A public domaine document: James T. Graeb, co-founder and IX° of the 'Caliphate' and its Patrick King-XI°, a lawyer, files suit vs William Breeze, William Heidrick, Marcus Jungkurth et alii in 2001. The case was dismissed in April 2002. Get zip file [1,2 MB]. | ![]() |
A Message from Rebel Ruthanne, Graeb's wifeWhat's so valuable about this case is simply as a record: It is very detailed, enough so, to have been a court filing. The cOTO loves documents, so here is another one to chew on.This case was dismissed. There are two differing stories as to why it was dismissed. One, that James T. Graeb claims to have dismissed it. Two, there are the actual court records showing that since no further action was taken, the case was dismissed by the court. In question between the two stories is "clerical error". Still, it's a valid and informative document. Additionally, if any of the cOTO members want to know where their hard earned dollars sent for membership fees,donations and such really go, they can clearly see the end result. They can also find out which O.T.O. they really belong to, and where the assets belong. Good luck to any of you wanting to do any research. The archives are gods know where, and the Warburg collection is next to impossible to access anymore. Ok, first we showed that Bill Breeze was elected, by run of the mill human beings, not ordained by God or Baphomet. We showed the entire Thelemic world what kind of discussions go on in those rooms of such high secrecy. Now we show the misdeeds of the leadership, The King, 'Caliph', The OHO, the one who invented his own degree. Bill Breeze seems to be Self-Dealing, conniving, manipulative, and double dealing. You'd think his spin doctoring to the lX°, (re: cost of the Naylor/Symonds suit) and the later discovery of this would change things, but it hasn't. You'd think that the Sanctuary of the Gnosis degree members would say "enough is enough", but they don't. They don't, because there is no Sanctuary, and certainly instead of Gnosis, there is Suspension, and/or expulsion await those who question authority, within this so-called Thelemic organization. There are a Flock of Birds, with heads imbeded deeply in the sand. This is the Sanctuary of the Sand Birds. Again, if you are a current member of the cOTO, still paying your dues, think carefully. What is it that you are seeking? A magical insurance policy? There is no magick in the cOTO. Just look at what you get for your dollars. You figure it out. If you truly are Thelemic, you might want to go back to that old first degree question," Who do you rely on?" Yourself. All of the information has been fair and balanced, being from the original sources and documents. You decide. Are you a Sand Bird, or a Thelemite? And Bill Breeze, if you are reading this, don't bother having your lawyer Stuart McKenzie call my home anymore. It simply won't do you any good. May 2003 Someone addedGraeb: although an old lawsuit, it opens the door to what I observe as merely personal conflict, which indeed eventuated in Graeb DROPPING THE SUIT in order to REMAIN IN OTO. In other words, the OTO means "so much" to some people, that they will leave behind their own self worth, their own integrity, and their own belief in TRUTH (or their own personal truth, whatever it may be, and regardless of whether it reflects a more socially acceptable truth or not) and JUSTICE in order to maintain a social network that they feel is "more important". This is the same with any social norm imposing "group" or "entity"... which indeed subtly or overtly imposes "norms" and "status quo" which is able to usurp almost all chances for a revolution. Its really sad when the IX° of OTO is supposed to exist as a revolutionary body — but then, that goes against almost all social norm theory which I think (regardless of Crowley) exceeds someone's "bylaw."This case was dismissed. It is my understanding that the OTO required Graeb to drop the suit in order to remain in OTO. This was discussed the same year I was notified to be expelled. All I remember is this: I was notified to be expelled & had 72 hours to respond. In response to that I said "fuck off." Right after that Graeb sent me a letter that he would "defend me." I forwarded this to the OTO with my retraction of withdrawal, when they said "fuck you too." Whatever. Shortly thereafter I found out, via Ruthanne, that Graeb met with OTO and they told him he had to drop the suit, cancel some other organizations he had opened (like "Ordo Templi Orientis, USA" or something like that...) and pay them like $600 or $6000 or something in fines. Then, they let him back in. As far as I know, he remains in good standing. Good luck to any of you wanting to do any research. The archives are gods know where, and the Warburg collection is next to impossible to access anymore. Breeze has the entire Warburg collection and is giving/selling copies of the microfiche to various members, like Bill Heidrick, Jim Nobles, etc. They have the entire Warburg collection on hand. May 2003 |
![]() Kenneth Grant |
![]() John Symonds |
![]() Francis King |
![]() Karl Germer |
Items of Historical InterestIn 1930, Karl Germer sent a description of the Aleister Crowley LTD. to Fernando Pessoa.Aleister Crowley: This is the Last Will. Karl Germer, Louis Wilkinson and Lady Frieda Harris. National Grandmasters and OHOs of the O.T.O. Some background informationLawyers and Historians: The 'Caliphate' versus the Truth? — Introduction.The Maine Decision 1984 [to the disfavour of the 'Caliphate'] | The California Decision 1985 [to the favour of the 'Caliphate']. Purchase of the copyrights on Aleister Crowley from the Official Receiver (OR). The 1999 Particulars of Claim ['Caliphate']. Financial Reports 1996-1999 of the 'Caliphate'. Erraneous opinion on theInternational Copyright Situation. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. What the 'Caliphate' does not want you to know. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. Crowley's Probate. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. 'Caliphate' Capers. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. Based upon a draft by James Graeb. Structure, Constitutions and Money. Partly written by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. Anonymous: Burning Down The House. 'Caliphate', Argenteum Astrum, James Wasserman, Donald Trump — Written in 2021. Library of Congress, letter dated September 6, 2000. 2000, July: An analysis of the Bylaws of the 'Caliphate' and its Board of Directors. By James Graeb. 2000, July: Incorporation of O.T.O., Argentum Astrum and E.G.C.. 2000: "Caliphate-O.T.O. Win" and the The Writing on the Wall. Text by Anthony Naylor before he lost his case against the 'Caliphate' in 2000. Court Order of October 2000. James T. Graeb, co-founder and IX° of the 'Caliphate', a lawyer, calls the 'Caliphate' a "Puppet Show Piece" and files suit vs William Breeze, William Heidrick, Marcus Jungkurth et alii in 2001. The 2002 Ruling. The Summary so far. Ordo Templi Orientis - Trade Mark - Starfire Publishing Limited. Some ThingsCourt Case Hermann Joseph Metzger vs Walter Englert in the 1970s.1991 Opinion of a German prosecuting attorney's office on the body of the 'Caliphate'. Censorship in the UK. The 'Caliphate' Book Patrol: Fahrenheit 418. Paul Joseph Rovelli versus the 'Caliphate', New York January 2000. 1998, July 17 - 2000 October Austrian situation on Copyrights [German and English]. Trademark O.T.O.. By Leslie Anne Childress. 2007 'Caliphat' Kasino in Deutschland. Other BackgroundThe 'Caliphate'.Discussion about the instrument of succession. An introduction to the background, followed by a transcript of this discussion. Minutes of the 11 IX°s 'Caliphate' election in 1985 where it was clearly said that the 'Caliph' is not the juro OHO. Playgame of an O.T.O.-Fatamorgana — Statistics, Censorship, Name Dropping. 2011.
Traduzione italiana: La versione play-game di un O.T.O.-Fatamorgana Fetish, Self-Induction, Stigma and Rôleplay. 2011.
Traduzione italiana: Il feticcio, l’auto-induzione, lo stigma, il gioco di ruolo. Tlumaczenie polskie: Fetysz. Rytualy. Resocjalizacja: Tozsamosc przez stygmat. Autoindukowana schizofrenia. Odgrywanie ról. По русски: Фетиш, самоиндукция, стигма и ролевая игра. More about all this in: Andreas Huettl and Peter-R. Koenig: Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz O.T.O. Phenomenon navigation page | main page | mail What's New on the O.T.O. Phenomenon site? Scattered On The Floor Browsing Through The Rituals
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