Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica — Gnostic Catholic Church — Ordo Templi Orientis

Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica
Wandering Bishops
Episcopi Vagantes
Eglise Gnostiqe Catholique
Eglise Gnostique Universelle

A compilation by Peter-R. Koenig

The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica Gnostic Catholic Church

While the O.T.O.’s initiatory system is a sort of Kafkaesque bureaucratic club game, it has a religious association as part of its framework: The Gnostic Catholic Church. One of the O.T.O.groups intends "to restore Christianity to its real status as a solar-phallic religion." In addition to tax advantages, religion supplies a commodity that is always in demand: salvation. And it would seem that some O.T.O.-variations are simply making themselves bulletproof in the context of the law in some countries.

The technical term for the bishopric in the context of the O.T.O. Phenomenon is Wandering Bishop or Episcopus Vagans. This status is not defined by any character qualities, not by theological education or theological position. These bishops are not elected by a canonical church, nor proposed as an ordain by a suffragan and not bound to a historical episcopal see or consecrated by an 'official' bishop according to the canonical procedure.

A 'real' bishop is not a successor of a sole apostle as only the synod/college of bishops in toto are heir to the college of the apostles.
Therefore: no Wandering Bishop has a 'real' apostolic succession. There is no Holy Ghost in Wandering-Bishop-consecrations.

The instrumentum consecrationis is of no apostolic value. Nonetheless, Wandering Bishops are collectors of papers and diplomas.

In all Ordo Templi Orientis versions, the line of succession is vitally important, as it is believed that the leader is the repository of the Order’s magical power, and also has a claim on various copyrights and royalties, especially of Aleister Crowley’s work.

Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica

Spermo-Gnostics and the Ordo Templi Orientis   Introduction to the "Ascetic and Libertine Gnostics"   [version July 99].

History of the Stranded Bishops.
Traduction français: Les Évêques Errants et La Messe Noire ...

Siehe auch die deutsche Seite Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.
Papus Encausse ExLibris Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose Croix

J.S. Doinel: La gnose de Valentin, avril 1890
Jules Stany Doinel: Première homélie, septembre 1890
J. Doinel: Restauration de la Gnose, septembre 1893
J.S. Doinel: La fraction du pain, mai 1894
    English translation: Ritual of the Breaking of the Bread
J. Doinel: Mandement de sa Grâce, avril 1894
J.S. Doinel: L'appareillamentum, juin 1894
J.S. Doinel: Restauration de la Gnose , 1894, english PDF
Fabre des Essarts: Conciliation gnostique, mai 1895

The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon Basilides

The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon Valentinus
Joannès Bricaud: Doctrine de la Gnose 1907, english PDF
Joannès Bricaud: Homélie, février 1908
J. Bricaud: Profession de foi, 1908
J. Bricaud: Église Gnostique Universelle

Les statuts publiés dans La Gnose, revue officiel de l'Église Gnostique Universelle, fondé et dirigé par René Guénon (1909-1912): l'église de Fabre des Essarts / Synésius. Après une rupture cette Église devint l'Église officielle des Martinistes.

S.-J. Esclarmonde: Bref Exposé De La Doctrine Gnostique, Credo gnostique, 1913

Czesław Czyński — Punar Bhava, Martinism, Gérard Encausse — Papus, Mysteria, Oriflamme, Theodor Reuss, VII° Ordo Templi Orientis, Order of the Illuminati, Eglise Gnostique Universelle, Baphomet in Polen, Jan Korwin-Czarnomski, Mikołaj Mikołajewicz Czaplin, Stanisław Sławomir Jastrzębiec-Kozłowski.
Rafal T. Prinke: Polish Satanism & Sexmagic Czesław Czyński: Triomphe de l'occultisme. Preface by Gérard Encause / Papus. A detailed account of the affair André Gilevitsch — Gilewicz
Mysteria, Revue mensuelle illustre d'etudes initiatiques, Revue Mensuelle d'etudes Initiatiques, Ordre Martiniste, Eglise Gnostique Universelle, Gérard Encausse, Papus, F. Ch. Barlet, Albert Faucheux, Charles Detre, Teder, Copin-Albancelli, A. Porte du Trait des Ages, Paul Sedir, Yvon Le Loup, Henri Antoine Jules-Bois, Jean Bricaud

"Mysteria", 1;2, Paris February 1913

Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica GNOSTIC CATHOLIC CHURCH Eglise Gnostiqe Catholique Eglise Gnostique Universelle Wandering Bishop Episcopi Vagantes

Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica GNOSTIC CATHOLIC CHURCH Eglise Gnostiqe Catholique Eglise Gnostique Universelle Wandering Bishop Episcopi Vagantes

GNOSTIC CATHOLIC CHURCHES Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica Wandering Bishops Episcopi Vagantes Eglise Gnostiqe Catholique Eglise Gnostique Universelle Jules Stany Doinel Fabre des Essarts Joannès Joanny Bricaud S.-J. Esclarmonde

Grand Temple Gnostique GNOSTIC CATHOLIC CHURCHES Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica Wandering Bishops Episcopi Vagantes Eglise Gnostiqe Catholique Eglise Gnostique Universelle Jules Stany Doinel Fabre des Essarts Joannès Joanny Bricaud S.-J. Esclarmonde Temple Sanituaire Vestibule GNOSTIC CATHOLIC CHURCHES Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica Wandering Bishops Episcopi Vagantes Eglise Gnostiqe Catholique Eglise Gnostique Universelle Jules Stany Doinel Fabre des Essarts Joannès Joanny Bricaud S.-J. Esclarmonde

More Gnostic Catholic Church Texts and Paintings.

Theodor Reuss and the Gnostic Churches

Chevalier Le Clément de St.-Marcq:  "L'Eucharistie".   About the Sacred Spermatophagy. Reuss said that this book of 1906 contained the ultimate secret of the OTO: the more sperm you eat, the more the manifestation of the Christ takes place within you: no women necessary for that.
Facsimile re-printed in: P.R. Koenig: "Der Grosse Theodor Reuss Reader", ARW, Muenchen 1997; Reuss called this pamphlet a revealing of the central secret of the OTO: only sperm contains the Logos: no women needed. Reuss wrote to Le Clément the following meaningful lines (we carefully reproduce his jargon): "I enclose two numbers of the "Oriflamme" which will show you that the Order of the Oriental Templars is in possession of that same knowledge contained in your "L'Eucharistie"". In effect, we find in the "Oriflamme", published in 1912, this, which clears the matter: "Our Order is in possession of the key which opens all the masonic and hermetic secrets: it is the doctrine of sexual magic, and this doctrine explains, leaving nothing in the dark, all masonic symbolism, every religious system". The quote is in chapter X (La question du satanisme) of René Guénon's "L'Erreur Spirite", originally published in 1923.

Role-model for Reuss'/Crowley's Gnostic Mass: The Tridentine Ritual.
Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley. Preface: Die Gnostische Messe.
The Gnostic Neo-Christians (1917).
The True Secret of Freemasonry and the Mystery of the Holy Mass   (manuscript of approx.1917).

Theodor Reuss' invitation: Congress der Foederation der Universellen Freimaurer, 1920: Joanny Bricaud's proposal to make Reuss'/Crowley's Gnostic Mass the central religion of all 18° Freemasons.
Programme of Construction and Guiding Principles of the Gnostic Neo Christians called O.T.O. (printed 1920).

[From: 'Der Kleine Theodor Reuss Reader']

Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn, Mitglied von Reuss' O.T.O.: Die Gnostiker und die Unsichtbare Kirche  [1925].
    English translation: The Gnostics. — About the Gnostic Catholic Church, Androgyn + Gynandria, E.C.H. Peithmann, Peryt Shou, and the immissio membri virilis in vaginam in avoidance of the ejaculatio seminis.

Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn Gnostisches System Gnostische Kirche Gnostic Church

Stephan Hoeller: Position Paper Concerning the Thelemite or Crowleyan Gnostic Churches. About the importance of magical succession without schisms; about valid and proper intention of consecrations, and that one Mass no Church doth make.
Study a version of Stephan Hoeller's Mass that was modified by the EGA's late Primate, Roger St. Victor Herard (Tau Charles).

Facsimile of the originals of above texts can be found in Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.
Some of them were scanned and converted to text by Stephen L***. Homepage: Maps and Magick.

Aleister Crowley appointing William B. Crow Patriarch of the thelemic Gnostic Catholic Church.

Succession Apostolique Eglise Gnostique Eglises Patriarches Gnostiques

Lignée malabare: René Vilatte, Jules Doinel, Theodor Reuss, E.C.H. Peithmann, Arnoldo Krumm-Heller, Herbert Fritsche, Hermann Joseph Metzger

Lignée malabare: René Vilatte, Jules Doinel, Theodor Reuss, E.C.H. Peithmann, Arnoldo Krumm-Heller, Herbert Fritsche, Hermann Joseph Metzger.
Drawn circa 1966 by Paul Ruediger Audehm.

At various times the media published photographs of Hermann Joseph Metzger's altar of the Swiss Gnostic Catholic Church.

A gallery with photographies of some protagonists.
Hermann Joseph Metzer — Ordo Templi Orientis — Gnostic Catholic Church altar

Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica — Ordo Templi Orientis — Canon Missae — Switzerland — Liber XV — Aleister CrowleyTouto esti to sperma mou. Ho pater estin ho huios dia to pneuma hagion. AUMGN. AUMGN. AUMGN.

Other O.T.O.-versions

The Threepenny Gnostic Opera with charters of e.g. Manuel Cabrera Lamparter, William Wallace Webb et. al.
The Gnostic Lineages of the O.T.O.A. and related organisations and Churches.
Der O.T.O.A.-Reader contains a lot of further picture material.
"Ljuben je zakon" or "ljubav pod voljom"? O.T.O. and O.T.O.A. in former "Yugoslavia".
O.T.O. groups and O.T.O.A. in Italy.
My O.T.O.A. 1987-1991.
How William Breeze lost an Apostolic Succession.

Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua

Ein Leben fuer die Rose (Arnoldo Krumm-Heller's Gnosticism plus a description of Reuss', Crowley's and Krumm-Heller's spermo-gnosis: a comparison with the Fraternitas Saturni.)
Arnoldo Krumm-Heller's Gnostic Mass for the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua.

Conqueror of the Grail — Arnoldo Krumm-Heller. Correct Gnosticism.

Fraternitas Saturni

The Creative Power. Golems and Homunculi. Traduction française: Le pouvoir créateur.
Traduse in romana: Putera Creatoare.
По русски: Творческая Сила.

See also: Too Hot To Handle.
The gnostic aspect of the Fraternitas Saturni: Eugen Grosche: Die Sakralen Kulte der Loge, 1930 (About Chrestos).
Eugen Grosche: Das Weltliche Kloster, 1953 (About the Saturnian Monastery).


Materialien zum OTO (facsimiles of documents: the Order Degree System, Reuss' charters, the Gnostic Mass in Brazil, the Eucharist in Brazil, Michael Bertiaux' Gnostic Church)
Der Grosse Theodor Reuss Reader (facsimile material only: e.g. Theodor Reuss' translation/collaboration of/on Liber XV: the Gnostic Mass of the Ordo Templi Orientis, as a facsimile of the German 1917-version
Reuss' and Crowley's Gnostic Mass in O.T.O. Rituals and Sexmagick

Preface of the book Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica

More about all this in Andreas Huettl and Peter-R. Koenig: Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz


       Joanny Bricaud

Jules Doinel

Gerard Encausse — Papus

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© Peter-Robert Koenig
on-line since April 1996

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