non sono eletti da una chiesa canonica, non sono proposti per l’ordinazione da un suffraganeo e non sono legati a una sede episcopale storica o consacrati da un vescovo ufficiale secondo procedura canonica. Un vescovo ‘vero’ non è successore di un singolo apostolo dacché soltanto il collegio episcopale in toto è l’erede del collegio degli apostoli. Ergo nessun Vescovo Errante ha una vera successione apostolica. Non c’è nessun Spirito Santo nelle consacrazioni di un Vescovo Errante. L’instrumentum consecrationis non ha alcun valore apostolico. Eppure questo non impedisce ai Vescovi Erranti di fare incetta di attestati e diplomi. In un simile contesto, Reuss nel 1920 cercò invano di fare della Messa Gnostica di Crowley la «religione ufficiale dei Massoni.» Ma da nessuna parte nella costituzione dell’O.T.O. è scritto che la carica di Capo Esterno dell’Ordine sia connessa alla potestà di qualsivoglia chiesa. Nella sua introduzione al volume “O.T.O. Liber XV. Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae” (Zürich 1955), p. 4, lo svizzero Hermann Joseph Metzger rivendicava la «Successione Antiochena-Giacobinica, linea Siro-Malabarese di Mar Athanasius.» Oggi, alcuni corpi dell’O.T.O. (ad esempio, il ‘Caliphate’) tentano di copiare questo schema, cfr. Per le connotazioni anti-democratiche e misantropiche di questi occultisti cfr. ‘Il Reich Templare — Gli schiavi serviranno’
ALEISTER CROWLEY’S SEXMAGICAL SYSTEM Aleister Crowley maintained that the task of his sexmagical organisation Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) was "to restore Christianity to its real status as a solar–phallic religion." The structure of the O.T.O., like that of Freemasonry, is based on a staged series of initiations or degrees. The essence of the Order is in its higher degrees; strictly speaking only members of these degrees are considered to be members of the O.T.O. proper. VII°: adoration of the phallus, both within and without. In this contextual framework, Jacques Lacan's elucidation of the phallus comes to mind, wherein he defined it as a symbolic construct encompassing the implications of authority, power, castration, and symbolic arrangement within the sphere of psychoanalysis. The phallus transcends the boundaries of male genitalia (penis) and functions as an emblem of societal power dynamics, value systems, and paradigms of recognition. This conceptualization of the phallus operates not within the confines of physical anatomy, but rather within the domain of symbolic significance and socio-cultural structure. Ultimately, even language itself can be construed as bearing phallic attributes, particularly when perceived as a conduit of expression harmonizing with this overarching conceptual framework. VIII°: interaction outside the closed vessels of the vagina and the anus. Sexual fluids might be mixed with saliva and then rubbed into the absorbent tissues of the anus and perineum, as well as the external correspondences to the chakras (solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye, and crown). They also might be used to anoint the internal anus, then transferred as 'triune elixir' (semen, anal elixirs, and saliva) back to the mouth. The fluids may also be anointed on the eyelids and/or the entire cabbalistic middle pillar. IX°: interaction within the vagina involving either menstrual blood or the secretions of a woman when sexually aroused. X °: impregnation and fertilisation of an egg; also the act of creation or succession (for example, the election of the leader, the Outer Head of the Order.). XI°: two–fold — (i) isolation in the anus where there is no interaction at all — (ii) interaction with excrement and small amounts of blood (when small wounds occur through intercourse), mucus and, of course, the mucous membranes that lead directly to the blood supply. Crowley’s own preference was that "I am inclined to believe that the XIth degree is better than the IXth degree." Ultimately in the O.T.O’s sexual magick everything came down to semen — more recently likened to a computer hard–disk pre–formatted to be loaded with software and used at will. Crowley: "The industrial use of Semen will revolutionize human society." His instructional text 'Amrita' defines the use of semen as counteracting "Asthma, Bronchitis, Neurasthenia, Obesity, Stricture, Some cardiac distress, Greying hair, Loss of interest in sex." To avoid charges of quackery, the current American O.T.O. or 'Caliphate' denies the medicinal use of this 'Elixir of Life', and claims that it "does not practice medicine." For sacramental purposes, this O.T.O. uses hosts made with honey, meal, and wine–lees called 'Cakes of Light' (which may however contain small quantities of blood or semen: "ashes from burned cakes of light prepared according to Crowleys' Liber AL III;23[–25] would be acceptable as an additional ingredient"). (1963–1967 the Swiss O.T.O. used a total of 3,000 Hosts obtained by the Crowleyites from a genuine Catholic convent. The incense–grains had been opportunely supplied by the Chief Sacristan of St. Gallen Cathedral. And the wine for the Mass came directly from the Bishop.) — According to Crowley these Cakes should include menstrual fluids, but "In my Mass the Host is of excrement" — magically speaking, blood and excrement attracting spirits, sperm keeping them alive. He also noted in his diary on May 30, 1923 that "The Dalai Lama is right to have the faithful eat his excrement." There are many other elements of O.T.O. doctrines that can prove inimical to its public relations image: the requirement for the crucifixion of a frog in one O.T.O. initiation ritual, advice given to members that they can consider those without the pale of the Order as inferior beings, and blatantly anti–democratic elements in the various O.T.O. constitutions, antisemitic statements and texts that could be said to interfere with religious freedoms, just to mention a few. Theodor Reuss, German founder of these Oriental Templars in 1906, went further: within the O.T.O. community the use of money was to be forbidden. Every member over 18 was obliged to labour daily; those refusing to work were to be punished by forced labour. In Reuss’s O.T.O. utopia, each child was brought up by the community, where doctor–priests under parental supervision would teach children from the earliest age on that the sex organs were holy (maybe Crowley’s idea that all children from infancy should be accustomed to witnessing every type of sexual act came from this.) Those who were not found capable of producing healthy children by a 'medical board' were not allowed to breed, while those who produced children despite this decree would be punished by forced labour. These extreme ideas have not survived in modern versions of the O.T.O., if indeed they were ever espoused beyond Reuss’s essay. While the O.T.O.’s initiatory system is a sort of bureaucratic club game, it has a religious association as part of its framework: The Gnostic Catholic Church. It intends "to restore Christianity to its real status as a solar–phallic religion." In 1906, Chevalier Le Clément de St.–Marcq had published a booklet about the Sacred Spermatophagy, called 'L'Eucharistie'. It described what Reuss called the ultimate secret of the religious aspect of the O.T.O.: the more sperm you eat, the more the manifestation of the Christ takes place within you: no women are necessary for that. The consumption of sexual secretions borders on anthropophagia, the assimilation of selected individuals who possess awe–inspiring powers, in order to neutralise or even to use them. The Gnostic aim is to release the human from his stifling entanglement with the physical universe, and to help the pure Spirit in its return to its Divine potential. One common characteristic of all the Spermo–Gnostics in the context of most of the many O.T.O.–versions is a reduction of the sexuality unto the male physiology. Orgasm for pure reasons of lust is avoided, unless ejaculation is refrained from, or the intention is directed to drift away from the immanent orgasm and concentrate itself upon wishes that under the circumstances appear worldly in the extreme. Sperm remains the point of focus. In the enthusiastic high of the genetic and gnostic superiority of the male, femaleness vegetates in a bizarre no–mansland of androgynous necessity and almost reprehensible superfluousness. The female Logos remains mute. In the O.T.O.’s Gnostic Mass a host called Cake of Light contains the Logos. Ingredients are sperm, blood and vaginal secrets. This cake of light is made outside the ritual of the Gnostic Mass. It is given its character in the making. It is consecrated, but not transsubstantiated. The deity in the cake of light is the 'Childe', properly an aspect of Horus (or a sort of homunculus) and not of either Osiris or the cognate Christ. Transmutation is change of form, in the instance of the pertinent passage in Crowley’s Mass, by chemical processes of digestion. Transsubstantiation, on the other hand, is change of essential quality without change of form. Transmutation is a physiological process. Transsubstantiation is a non–physical process. Thus, a cake of light is transmuted in the preparation, to afford a character appropriate to the "miracle of the Mass": it’s a sexmagical medium of the participant’s Will (the ritual itself can be interpreted as a mirror of the perpetual creation of the Universe). Similar passages can be found in the VIII° ritual of the O.T.O.: "and, forasmuch as meat and drink are transmuted in us daily into spiritual substance, I believe in the Miracle of the Mass. […] This is the Blood and the Body of the Logos." Consumation of the host is necessary, body contact. Some say, it is not the host that is changed but the consumer of the host. Through contact with saliva, chewing, stomach acid. This is the transformation, the unification of the host with the consumer. The thelemic host changes the consumer – contrary to the Roman Catholic host. A Roman Catholic host is said to be transsubstantiated during the RC Mass, a change of its invisible essence (for the entering of the real–presence of the Christ) without a change in the appearance and chemical qualities of the thing. If a thing such as that was both transmutated and transsubstantiated to the body and blood, it would become actual bleeding meat from the transmutation. — The technical term for the bishopric in the context of the O.T.O. Phenomenon is Wandering Bishop or Episcopi Vagantes. This status is not defined by character qualities, not by education or theological position. These bishops are not elected by a canonical church, are not proposed as an ordain by a suffragan and not bound to a historical episcopal see or consecrated by an official bishop according to the canonical procedure. A real bishop is not a successor of a sole apostle because only the synod/college of bishops in toto is heir to the college of the apostles. Therefore: no Wandering Bishop has a real apostolic succession. There is no Holy Ghost in Wandering–Bishop–consecrations. The instrumentum consecrationis is of no apostolic value. Nevertheless, Wandering Bishops are collectors of papers and diplomas. In this context, Reuss tried to make Crowley’s 'Gnostic Mass' the "official religion for Freemasons" in 1920. But nowhere in the constitution of the O.T.O. was the office of O.H.O. connected with leadership of any church. In his introduction to the 'Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae', (Zuerich 1955) on page 4 the Swiss Hermann Joseph Metzger claimed the "Antiochite–Jacobinic Succession, Syro–Malabarite Line of Mar Athanasius." Today, some new O.T.O.–groups (e.g. the 'Caliphate') try to copy this scheme, see For the anti–democratic and misanthropic aspect of these occultists: read "The Templar's Reich — The Slaves Shall Serve" at
DAS SEXUALMAGISCHE SYSTEM NACH ALEISTER CROWLEY Unter Aleister Crowley sollte (wie er 1944 schrieb) die Aufgabe des Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) sein, »to restore Christianity to its real status as a solar-phallic religion«. Die Struktur des O.T.O. ist, ähnlich wie einige Freimaurerische Riten, auf einer Serie von Einweihungsritualen aufgebaut. Doch lediglich die höchsten Grade weisen auf die wahre Essenz des Ordens hins und ausschliesslich die Mitglieder dieser höchsten Grade können als "wahre" Mitglieder angesehen werden. Diese sogenannten Hochgrade unterscheiden sich von den unteren Graden insofern, als dass es (außer für ein neu entworfenes pseudofreimaurerisches VIII°-Ritual) keine ausformulierten Ritualtexte und Einweihungen, sondern nur noch grobe Anleitungen gibt, die jeder selbst und individuell gestalten kann. Die Hochgrade haben manchmal eine doppelte Funktion: sie weisen eine bürokratische Aufgabe im Orden zu und verweisen zusätzlich auf eine bestimmte Art Sexualmagie. Der VII° bedeutet die Anbetung des Phallus als Baphomet, außerhalb des Körpers wie auch innerhalb. Hier drängt sich Jacques Lacans Erläuterung des Phallus auf, in der er diesen als eine symbolische Konstruktion definierte, die die Implikationen von Autorität, Macht, Kastration und symbolischer Anordnung im Bereich der Psychoanalyse umfasst. Der Phallus überschreitet die Grenzen der männlichen Genitalien (Penis) und fungiert als Emblem gesellschaftlicher Machtverhältnisse, Wertesysteme und Paradigmen der Anerkennung. Diese Konzeptualisierung des Phallus operiert nicht innerhalb der Grenzen der physischen Anatomie, sondern vielmehr im Bereich der symbolischen Bedeutung und soziokulturellen Struktur. Letztendlich kann selbst die Sprache als solche als Träger phallischer Eigenschaften interpretiert werden, insbesondere wenn sie als Ausdrucksmittel wahrgenommen wird, das mit diesem übergreifenden konzeptionellen Rahmen in Einklang steht. Im VIII° ist es die Interaktion des Spermas mit etwas außerhalb von Vagina und Anus, also eine Art magische Masturbation. In der Bürokratie des O.T.O. bedeutet der VIII° auch, dass man über Statuten, neue Regelungen etc. abstimmt. Das vom Caliphat entworfene VIII°-Ritual ähnelt einer Gnostischen Messe, die ohnehin dem IX° zugeordnet werden könnte. Der IX° bedeutet Interaktion des Spermas innerhalb der Vagina, entweder im Zusammenhang mit Blut oder mit Vaginalsekreten. Jeder IX° ist auch ein VIII° und bestimmt also ebenfalls über das Geschick des Ordens. Der X° bedeutet die Befruchtung eines Eies (zum Beispiel eines Homunkulus) und die Aufgabe, einen Nachfolger für sich im O.T.O. zu finden oder (hier kommt wieder die bürokratische Funktion zum Vorschein) das nächste Oberhaupt zu wählen. Für den XI° gibt es zwei Variationen: a) Isolierung im Anus; es wird angenommen, dass dort keine Interaktion des Spermas stattfinden kann. b) Es findet eine Interaktion mit Exkrementen (einer von Crowleys Lieblingsingredienzen) und kleinen Mengen von Blut, das bisweilen durch Analverkehr frei wird, statt. Dieser Grad hat keine bürokratische Funktion. Im Typhonischen O.T.O. zum Beispiel bedeutet der XI° Interaktion mit Menstrualblut und anderen Körperflüssigkeiten. In diesem O.T.O. gibt es keine homosexuellen Praktiken, die auf die Gradstruktur hinweisen – und umgekehrt. Bei Crowleys Originalversion hingegen bezieht sich der XI° auf hetero- und homosexuelle Praktiken. Hauptsache: anal. Erst durch den Kontakt mit dem Elixier verwandelt sich der bisher nur potentielle Magier in einen aktiven Magier. Durch Essen. Das perfekt zubereitete sexualmagische Elixier aus Sperma, Vaginalsekreten und anderen Körpersäften muss vom Magier am besten durch Saugen aus der Vagina oder dem After (falls auch Exkremente eine Rolle spielen sollen) eingesammelt und wieder mit dem Partner oder der Partnerin geteilt werden. Das richtig zubereitete sexualmagische Elixier ist kräftig, süß und stark. Es wird rhythmisch von einem Partner zum anderen in den Mundhöhlen hin und hergereicht, ohne mit der Luft in Berührung zu kommen. Es muss von den Schleimhäuten aufgenommen und darf zunächst nicht geschluckt werden. Deshalb behalten die Magier das Elixier unter der Zunge, wo sie es langsam und portionsweise mit dem Partner durch einen Zungenkuss austauschen, während sich beide (durch die Konsumation nun voll aktiven Magier) auf ihr Ziel konzentrieren. Dieses Ziel kann durchaus zum Beispiel das Heranschaffen von Geld sein, oft ist es jedoch der Kontakt zu einer außermenschlichen Wesenheit, also zu einem Engel oder Dämon, dem man Fragen jeglicher Art stellt. Das Lebenselixier kann durch die Nase in die Stirnhöhle hinaufgesaugt oder auf den Anus, den Damm oder auf die Augenbrauen appliziert werden. Zusätzlich lässt sich das aus diesem Akt gewonnene Elixier in den After einführen und wieder, zusammen mit den Analsekreten, nach Belieben verwenden. Eine Portion wird aufbewahrt und in physischen Kontakt mit dem magischen Bindeglied (The Magical Link), zum Beispiel einem Pergament oder einem Talisman mit den entsprechenden Symbolen darauf, gebracht. So schmiert man, etwa um Geld zu beschaffen, das Elixier auf eine Goldmünze oder einen Ring – für Gesundheit berührt man damit die Erde oder reibt es auf den nackten Patienten. Das ganze wird ja auch als Medizin gegen Asthma, Bronchitis, Neurasthenie, Fettleibigkeit, einige Herzbeschwerden, graues Haar und Impotenz gesehen. Damit kommen wir von der Sexualmagie zur Sperma-Gnosis. Da das Sperma den Logos, also Gott, enthält, wird es bei der Konsumation durch die Schleimhäute (Gaumen, Scheide, After/Darm, Eichel, Magen) aufgenommen. Das erhöht das Logos-Konzentrat im Körper, also auch in der Prostata. Der Sperma-Gnostiker wird zu mehr Gott. Sein Sperma enthält natürlich noch mehr Gott als vorher. Das würde bedeuten, dass im O.T.O. der Prozess der Gottwerdung in Abhängigkeit von der Häufigkeit der Spermakonsumation steht: Nicht immer ist aber die Konsumation von Sperma Hauptziel des thelemitisch-religiösen Geschlechtsaktes. Eine Variation weist die Praktizierenden an, jeden Orgasmus als Vereinigung mit dem Universum zu erleben. Als eine Art tantrische Neuschöpfung des Universums. Im Gegensatz zum Christentum, wo die Schöpfung einmalig, nicht wiederholbar ist, unterliegt im Tantrismus die Schöpfung einer permanenten Wiederholung. Die Thelemiten sind jedoch keine eigentlichen Tantriker, da bei den Thelemiten immer alles »Unter Willen« geschehen muss und der Orgasmus folglich immer im Dienste von irgendetwas stehen sollte. Das beste Elixier wird im Selbstverständnis des O.T.O. natürlich nur von den höchsten Graden erzeugt. Oft werden die höchsten Grade auf genau diese Art und Weise übertragen. Das findet man alles ganz offen in Crowleys Schriften sobald man die Insidersprache versteht. Sexualmagie wird bei Crowley meist in alchemistischer Sprache beschrieben: Roter Löwe = männliches Prinzip; Weißer Adler = weibliches Prinzip; Athanor = Penis; Kukurbit oder Retorte = Vagina; Schlange oder Blut des Roten Löwen = Sperma; Gluten oder Menstruum = Vaginalsekrete; Prima Materia = Sperma und Vaginalsekrete gemischt; Elixier oder Tinktur = durch Magie belebte Prima Materia. Theodor Reuss und Crowley haben einen gut gedüngten gnostischen Nährboden libertinistisch übernommen, obgleich beide ihre Quellen nicht so ausführlich angeben. Im Gemeinschaftswerk von Reuss und Crowley aus dem Jahre 1917, der Gnostisch Katholischen Messe des O.T.O., findet man den »Gnostizismus« des O.T.O. illustriert. Nur halbwegs die Pflichten der Manichäischen Auserwählten übernehmend (nämlich durch Konsumation das Göttliche Licht wieder einzusammeln, das der logos spermatikos spurenweise im Menschen hinterließ, als er wieder ins Pleroma zurückkehrte), vernachlässigen die beiden den asketischen Aspekt des Manichäismus (Fleischverzicht, keine körperlichen Aktivitäten, die das Göttliche Licht im Menschen wieder zerstreuen würden, etc.) und konzentrieren sich auf die Herstellung des Göttlichen Licht-Körpers, der durch Konsumation die Rückkehr in den Heiligen Bereich des Himmels, das Pleroma, ermöglichen soll. Dieser Licht-Körper ist die aus Sperma, Vaginalsekreten und Menstruationsblut bestehende Hostie. So wird aus der Gnostisch Katholischen Messe à la O.T.O. und dem IX° O.T.O. eine Parodie der christlichen Eucharistie, was vor allem die Konsumation der Hostie (die auch als Universalmedizin eingesetzt wird) betrifft. Lange vor Crowley hat Clément de Saint-Marc das Geheimnis entdeckt: »Wie kann ein Mensch veranlassen, dass man sein Fleisch isst und sein Blut trinkt, ohne sich zu zerschneiden, sich ein Glied auszureißen, sich zu verletzen, ohne der Ganzheit seines Körpers Schaden zuzufügen? Wir haben keine Wahl; wir müssen es so nehmen, wie es uns die Wissenschaft liefert: das Sperma des Menschen ist essbar: halb-fest, halb flüssig und kann so gleichzeitig gegessen und getrunken werden; und ist so gleichzeitig Fleisch und Blut«. Und: »Es ist also nicht völliger Aberglaube, dieser absolute Glaube, durch Verzehr von Sperma eine Verbindung zwischen dem Menschen und Gott herzustellen«. Das ist das zentrale Geheimnis des O.T.O. Crowley benützte für Privatzwecke auch eine ganz besondere weitere Mischung für seine Hostie. Zwischen 1920 und 1923 frönte er den Drogen Kokain, Äther und Heroin, der Koprophagie und sadomasochistischen Phantasien, in denen er als Sklave fungierte. »In my Mass the Host is of excrement [seiner Geliebten, er meinte aber auch einmal, dass das Ziegenkot sein könnte] that I can consume in awe and adoration; while I make my Holy Guardian Angel the latrine of my imagination«. Das entstammt Crowleys Tagebucheinträgen vom 5. Juli und 13. August 1920.
Система сексуальной магии Алситера Кроули. Алистер Кроули утверждал, что задачей его сексуально-магической организации Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) было «вернуть христианству его реальный статус солнечно-филлической религии». Структура О.Т.О., как и структура масонства, основана на поэтапной серии посвящений или степеней. Суть Ордена – в его высших степенях; строго говоря, только члены этих степеней считаются собственно членами О.Т.О. VII°: поклонение фаллосу, как внутри, так и снаружи. VIII°: взаимодействие вне закрытых сосудов вагины и заднего прохода. Половые жидкости могут смешиваться со слюной и затем втираться в абсорбирующие ткани заднего прохода и промежности, а также во внешние соответствия чакр (солнечное сплетение, сердце, горло, третий глаз и корона). Их также могут использовать для помазания внутреннего ануса, а затем переноситься как «триединый эликсир» (сперма, анальные эликсиры и слюна) обратно в рот. Жидкости также можно мазать на веки и / или по всей каббалистической срединной колонне. IX °:взаимодействие внутри вагины, задействующее либо менструальную кровь, либо женские выделения при сексуальном возбуждении. X °: пропитывание и оплодотворение яйцеклетки; также акт создания или передачи преемственности (например, выборы нового лидера, Внешнего Главы Ордена). XI°: двукратное действие – (i) изоляция в анусе, где не происходит никакого взаимодействия и (ii) взаимодействие с экскрементами и небольшим количеством крови (когда через половой акт возникают небольшие раны), слизи и, конечно, слизистой мембраны, которые ведут непосредственно кровоснабжению. Предпочтения самого Кроули сводились к следующему: «Я склонен полагать, что XI степень лучше, чем IX». В конечном итоге все в сексуальной магии О.Т.О. сводится к сперме, которую с недавнего времени стали сравнивать с жестким диском компьютера, предварительно отформатированного для загрузки программного обеспечения и используемого по желанию. Кроули: «Промышленное использование Спермы революционно преобразует человеческое общество». В его обучающем тексте «Амрита» сперма определяется как лекарство против «астмы, бронхита, неврастении, ожирения, стриктуры, некоторых сердечных расстройств, седых волос, потери интереса к сексу». Чтобы избежать обвинений в шарлатанстве, нынешний американский О.Т.О. или «Калифат» отрицает лекарственное применение этого «Эликсира жизни» и утверждает, что он не «практикует медицину». В сакраментальных целях это О.Т.О. использует гостии из меда, муки и вина, они называются «Лепешками Света» (однако они могут содержать также небольшое количество крови и спермы: «пепел от сожженных лепешек света, приготовленных согласно Liber AL III;23[–25] Кроули, приемлем в качестве дополнительного ингредиента. (В 1963–1967 Швейцарское О.Т.О. использовало в общей сложности 3000 гостий, полученных кроулианцами из настоящего католического монастыря. Благования были своевременно предоставлены главным священником собора Святого Галла. А вино для мессы предоставил непосредственно епископ.) – Согласно Кроули, эти Лепешки должны включать в себя менструальную жидкость, но «На Мессе гостия должна быть из экскрементов» — говоря магически, кровь и экскременты привлекают духов, а сперма поддерживает в них жизнь. Также в своем дневнике от 30 мая 1923 года он отмечает, что «Далай Лама прав в том, что верующие едят его экскременты». Есть множество других элементов доктрины О.Т.О., которые могут показаться враждебными для их общественного имиджа: требование к распятию лягушки на посвятительном ритуале О.Т.О., совет членам рассматривать тех, кто не имеет отношения к Ордену, как низших существ, а также явно анти-демократические элементы в различных конституциях О.Т.О., антисемитские заявления и тексты, которые, можно сказать, противоречат свободе вероисповедания, и здесь было упомянуто лишь немногое. Теодор Ройсс, немецкий основатель этих Восточных Тамплиеров, основавший орден в 1906 году, пошел дальше: внутри сообщества О.Т.О. было запрещено использование денег. Каждый член Ордена возрастом более 18 лет обязан был ежедневно работать; те, кто отказывался работать, должны были наказываться принудительной работой. В утопии О.Т.О. Ройсса каждый ребенок должен был воспитываться сообществом, где доктора-священники под родительским присмотром должны обучать детей с самого раннего возраста тому, что половые органы являются священными (возможно, идея Кроули о том, что все дети с младенчества должны наблюдать за каждым типом половой жизни, проистекает отсюда). Тем, кто не был признан «медицинской комиссией» способным производить здоровое потомство, не разрешалось размножаться, в то время как те, кто производил детей на свет несмотря на указ, будут наказаны принудительными работами. Эти экстремальные идеи не сохранились в современных версиях О.Т.О., если уж они и поддерживались на самом деле после эссе Ройсса. Хотя инициатическая система О.Т.О. является своего рода бюрократической клубной игрой, в ее послушании есть и религиозная секция: Гностическая Католическая Церковь. Она намерена «вернуть христианству его реальный статус солярно-фаллической религии». В 1906 году шевалье Ле Климент де Сен-Марк опубликовал буклет о священной сперматофагии под названием «Евхаристия». В нем описывалось то, что Ройсс называл конечным секретом религиозного аспекта О.Т.О.: чем больше спермы вы едите, тем больше Христос проявляется в вас: для этого не нужны никакие женщины. Поглощение сексуальных секреций граничит с антропофагией, ассимиляцией отдельных лиц, обладающих внушающими страх способностями, для их нейтрализации или даже для использования. Гностическая цель заключается в том, чтобы освободить человека от удушающей путаницы физической вселенной и помочь чистому Духу возвратиться к его Божественному потенциалу. Одной из общих характеристик всех спермо-гностиков в контексте большинства версий О.Т.О. является редуцирование сексуальности до мужской физиологии. Оргазма по чистым причинам вожделения избегают, или же намерение направляется на то, чтобы отойти от имманентного оргазма и сконцентрироваться на желаниях, которые в сложившихся обстоятельствах кажутся до крайности земными. В центре внимания остается сперма. В восторженной высоте генетического и гностического превосходства мужчины, женственность проявляется в причудливом мире отсутствующей мужественности и андрогинной необходимости, почти предосудительной избыточности. Женский Логос остается нем. В Гностической Мессе гостия называется Лепешкой Света, содержит в себе Логос. Ингредиенты – сперма, кровь и вагинальные секреции. Эта лепешка света изготавливается вне хода ритуала Гностической Мессы. Свой характер гостия получает во время изготовления. Она освящается, но не пресуществляется. Божество в лепешке света – это «Дитя», по сути, аспект Гора (или разновидность гомункула), а не Осирис и не нечто близкое Христу. Трансмутация – это изменение формы, происходящее, в случае Мессы Кроули, путем химического процесса пищеварения. С другой стороны, пресуществление – это изменение эссенциального качества без изменения при этом формы. Трансмутация – это психологический процесс. Пресуществление – это нефизический процесс. Таким образом, лепешка света подвергается трансмутации во время подготовки, чтобы получить персонажа, соответствующего «чуду Мессы»: это сексуально-магический посредник Воли участника (сам ритуал можно интерпретировать как зеркало вечного творения Вселенной). Подобные моменты можно найти в ритуале О.Т.О. VIII°: «и, поскольку мясо и питье ежедневно превращаются в духовную субстанцию, я верю в Чудо Мессы. […] Это Кровь и Тело Логоса». Потребление гостии является необходимым телесным контактом. Некоторые говоря, что изменяется не гостия, а тот, кто ее потребляет. При контакте со слюной, во время жевания, при соприкосновении с желудочным соком. Это трансформация, объединение гостии с потребляющим ее. Телемитская гостия меняет потребляющего ее, в отличие от римско-католической гостии. Римско-католическая гостия пресуществляется во время Мессы RC, меняет свою незримую сущность (для того, чтобы Христос действительно стал присутствовать в ней) без изменения внешнего вида и химического качества. Если бы эта вещь была трансмутирована в тело и кровь, тогда она действительно стала бы кровоточащей плотью посредством трансмутации. — Технический термин, которым обозначается епископство в контексте Феномена О.Т.О., это Странствующий Епископ или Episcopi Vagantes. Этот статус не определяется качествами характера, образованием или теологической позицией. Эти епископы не выбираются канонической церковью, они не рукополагаются суффраганами и не связаны с историческим епископским престолом и не возводятся в сан официальным епископом согласно канонической процедуре. Настоящий епископ не является преемником какого-либо из апостолов, поскольку только синод/коллегия епископов в целом наследует апостолам. Поэтому: ни один Странствующий Епископ не имеет реальной апостольской преемственности. Нет Святого Духа в возведении в Странствующие Епископы. Инструментарий возведения не имеет никакой апостольской ценности. Тем не менее, Странствующие Епископы являются сборщиками бумаг и дипломов. В данном контексте Ройсс пытался сделать «Гностическую Мессу» Кроули «официальной религии для масонов» в 1920 году. Но нигде в конституции О.Т.О. официальный О.Н.О. не возглавлял никакой церкви. В введении к «Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae» (Цюрих 1955) на странице 4 швейцарец Герман Йозеф Мецгер заявляет об обладании «антиохийско-якобинской преемственностью, сиро-малабаритской линией от Mar Athanasius». Сегодня некоторые новые группы О.Т.О, (то есть «Калифата») пытаются подражать этой схеме, см. Для понимания анти-демократического и мизантропического аспекта данных оккультистов читайте статью «Тамплиерский Рейх – Рабы должны Служить»:</p>
SISTEMA MÁGICO-SEXUAL DE ALEISTER CROWLEY Aleister Crowley sustentou que a tarefa de sua organização mágico-sexual Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) era "restaurar o Cristianismo ao seu status real de religião solar-fálica." A estrutura da O.T.O., como a da Maçonaria, é baseada em uma série encenada de iniciações ou graus. A essência da Ordem está em seus graus mais elevados; estritamente falando, apenas membros desses graus são considerados membros da O.T.O. apropriadamente. VII°: adoração do falo, tanto por dentro quanto por fora. VIII°: interação fora dos vasos fechados da vagina e do ânus. Os fluidos sexuais podem ser misturados à saliva e depois esfregados nos tecidos absorventes do ânus e do períneo, bem como nos correspondentes externos aos chakras (plexo solar, coração, garganta, terceiro olho e coroa). Eles também podem ser usados para ungir o ânus interno, depois transferidos como 'elixir triuno' (sêmen, elixires anais e saliva) de volta à boca. Os fluidos também podem ser ungidos nas pálpebras e/ou em todo o pilar central cabalístico. IX°: interação dentro da vagina envolvendo sangue menstrual ou secreções de uma mulher quando sexualmente excitada. X°: impregnação e fertilização de um ovo; também o ato de criação ou sucessão (por exemplo, a eleição do líder, o Chefe Externo da Ordem). XI°: duplo - (i) isolamento no ânus onde não há interação - (ii) interação com excrementos e pequenas quantidades de sangue (quando pequenos ferimentos ocorrem durante a relação sexual), muco e, claro, as membranas mucosas que conduzem diretamente ao suprimento de sangue. A própria preferência de Crowley era que "Estou inclinado a acreditar que o XI° grau é melhor do que o IX°." Em última análise, na magia sexual da O.T.O tudo se reduzia ao sêmen - mais recentemente comparado a um disco rígido de computador pré-formatado para ser carregado com software e usado à vontade. Crowley: "O uso industrial do sêmen irá revolucionar a sociedade humana." Seu texto de instrução 'Amrita' define o uso de sêmen como neutralizador de "Asma, Bronquite, Neurastenia, Obesidade, Estresse, Alguns problemas cardíacos, Cabelo grisalho, Perda de interesse no sexo". Para evitar acusações de charlatanismo, a atual O.T.O. ou 'Califado' nega o uso medicinal deste 'Elixir da Vida' e afirma que ele "não pratica medicina". Para fins sacramentais, esta O.T.O. utiliza hóstias feitas com mel, farinha e borras de vinho chamadas 'Bolos de Luz' (que podem, entretanto, conter pequenas quantidades de sangue ou sêmen: "cinzas de bolos de luz queimados preparados de acordo com Liber AL III:23-25, de Crowley, seria aceitável como ingrediente adicional"). (entre 1963–1967 a O.T.O. Suíça usou um total de 3.000 Hóstias obtidas pelos Crowleyistas de um convento católico genuíno. Os grãos de incenso foram fornecidos oportunamente pelo Sacristão Chefe da Catedral de St. Gallen. E o vinho para a Missa veio diretamente do Bispo.) - De acordo com Crowley, esses Bolos deveriam incluir fluidos menstruais, mas "Em minha Missa a Hóstia é de excremento" - magicamente falando, sangue e excrementos atraem espíritos, esperma os mantem vivos. Ele também observou em seu diário em 30 de maio de 1923 que "O Dalai Lama está certo em que os fiéis comam seus excrementos". Existem muitos outros elementos doutrinários da O.T.O. que podem se mostrar hostis à sua imagem pública: o requisito para a crucificação de uma rã em um ritual de iniciação da O.T.O., conselho dado aos membros de que eles podem considerar aqueles que não pertencem à Ordem como seres inferiores, e elementos flagrantemente antidemocráticos nas várias constituições da O.T.O., declarações anti-semitas e textos que poderiam interferir nas liberdades religiosas, apenas para citar alguns. Theodor Reuss, fundador alemão desses Templários Orientais em 1906, foi mais longe: dentro da comunidade da O.T.O., o uso do dinheiro deveria ser proibido. Cada membro com mais de 18 anos era obrigado a trabalhar diariamente; aqueles que se recusassem a trabalhar deveriam ser punidos com trabalhos forçados. Na O.T.O. utópica de Reuss, cada criança seria criada pela comunidade, onde um médico-sacerdote sob supervisão dos pais ensinava às crianças desde a mais tenra idade que os órgãos sexuais eram sagrados (talvez a ideia de Crowley de que todas as crianças desde a infância deveriam estar acostumadas a testemunhar todo tipo de ato sexual veio daí.) Aqueles que não eram considerados capazes de produzir filhos saudáveis por uma 'junta médica' não eram autorizados a procriar, enquanto que aqueles que produziam filhos apesar deste decreto seriam punidos com trabalhos forçados. Essas ideias extremas não sobreviveram nas versões modernas da O.T.O., se é que alguma vez foram adotadas além do ensaio de Reuss. Embora o sistema iniciático da O.T.O. seja uma espécie de jogo de clube burocrático, ele tem uma seção religiosa sob sua obediência: a Igreja Católica Gnóstica. Pretende "restaurar o cristianismo ao seu status real de religião solar-fálica". Em 1906, Chevalier Le Clément de St.– Marcq publicou um livreto sobre a Sagrada Espermatofagia, chamado 'L'Eucharistie'. Tal livreto descrevia o que Reuss chamou de segredo último do aspecto religioso da O.T.O.: quanto mais esperma você come, mais a manifestação do Cristo ocorre dentro de você: nenhuma mulher é necessária para isso. O consumo das secreções sexuais beira a antropofagia, a assimilação de indivíduos selecionados e dotados de poderes inspiradores para neutralizá-los ou mesmo utilizá-los. O objetivo gnóstico é libertar o humano de seu sufocante enredamento com o universo físico e ajudar o Espírito puro em seu retorno ao seu potencial divino. Uma característica comum a todos os espermo-gnósticos no contexto da maioria das muitas versões da O.T.O. é uma redução da sexualidade à fisiologia masculina. O orgasmo por razões puras de luxúria é evitado, a menos que a ejaculação seja reprimida ou a intenção seja direcionada para se afastar do orgasmo imanente e se concentrar em desejos que, sob algumas circunstâncias, parecem mundanos ao extremo. O esperma continua sendo o ponto focal. Do alto do entusiasmo da superioridade genética e gnóstica do homem, a feminilidade vegeta em uma bizarra terra de ninguém de necessidade andrógina e supérflua quase repreensível. O Logos feminino permanece mudo. Na Missa Gnóstica da O.T.O., uma hóstia chamada Bolo de Luz contém o Logos. Os ingredientes são esperma, sangue e secreções vaginais. Este bolo de luz é feito fora do ritual da Missa Gnóstica. Ele tem seu caráter de preparação. É consagrado, mas não transsubstanciado. A divindade no bolo de luz é a 'Criança', propriamente um aspecto de Hórus (ou uma espécie de homúnculo) e não de Osíris ou do Cristo cognato. Transmutação é mudança de forma, no caso da passagem pertinente na Missa de Crowley, por processos químicos de digestão. A transubstanciação, por outro lado, é mudança de qualidade essencial sem mudança de forma. A transmutação é um processo fisiológico. A transubstanciação é um processo não físico. Assim, um bolo de luz se transmuta na preparação, para dar um caráter adequado ao "milagre da Missa": é um médium mágico da vontade do participante (o próprio ritual pode ser interpretado como um espelho da criação perpétua da Universo). Passagens semelhantes podem ser encontradas no ritual do VIII° da OTO: “e, visto que a carne e a bebida se transmutam em nós diariamente em substância espiritual, creio no Milagre da Missa.[...] Este é o Sangue e o Corpo do Logos." O consumo da hóstia é necessário, o contato corporal. Alguns dizem que não é a hóstia que é alterada, mas quem a consome. Através do contato com a saliva, mastigação, ácido estomacal. Esta é a transformação, a unificação da hóstia com quem a consome. A hóstia thelêmica muda quem a consome - ao contrário da hóstia católica romana. Diz-se que uma hóstia católica romana é transsubstanciada durante a missa Católica Romana, uma mudança de sua essência invisível (para a entrada da real presença de Cristo) sem uma mudança na aparência e nas qualidades químicas da coisa. Se uma coisa como essa fosse transmutada e transsubstanciada no corpo e no sangue, ela se tornaria a verdadeira carne sangrenta da transmutação. - O termo técnico para o bispado no contexto do Fenômeno O.T.O. é Bispo errante ou Episcopi Vagantes. Este status não é definido por qualidades de caráter, nem por educação ou posição teológica. Esses bispos não são eleitos por uma igreja canônica, não são propostos como ordenados por um sufragâneo e não estão vinculados a uma sé episcopal histórica ou consagrados por um bispo oficial de acordo com o procedimento canônico. Um verdadeiro bispo não é o sucessor de um único apóstolo porque apenas o sínodo/colégio dos bispos in toto é herdeiro do colégio dos apóstolos. Portanto: nenhum bispo errante tem uma verdadeira sucessão apostólica. Não há Espírito Santo nas consagrações errantes do bispo. O instrumentum consecrationis não tem valor apostólico. No entanto, bispos errantes são colecionadores de papéis e diplomas. Nesse contexto, Reuss tentou fazer da 'Missa Gnóstica' de Crowley a "religião oficial para os maçons" em 1920. Mas em nenhum lugar da constituição da O.T.O. o ofício do Chefe Externo da Ordem (O.H.O.) foi conectado com a liderança de qualquer igreja. Em sua introdução à 'Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae', (Zurique 1955) na página 4, o suíço Hermann Joseph Metzger afirmou a "Sucessão Antioquita-Jacobínica, Linha Siro-Malabarita de Mar Athanasius." Hoje, alguns novos grupos da O.T.O. (por exemplo, o 'Califado') tentam copiar esse esquema, consulte Para o aspecto antidemocrático e misantrópico desses ocultistas: leia "O Reich dos Templários - Os escravos servirão" em
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