Conqueror of the Grail
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Of every occultist to become known until now, Arnoldo Krumm-Heller (1879-1949) is, in my opinion, the only one who went through the most agitated and most ambitious
life stations: from children labour in german collieries to a physician working
in Latin America. While Aleister
Crowley spent all the money from his father and its members for mountain
rides, for alcohol and heroin and spent the last years of his life inactively
on the costs of his faithful few scattered in pensionaries and hostels,
Krumm-Heller was extremely active in politics, Medicine, the secret sciences
and was active as a writer and adventurer. His influence in the South American
countries is unevenly stronger than that of Crowley in the English countries
and in Europe. Crowley's influence owes, until the invention of the internet,
only to the merchandising of his tarot in the esoteric scene and from time to
time to small reports flared up in the tabloids. [1]
In his German work « Osmologische Heilkunde — Die Magie der Duftstoffe » [ Teaching of Osmologic Healing — the Magic of Odors ] Krumm (the 'Heller' — his mother's maiden-name — was only hyphenated onto the 'Krumm' in Spanish) lay down « his personal profession of faith »: « I descend from the maternal side of a family of priests and I stayed true to my Christian upbringing until today. The materialism, that threats to seize today so many young men, if doubt rises, was not being able of harming me. I've always been a confident animist. Among the Indigenous People, toward whom I had turned to in the studies of my life, I have not met one which could have purely thought or believed in a materialistic way. On the contrary, all are united in a belief in the soul, also on several stages. Also as a medical doctor I was, to use a known word, a Vitalist, a denomination related to Animism. I then believe in the immortality of the soul: without this belief I could not barely have properly understood the Indigenous People. » [2] Krumm can’t imagine a life without a spiritual world; his Gnosticism comes from his repulsion against global forces. « Now emerges the Great Whore Babylon, the mother of all prostitution and horror of the Earth, which brings damnation and misfortune. She represents the physical aspect: politics, selfish imperialism, Bolchewism, Communism, the philosophical schools ; all this, in which we unfortunately lose time — as we also lose it with a prostitute. » [3]
Politically Krumm-Heller considers himself rather as Mexican than as German: « I am Mexican, citizen of the country and I have always represented my views as such. When I once was in at Guanajuato and I found myself facing my execution, the German Envoy protested in the Capital and wanted me to take under his guard as German. But he had to give up his proposal, because I sent the following telegram translated word for word to Mexico: 'I thankfully protest against the intervention of the German Envoy. I am Mexican and I submit myself to all the consequenes like every other Maderist.' » [5]
What has attracted the tireless cultural commuter Krumm-Heller to the developing countries? The Arab countries with their Islam offered surely little favorable ground for the Christian Rosicrucianism of Krumm. They inspired rather the more aggressive Thelema of Crowley. After the turn of the century Mexico, like Krumm himself, is in a sort of spirit of optimism. Latin America rebels against European tutelage and political and commercial disorder. Thus emerges the rich Krumm-Heller at the right time just like a creative divinity with a new eastern medicine who teaches redemption through Gnosis and Homeopathy to the oppressed pro-Germans: « a German physician who speaks Spanish, comes to America to found Rosicrucian Centers! in a land dominated by the fanaticism and prepotence of the Roman Catholic Church! » [10]
« Maybe KRUMM-HELLER (respectively his thoughts) live [sic] once again in the SOUTH. He fled from the dark ruminant North, where (hu)man rarely REALLY sees the Sun. Maybe ISIS and OSIRIS are sitting still at the scales. Whereas A.M.O.R.C. may have pain to
the kidney... I know, Arnoldo Krumm-HELLER still lives in the South. » [11]
The optical appearance of Krumm (always elegant and with monocle), his moral presentation and his medicinal interests attract similar personalities. Therefore, today
many scholars (physicians, engineers, architects) are among the members of the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua [ F.R.A. ] — a thing, that all the O.T.O. groups reach only with difficulty. Theodor Reuss tried in vain to give the O.T.O. a high end
aspect face and, that is to appear trustworthy especially among people of money
in key positions. Thus he (Reuss) always sought representative personalities,
which should function as Master of the Chair respective of a Lodge. [12] Crowley showed similar high ambitions and failed. His O.T.O.-statutes contain phrases like « Members of the Order are to regard those without its pale as possessing no rights of any kind, since they have not accepted the Law, and are therefore, as it were, troglodytes, survivals of a past civilisation, and to be treated accordingly. Kindness should be shown towards them, as towards any other animal, and every effort should be made to bring them into Freedom. » (Liber CI, 28) and « it is intended ultimately that the temporal power of the State be brought into the Law, and led into freedom and prosperity by the application of its principles [of Thelema]. » (Liber CI, 40). The VII° must give their possession to the Order whose IX° divide it among themselves. Marital partners are to be sought in the Order, each child is to be seen as a member, trade relations are only with brothers, pregnant women must be drawn into the
Order, all services must be to the benefit of the Order, lawsuits between
members are absolutely forbidden, all property is given by a last will and
testament to the Order and anyway « who sorroweth is not of us » (Liber CI, 53). [13] [ We will meet anti-social and anti-democratic statements in the article on « The Templar's Reich » ].
HuiracochaAt Qosqo, the colonial town on the walls of the Inca Empire in Peru, Krumm found his Huiracocha motto and his INTI mantram. [14] Though, he feels like Mexican and really could choose a word of Mayan culture, Krumm identifies himself with the highest being of the tribes of upper country (Quechua and Aimara) of the Inca Empire. Uiracocha is at the same time the male and female omnipresent creator of the Inca Worlds — and relative to the Mexican Quetzalcouatl. Here Krumm traces an arc to Mexico: Quetzalcouatl, the figure of redemption (resembling Saint Thomas), [15] which alike to Madero and Carranza and others, take the path through the landscape of the Mexican soul until today (1995) (in the form of the State bureaucracy) as party of revolution, every political election (they are different presidents at the forefront with the charism of the Redeemer), lets live the old traditions of the Amerindians. Perhaps Krumm-Heller attributed a political role to Quetzalcoatl and to himself an occult mission, which act could characterize his turning of participant of revolution to the producer of the Grail, to the « child of the Sun... the Messias. » [16] Uiracocha cannot be attributed to an appearance of determined nature. But three Inca-fairy tales are recorded, in which Uiracocha plays a role. In all three he resembles the Christian Jehovah, an easily irritably God, who makes men after his portrait, remitts prescriptions abd decreed, which when not followed, is sending a flood. Uiracocha ascended from the Lake Titicaca, and the ruins at Tiahuanaco are built as his home. [17] Resembling Jesus Christ, Uiracocha walked the country, dressed oddly, to perform various miracles. [18] After a few prophecies, he walked on the sea without sinking (hence his name: grease or scum/foam from the sea, lake of winds). [19] Historically seen, the Amerindians received in trance quite often personal missions of Gods-men. The arise of another God-man such as Krumm-Heller, is not a special feature, particularly after the fairy tales resembling the Christian prophets, who warn of fake Uiracochas.
Apart from his activities as physician and revolutionary, Krumm’s avoidance of ejaculation appears to have been his good deed for redemption. Redemption became perhaps necessary because he saw by the mexican revolution wars that the material world was a Gnostic place of Putrefaction. But it is not known whether Krumm has identified the semen as Gnostic and/or homeopathic/isopathic universal medicine. After the death of Krumm-Heller, in his Rosicrucian organization grew small wars, similar to those in the O.T.O. groups but in the F.R.A. they appear in a weakened form and only in isolated protagonists. Krumm-Heller is hardly a proper projection screen, and his F.R.A. offers too little exclusivity to attract real fanatics. In the German area, after the Second World War we mostly heard of him via Hermann J. Metzger's claims to successorship.
The Rosicrucian of MexicoHow does Krumm-Heller, who has grown up « between the ancient mexican pyramids of thousands of years old » [22] connect his Christian Rosicrucianism with the ancient culture of the Maya and Inca ? For this, read a Theosophical anthroposophical sounding excerpt of his occultist novel « Der Rosenkreuzer aus Mexiko » [ The Rosicrucian of Mexico ] appeared in 1919 in the « Krumm-Hellerschen Verlagsanstalt » [ Publishing House of Krumm-Heller ] in Halle (pages 27 ss.). [23]
« The Reformation which alleviated the veil from the cross of Golgotha, has its origin in the country of my fathers, in Germany. The German race, the religion of the ancient
Germanic tribes brought the German spirit to a particular development. The cult
of the Sun of the ancient Mexicans is older and more sublime than the Christian
exoteric value. A spiritual link bound the two in a complete system. So as the
Christian life represents the problem of life of every individual, the peoples
of the Earth must also live the way of life = of the suffering of the Saviour,
the greatest of all initiates. So as he lived, crucified, died and yet is
risen, so also should the German people, after it has itself experienced the
pain of the cross, the chalice of suffering in a horrible war, resurrect in a
new flower, and then are the warriors fallen for their homeland here again resurrect
in the Mexican part of the world to give the base to a new human race. But we
find in one of the original Mexican culture a direction of spirit very parented
to the Egyptians of strange inscriptions, which speak of such a rebirth of
elitist men in other countries [...]
In addition, Krumm-Heller recognizes among the Aztecs the Jewish Kabala, the Christian Trinity, the Tarot and the atom. In rather clumsy wording and a grammatically somewhat disturbingly way he writes that « The ancient Mexicans believed, like the cabalists did, in a universal substance which, as universal spirit in the sun, symbolises the giver of life who/which transcendence from the centre the complete universe by means of a fluid of self-conscious entities [? = Die alten Mexikaner glaubten wie die Kabbalisten an eine Universalsubstanz, die als Universalgeist in der Sonne den Lebensspender, der vom Zentrum aus das ganze Weltall durchströmte, vermittels eines Fluidums selbstbewusster Einheiten versinnbildlichen ]. Definitely, the old initiated Mexicans knew the atom as a practical / concrete revelation of universal energy, and the universe, the Cosmos, as an endless chain of interactions and differences of forms, that appear depending only from the grouping of atoms. » Krumm-Heller often refers to the Stone of the Aztecs, [24] of which he can discern everything. A similar stone already describe Kerning (J.B. Krebs) and Franz Hartmann in « Lichtstrahlen vom Orient: Manuskripte für Freimaurer » [ Rays of Light from the Orient: Manuscripts for Freemasons ] and symbolically draws a link to Freemasonry. [25]
What does this have to do with the Rosicrucianism ? We live « according the order of Cristian Rosenkreutz and his companions, who lived prior to the publication of
the Fama Fraternitatis » [26] and each follows « the voice of his blood and race. » Also here reign the « Parallel-Macro-Microcosmos, the accentuation of Cosmology, which is understood as transformation of the animal man by divine Alchemy » — as described in Rosicrucianism and partially also in Homeopathy. [27]
![]() Arnold Krumm-Heller: Conferencias Esotericas, 1909. Del mismo autor: Tratado Metódico de las Enfermedades Génito-urinarias de la Mujer.
Carezza — coitus reservatusKrumm-Heller aspires to Gnostic Androgyny, and for this needs the use of the woman thereof refusing masturbation and homosexuality.
Sexual impulses must be controlled; because a man who would be enslaved by low instincts could never exert influence or even control over other men. The pineal gland, which would be « a wind to Brahma », must be developed, an aim which could be achieved only through the sacrifice of coitus. [31] Despite this, Krumm-Heller warns of too much renouncement, which would often lead to non curable damage of nerves. This dilemma is resolved in a gnostic way: The secret of the Book of Genesis is, according to Krumm-Heller, the Eve's loss of right on the Paradise by her consumption of the Apple. This expresses an aspect of Valentianism with the doctrine that man could arrive in the Heavenly Kingdom only by pure sex. The fall of the Pistis Sophia [32] caused the division of the original Androgyn, the First Father, in two parts (male and female) for what sex/sex would be an expression. By the Pure Union of partners, instead of dedication to low instincts, they find return to Paradise. Through Marriage nuptials partners can find the ecstasy of love. Regarding the sexual act itself, Krumm-Heller gives the following key: absolute dedication during the sexual act brings to both partners the highest enjoyment, which when experienced together, on the Astral plan takes on a concrete shape. This is what Krumm-Heller calls sexual magic.
Krumm-Heller interprets the sperm as half-liquid/half-solid, a fluidity that would contain life and strength. This astral fluid is for him the « intermediate », therefore « Christ », and that's why it is to conclude that force and essence of the true Intermediate would be seated in the spinal cord and the sexual parts. [34] This liquid should be kept to oneself. Instead of the orgasm, the end, the sexual act as such enters in the center of perception: the excitation of the nervous impulses during the devoted act. Despite this, it is necessary, from time to time to let go of the sperm to prevent nerve lesion.
Woman: Vagina — negative, breast — positive.
The Phallus should represent the willful energy of sexual magic, but there could also be found a secret in woman, respectively in the eagle with the woman's head. This would be the female Sun, the feminine principle of the solar forces, with which we should interact.
In this book, the human body is described as hermaphroditic, which would contain glands and
hormones of both sexes, thereby electric and magnetic fluids. The
differences between male/female positive/giving and negative/recipient are not
absolute, writes Krumm-Heller, because there would be moments of change. Carezza
is presented as « conscious love », as a method to achieve magical-magnetic
force/power which the Thaumaturge needed for his miraculous healings.
Such an act of healing (the sexual act) needs naturally particular conditions
and preparations to reach the most sublime plane. The goal is not orgasm
(because the placing of sperm in the vagina is used only for reproduction), the
magnetic forces of the act itself were stored in the body.
Female TroubleAs well as for Aleister Crowley, for which women are like milk bottles to be delivered at the rear door, [41] we found in the writings of Arnoldo Krumm-Heller an openly pronounced misogyny. Krumm even gives advice for the « intra-uterine education »: « a pregnant woman should hear good music, read good books, and visit often all places where vibrations of beauty, goodness and harmony dominate, and she will bear a good son, balanced and beautiful to the world. » [42]
The Rosicrucian of Mexico calls a particular view his own: « I will not here let myself govern by hysterical women who inverted all from top to bottom and from bottom to top! No way! Women must be very qualified for the household task, also for the easy work of machines, as we had seen in the war. But in a leading position we cannot use a woman. As assistance force she can be pretty good, as long as she feels a rigid hand upon herself. » [47]
![]() ![]() The poor prostitute already mentioned is indoctrinated in the novel of the same title — in frumpy wording:
« Fashion, the elegant and tacky dresses », Beermann objected, « are to blame for a lot. »
« In order to save himself of onanism, he dedicated himself to a harlot, the most wrong that he could have made. Not enough we can justly warn young people from that [...] Concerning this poisoning is a curious fact that the fluidic emissions of the thoughts of a man possess a great power over another particular man. » [50]
Women should be embodied as man to assume the Gnostic redemption. « The woman who wants to ascend, takes an active male part, because without this her ascension is not possible. » [52] The nomination of a woman, Ana Delia Gonzáles in Venezuela, by Krumm-Heller's son Parsifal, remains incomprehensible to most members. Annemarie Äschbach of the Swiss-F.R.A./O.T.O. meets the same distrust.
For the gnostician Arnoldo Krumm-Heller, man is hermaphroditic: physically,
electrically and magnetically. [53]
He differs between « donor » and « receiver ». Maybe similarly like Theodor Reuss or in the Roman-Catholic Church, Krumm sees the Christian marriage as a sanction for the sexual act, [54] which thereby becomes a holy act, offered on the altar of Venus. The male orgasm is not a pure consumption of the enjoyment, the placement of the penis into the vagina should only be pursued for procreation. [55] Because Krumm-Heller chooses the « Pistis Sophia » as his Holy Book, we can deduct from this also his position towards the XI°: homosexuals are tormented by 49 demons and tortured in the sea’s boiling grounds, engorged, nibbled on and annihilated. [56]
![]() The Holy Grail of Arnoldo Krumm-Heller. Gallery of the Protagonists Not all F.R.A.-branches do agree with Krumm-Heller. There are those, who consider Crowley and Thelema in a positive way, despite this doctrine also presents itself in a mysogyny light. [57]
The Spanish physician Manuel Lamparter (leader of a F.R.A. group in Spain): « I believe that woman was created as complete as man. I think that women should have equal
access to perfection as men. Concerning semen as a vehicle of Logos: Yes, women do not produce sperm but eggs, which are cells able to germinate, and if there is not a pregnancy up to the time of menstruation, the egg will nest in the womb, until the time of menstruation. During menstruation, women can absorb semen (XI °?) through the wall of the uterus and the rectal wall, therefore the genetic code could maybe arrive in the ovarium via the blood, where it remains until the end of life.
Lamparter's Gnostic Mass takes place at each « third day of female menstruation », then when wine (blood) and bread (semen) are magically transsubstantiated. [59]
The SI-12 of Samael Aun WeorThe Sexual magic of the Gnostic Movement of Samael Aun Weor (= Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez, 1917-1977) is based, as in many F.R.A.-groups, on the avoidance of ejaculation. [62] Weor speaks in more than 45 books of Solar Phallic Cults and of sexual mysteries and turns away from the « horrors: wars, prostitution, sodomy throughout the world, sexual denaturalization, drugs, alcohol », [63] of « the sexual act, adultery, prostitution, homosexuality, pederasty, masturbation » [64] etc. Because some groups of the Gnostic Movement use the F.R.A.-initiation rituals of Krumm-Heller, [65] Weor's Gnose shall be shortly described. As among many sexual magicians we found in Weor's Temple of Wisdom the phallus and the uterus. (Biblical) Chaos conforms with sperm. All in the universe is sexualized and attracts or repels for sexual reasons. At the center of the Earth sits the black phallus of Shiva penetrating the vagina of Satan (pure sex). Redemption and illumination are only possible by sexual magic without ejaculation, the magic of the Age of Aquarius. In the sexual fluids (semen and vaginal secretions) a sexual hydrogen is found, named SI-12, which in the astral body becomes gold. And the technique? Based upon the Carezza-method of Thomas Lake Harris (1823-1906), man and woman lie chest to chest, solar plexus to solar plexus, one against one another — androgynous from outside. The man begins the penetration so gently, that the hymen remains virgin. Years of practice now force the Kundalini rising high along the spine, until both partners separate themselves also of their terrestrial personalities. Also in the system of Weor, women are not capable of the highest initiation and are barred from Gnostic development. As in Buddhism and among most of the Gnostics, women can only develop in reincarnation as men. [66] Weor himself sees his « Supra-Sexuality » as continuation of the techniques of « Brown, Dr. Krumm-Heller and Jung. » [67] Weor on those who ejaculate: « Moises, the great initiate, condemns spilling semen... The tenebrous Parsival Krumm Heller and the horrible black magician Cherenci teach to spill semen. How cynical! What gangsters! These tenebrous ones teach negative sexual magic. They ejaculate semen during their cults of negative sexual magic. This class of cults comes from the cult to the horrible goddess Kali... the black magic of the Atlantis... With these tantric cults the snake wakes up negatively and descends to the atomic hell of the man, then it becomes the horrible tail of the demons... With these cults the cannanites and the inhabitants of Carthage perished, Tiro and Sidon; with these horrible practices the Atlantis sank. Those are the cults that make men become the beast of the seven heads of which the Apocalypse speaks to us... All the instructors who teach to spill semen are black magicians. » [68]
The gnostic repertoire consisting of « magic circles », « drugs » (to be refused), of « sexology (sub — and super-sexuality and normal sexuality) » « Lucifer, Devil, and Satan » is enriched in some groups by a
specific drink which contains aggressive larvae attacking the ego. [69]
Endnotes[1] In the essay on the « Mcdonaldization of Occultur » we meet with the Google Ngram Viewer which shows that it is primarily the biography of John Symond on Crowley, « The Great Beast 666 » of 1951 (London), which brought the name of Crowley into the mainstream For the expression « Arnoldo Krumm-Heller » the Ngram Viewer reveals no data in November 2010. It is to accentuate that Google operates mainly with English books. [2] « Osmologische Heilkunde – Die Magie der Duftstoffe », Berlin 1955 Page 97. [3] « Iglesia Gnóstica » (1931), Buenos Aires 2./3. Edition 1980/85, 22, translated. [4] Ibid. 23, translated. [5] « Für Freiheit und Recht » [ For Freedom and Law ], Halle an der Saale 1918, 7. [6] Conversation with Duval Ernâni de Paula in Rio de Janeiro, 28.5.1994. [7] Backside jacket of: « Gnose », XIV; 6, Rio de Janeiro 1983. [8] Duval Ernâni de Paula talks about letters of Krumm-Heller, arriving during Second World War, containing many pro-Nazi references, but, according to de Paula, this would have been only a distraction tactic for not landing in a Concentration Camp. Access to those correspondences was not granted to me. Conversation in Rio de Janeiro, 28.5.1994. [9] Adolf Voegeli: « Heilkunst in neuer Sicht » [ Art of Healing in New Insight ], Ulm/Donau 1955, 121. [10] Gábriel Sánchez Gaviria, letter dated 19.4.1991. [11] Thomas M.M. Munninger, letter dated 31.7.1994. [12] See the events on Monte Vérità and at Zurich in my article « Veritas Mystica Maxima ». [13] Also in the Swiss O.T.O. publication made by Hermann Joseph Metzger « Äquinox » VII, Zürich 1957. [14] « Revista Rosa-Cruz », 233. [15] Christoph Mühlemann: « Mythos Mexiko » in « Neue Zürcher Zeitung », 224, 26.9.1992, 65, and Krumm-Heller himself, see the next endnote. [16] Krumm-Heller: « Recuerdos de mi Peregrinacion », in « Revista Rosa-Cruz », 234. [17] Krumm-Heller sees in the secret signs a binding « between the Chibchos’ in Columbia, the Mapuches’ in Patagonia and the Catalanes’ in Barcelona », « Revista Rosa-Cruz », 1930, 304. Also Erich Von Däniken speculates lavishly about these signs. [18] On Saturday, 28 of May 1994, I was visiting Ernâni de Paula (1907-2005) in his private home in the district Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro. De Paula knew Krumm-Heller personally. I asked him for four anecdotes. (a) When Krumm, who is extremely cautious regarding his appearance, comes to Rio for the first time (1931?), all the sanitary facilities in the city are in the process of renovation, which means that there's no water to wash. Krumm remains quietly in bed, assured that when he wakes up, the water will be running again. A dwarf awakens him from sleep: « The water is running again! » And really the bathtube is already full. (b) When Krumm arrives for the first time in Rio, he already speaks in the port with a couple, whose daughter is in a clinic for the mentally ill. With Manuel Joaquim Soares de Oliveira/Thurizar (6.10.1899-9.7.1946) the next day he goes to the clinic. He places his hand on the forehead of the so-called insane and shortly after she recovers and can return to her parents. (c) At the time when Krumm is in the lodges of the Brazilian-F.R.A. two physicians are members who want to help a woman who is in a coma, with a homeopathic donation of opium. But Krumm sees with one look that this woman is suffering from syphilis and can thus recommend the correct globuli and cure. This leads to a hot discussion between the physicians and Krumm, which takes place behind closed doors. But because Krumm is not so well skilled in the portuguese language, a translator is needed. When this translator turns to Krumm to translate the dispute, Krumm is vanished. And the door is still closed, the only key is in the pocket of the other physicians. When the door is opened, Krumm is standing outside. (d) Krumm wants to embark back to Germany. This he completely spontaneously decides one day before his desired departure. Oliveira has to reserve the seats. But the travel agency regrets that the boat is completely full. Oliveira phones Krumm, who simply opines: « Bring me nevertheless to the port, I'll go on this boat toward Germany! » And when the captain is, a place becomes free. When Oliveira bids goodbye to Krumm in the cabin, Krumm lays his hand on Oliveira's forehead and consecrates him a Bishop. [19] Walter Krickeberg: « Märchen der Aztecs und Inka » [ Fairy Tales of the Aztec and Inka ], Munich 1968. [20] An indication of a possible dependence of the F.R.A. to the O.T.O.? The Viracocha notion can also be found in the Reuss VII°- O.T.O.-ritual. [21] Even as he announces in « Rosa-Cruz » 11 dated 27.12.1935 (Berlin) on page 88 that « I have the secret course of the Saint Magick of Abra Melin ». [22] Krumm-Heller, Osmologische Heilkunde, 59. [23] The Spanish translation of this novel, « Rosa Cruz », appears in Barcelona. [24] See the cover of the book of P.R. König: « Ein Leben für die Rose » [ A life for the Rose ], München 1995. [25] Facsimile, Stuttgart 1984. [26] « Rosa-Cruz » X; 10, Texas 1937, 77. [27] « Handbuch Religiöse Gemeinschaften », 2nd edition Gütersloh 1979, 538. This book gives interpretations of A.M.O.R.C., Lectorium Rosicrucianum and other Rosicrucian organizations on pages 534-557. [28] Krumm-Heller: « La Iglesia Gnóstica », Berlin 1931, 38, 40. [29] Editorial Kier in Buenos Aires, 1984. [30] Starting from page 136. [31] « We do not adulterate », page 137. [32] In the fluidical/liquefied views of the world of the gnostics, the Sophia, Wisdom, features different connotations. Once she is female proto-Principle, Mother of the Creator of the World, then the Demiurge, then again, apart of God, the Mother of the Son of God, soon she is a sort of hybrid. [33] « Hertha », Halle 1918. [34] Krumm-Heller, Iglesia Gnóstica, 60. [35] Krumm-Heller: « Taumaturgia », in « Las Enseñanzas de L’Antigua Fraternidad Rosa-Cruz », edited by Manuel Lamparter, Malaga 1987, 348. The text was likely created in 1948. [36] Taumaturgia, in Enseñanzas, 369. [37] Crowley's Eroto-Comatose also finally ends with an orgasm (Comment to his Liber Agape). [38] Berlin 1906, reprint Munich 1983. [39] Berlin 1931, 3. Edition Buenos Aires 1985, 37, 39. [40] The term Carezza (ital. « carezza » = French « caresse, cajole » = English « caress, cuddle ») is coined by the American physician Alice Bunker Stockham, who in 1896 published a booklet titled « Carezza. Ethics of Marriage ». She describes a form of coitus, where man abandons the ejaculation of sperm, also called coitus reservatus. While the penis is inserted into the vagina, it stays there immobile for a long time or moves only very slowly. Carezza can provoke a sense of very intensive enjoyment and also a sense of affinity of sexual partners. See also [41] There is no space for a detailed analysis at the moment. An example is John Symonds; « The Great Beast 666 », London 1997. Here only a pair of sentences of his « Confessions »: « A man who is strong enough to use women as slaves and playthings is all right, » « Woman is a creature of habit, that is, of solified impulses. She has no individuality, » « Monogamy is only a mistake because it leaves the excess women unsatisfied. » In his Liber Aleph: « Tell not the Truth to any Woman. For this is that which is written: Cast not thy Pearls before Swine, lest they turn again and rend thee. Behold, in the Nature of Woman is no Truth, nor Apprehension of Truth, nor Possibility of Truth, only, if thou entrust this Jewel unto them, they forthwith use it to thy Loss and Destruction. » [42] Edited again in: « Gnosis », 5, Qosqo/Peru 1991, 8. [43] 7th edition, Buenos Aires, 72. [44] See Aurelius Augustinus: « De civitate Dei ». [45] See the essay about the Spermo-Gnostics. [46] Krumm-Heller, Iglesia Gnóstica, 71. [47] Arnoldo Krumm-Heller: « Der Rosenkreuzer aus Mexiko », [ The Rosicrucian of Mexico ], Halle 1919, 225. [48] Class Logic joins sexism. [49] « Hertha », Halle 1918, 208. Krumm's moralistic ideal woman differs 100% of those who Crowley fantasises in Liber AL. [50] « Alfredo », Halle 1918, 148. [51] Krumm-Heller: « Konzentration und Wille! Ihre Schulung auf Grundlage der Logos = Lehre von Peryt Shu » [ Concentration and Desire/Will! Your Training Based on the Doctrine of the Logos of Peryt Shu (Albert Schultz 1801-1893)], Halle 1919, 2. [52] Ibid. [53] A collection of the history of literature for example: Friedrich Carl Forberg: « Antonio Panormita Hermaphroditus » (Berlin 1908/Hanau 1986). In « Iglesia Gnóstica », Krumm advises on page 71 to aim towards a « androginismo perfecto » with the help of the « acto sexual ». [54] For Reuss, marriage is a sacrament, see also his « Parsifal and the Secret of the Graal Unveiled ». [55] Taumaturgia, in: Enseñanzas, 366, Plantas Sagradas, 74. Here yet the contrary to the ascetic gnosis of E.C.H. Peithmann. [56] Carl Schmidt, Pistis Sophia, 251. [57] Also for the libertine Crowley, the woman serves only as vessel for the reception of the Logos and as a medium for the angels and demons – his system remains solar-phallic. The supplement of menstrual blood to the hosts is Manichean, because Crowley hardly follows the opinion of menstrual blood as Christi's Blood as a spiritual meal. See also Liber Agape by Crowley and Reuss in which the woman is clearly void of divinity. For Crowley, blood, whether man's or woman's, has alone magical but no gnostic significance. In the F.R.A. women appear to have mediumistic signification. [58] Manuel Lamparter, letter of 24.5.1992, translated. [59] Lamparter, letter of 4.2.1991. [60] Krumm-Heller, Enseñanzas, 100. Crowley denominates his three -kings [Kings] Smoking, Drinking and Fucking. [61] Taumaturgia, in Enseñanzas, 363. [62] Samael Aun Weor: « Buddha's Necklace », without place 1966/67/90, 23. [63] Weor: « Psychologie der Selbstverwirklichung » [ Psychology of the Self-Realization ], Varese, 1985, 30. [64] Weor, Buddha's Necklace, 30. [65] In the system of Weor Thelema does not appear at all. [66] Weor, Buddha's Necklace: 1, 7, 13, 17, 23, 25, 29, 30, 35, 48, 95. On the Naasseenic and Valentinian notion that only men can enter into the celestial Kingdom, see also, among others, Kurt Rudolph: « Die Gnosis », 2nd edition Leipzig 1980, 292. [67] Introduction sheet « The Human Machine », London undated, 11. [68] Samael Aun Weor: « El Cristo Social ». [69] Public lectures of the Gnostic Movement at the Volkshaus [ House of the People ], 10.10.- 28.11.1986 Zurich. Present are barely 20 participants. Magical exercises (among others the pentagram ritual) are demonstrated. Later, a member complains about my summary published in « Ein Leben für die Rose »: « This gives a very distorted view on what gnosis is about. There is no drugs involved in most groups and nowhere in the books of Samael does it say that the Ego must be drained of energy by living larvae... In fact it's exactly the ego, which is the acccumulation of a group of different desires, or I's (compare with Gurdjieff) that should be eliminated with the help of Sexual Magic. » N* B*, Email dated 18.4.2011.
Translated into English by Fr. A.T.A.11 in May 2016 and corrected by Lee Crowley in June 2016.
Painting of Arnoldo Krumm-Heller by Lee Crowley English: Conqueror of the Grail — Arnoldo Krumm–Heller. En français: Le conquérant du graal — Arnoldo Krumm-Heller. Tradução portuguesa: O Conquistador do Graal. По русски: Завоеватель Грааля — Арнольдо Крумм-Хеллер.
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