Why they became member of the O.T.O. 24 Hail Satan
From: XXX
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999
To: koenig @ cyberlink.ch
Let's not be naive.We know the oto has been working with the cia in
mind control and every oto has the spermo physchosis which is dogma
saying that it is something you ave to do.All oto groups say you have
to do this or that,I know more than you think and cannot be faked by
your inqueries about this group.You make it seem as if it was
nothing,but I know.
From: XXX
Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999
Nevermind I know nothing of the oto or the cia.I have made all of this
up,it was a bad attempt at a joke.
Please forget all that I have stated in the past 2 days none of it I
believe.The oto is a wonderful group for thelemites to gater and
ritualize together.
May I ask what your rank in the oto is?? and how exactly did you get
involved in the oto? and "in general" what are your own thoughts on the
order and how it works?
From: XXX
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999
We are speaking of the oto in general .Just like in your webpage you
don't speak of any oto specifically,rather you just speak of the oto.
Who are you? i find your web site listed in many web forums about
ritual abuse and cult manipulation and lies.So are you for,or against
the oto??? and if your against them then why aren't you reporting their
dealings with the cia?? I'd be happy to send you an article involving
oto and the cia.
From: XXX
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999
Your page to me shows that you disagree with the oto and find it
inconsistant.I will not tell you which one sir,but 2 in the east and in
the south of the U.S.
And I'm sorry but I read your page and it does not say who you are.Are
you a spy? are you a reporter? are you an oto wanna be? are you an oto
follower? and trust me I've steered clear of the neo natzi publications
of the oto and gone more with the intelligent reporter who knows of the
groups activities.I will send you the document on th oto and cia.
From: XXX
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999
I only cant give you the oto names and locations because they have mad
threats on my life,and since your one of them I just cant do it.its not
game its just being careful.but please do not attack my
intelligence,when i knew the oto was inconsitant from the get go yet
you had to go through their rites to learn.and as for you harping on
which one and who im with,please explain the major oto lodges in
L.A.,N.Y,and austin,tx.ive visited all of their webpages and read their
beliefs and they are all the same.So if no true oto exist then why are
these org.'s in extremely diferent location saying the same thing???
the oto's beliefs may not be consistant,but one thing that is
consistant is the fact that all lodges hold these beliefs.I'm sorry but
you're wrong on this one,you being from sweden i can understand the
From: XXX
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 1999
well im not here to give information on myself im not that stupid that
i am ging to tell you about me this is all about oto not me or you.And
the US grand lodge of the oto is not a real body of the oto??? well
someone has to tell me that the "grand" lodge isnt a real body.Somebody
also has to tell me that the US international grand lodge in Ausitin
isnt a real body.You know for fake oto bodies they sure got some high
titles.And from what i've read about the oto all sources confirm that
the US grand lodge is in New York and the scarlet woman lodge in Austin
is the US international grand lodge.I have contacts with these schools
and im going to ask them about you,because as a good reporter i am not
just going to take your word for anything.You insist on my age,i am of
age.you insist on my education,l20 I.Q. rationalist (kelsey persona
testing) and i am an actor/poet.If these lodges which are world
famous,and carry such high title such as grand and internationl grand
lodge are fake,then where are the real ones??? i would love to find
them,and where would their homepages be so i can check them out?
From: XXX
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
well we will see what certain soros and fraters think of your little
emails when i send them to the grand lodge,oh i forgot did you even
respond to that part of my letter?? of course you wouldnt lol,you cant
manipulate me,im better,smarter,and a better magician than you.You're
the joke though pete hehe,i love it when i stump the ill-equiped.
From: XXX
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
If you have 250 then send them to me.You have what you wrote in your
head,but you assume that I do too.I only read your oto phenomenon and
nothing else,I've searched for your other pages and can't find
anything;so please send them to me.
I wasn't going to send your pages,rather your correspondence with me.
From: XXX
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
give me the addresses to your pages dear.
and your page may be informative,but who the hell made it???
It's about the wost,most unorganised page I've ever seen..It looks as
if u took a book and just printed it online.On your pictures page i
find maybe 3 pic's. the rest are just type face.and the pics u do have
do not show what they say they do.One said it had you in front of
kellners grave,isaw the grave,but not you.you remind me of the black
panthers who protested in front of government agencies,then came out
with jobs from the so called enemy.your page is horribly un organised
and whoever your web master is should be shot.the joke of the day is
your one site.if you have others then send the addresses to me,because
i cant find them.
From: XXX
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
redundant are we?? I've told you all I am willing to tell.
From: XXX
Date: Sat, 24 Jul 1999
My profession and education don't matter in our correspondences in any
way.We are discusing the oto and that's it.Why you would want to know I
have no idea.How you knowing this would change our emailings I have no
From: XXX
Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999
ur insane ur real audio doesnt play plain and simple.and how can you
believe in that stupid oto shit? there is no god or gods,and i saw
docs' on the solar temple which belongs to you guys and they use their
resources to make fake magical equipment what a bunch of losers.
Hail Satan