Theodor Reuss - Mystic Anatomy - Ordo Templi Orientis

Ordo Templi Orientis
Oriflamme 1913

Theodor Reuss
Mystic Anatomy

 Any student who desires to study Hermetic Science must have, not only,
 a thorough knowledge of ordinary Anatomy, he must also be able to apply
 his knowledge of ordinary medical science to the requirements of
 Hermetic Physiology in order to understand the Finer Forces of Nature
 which alone will enable him to realise what Mystic Anatomy is. The
 Doctrines of the most prominent Mystics who most of them either were
 Medical Men or practised Medical Art, like Paracelsus, Van Helmont,
 Albertus Magnus, Cornelius Agrippa, Postellus, Cardan, Robertas de
 Fluctibus, Mesmer and others, are that the Moon is allpowerful in
 certain senses. The mystic passage of the child in the mother's womb is
 marked by distinct stages during the 9 lunar months through which the
 child passes on to its birth. The influence of the moon is of feminine
 character. These influences are operating upon the nervus sympathicus,
 sensitive nerves, and the heart, the nervus Vagus. The nervus Vagus
 arises in the Fourth Ventricle. It forms before it leaves the skull an
 important ganglion ingulare, after leaving the skull it spreads like a
 river into a long stretched plexus Nodosus, or ganglion cervicale
 vagus. Thence it runs along both sides of the carotic arteries and
 close to the Sympathetic Nerve behind the bronchial pipe and along the
 oesophagus to the epigastric cavity and pelvic region. In its course it
 closely intermingles with the Nervus Sympathicus and the whole
 sympathetic system. Having thus much established at the hand of
 Ordinary Anatomy, we may now consider the mystic physiology of the
 human being (male and female) and the RATIONALE (celestial, hermetic,
 or otherwise) of the methods and the motives and purposes of
 GENERATION. Generation is a "MIRACLE"! And a Miracle is always DIVINE,
 no matter what aspect it may assume in the limited view of Men! The ACT
 which lies at the base of, and in its consumation constitutes
 Generation, has been branded by misguided zelots as an act of sin, and
 has been explained as a supposed consequence of the imaginary Fall of
 Adam and Eve and connected with the Fall of the Angels! In fact it has
 been held up as an Act of Shame!
 But the Ancient Masters of Hermetic Science who explored the wonders of
 the natural world and the wonders and mysteries of the supersensual
 world, these supposed Black Magicians, prayed down in the very depths
 of their abasement and humility before the "IDEA of GOD", rising thus
 into Sainthood, looked upon Nature and ALL its DEMONSTRATIONS, and
 materialisations of the super-sensual, with very different eyes from
 the ordinary man and philosopher. They were enabled in a spiritual way,
 to penetrate to the tru th of the real meaning of the Original Fall of
 the Angels, of the Original Fall of Adam and Eve. The Masters of
 Hermetic Science hold that it is possible, by the right application of
 the meaning of "Original Sin" and "Fall of Angels" to arrest in magic
 art, i.e. Sex Magic, the Supernatural S.E.E.D.S. operating in every,
 and through every being, for purposes of understanding "GOD ITSELF" and
 "UNITING WITH GODHEAD". This is called the great act of Transmutation
 of the Reproductive Energy. This Great Mystery is also embodied in the
 Eucharist of the Churches. It is a Hermetic Mystery. It is a Blind!
 Blinds are used by the Church and by Hermetic Science. No Hermetic
 Truth, entirely unveiled, is ever printed, or given out publicly. With
 this clear underianding before us we now proceed to give a definition
 of those Finer Forces of Nature which will lead us to understand what
 Mystic Anatomy is. Hermetic Science teaches us that the Sympathetic
 Nerve System is Shiva Vina (also Kali's Vina) i.e. Generative God's
 String Instrument. This is symbolically represented as a harp. The
 Sympathicus is played on by the Tantrikas, the writings of Sakti, or
 worship of female energy. The Nerve Fibres or Cords are called in
 Eastern Hermetic Science Nadis.
 The principal 3 Nadis are
 a) Shushuma in central canal of spinal cord and medulla oblongata.
 b) Ida to the left of Shushuma.
 c) Pingala to the right of Shushuma.
 These Nadis start from Ajna Lotus (Triveni Plexus) and they join on a
 point between the eyebrows over the nose. The Ida is negative and
 corresponds to the MOON, and Pingala is positive and corresponds to the
 SUN. Ida leaves by the left nostril and Pingala by the right one.
 Besides the above mentioned 3 most important Nadis, there are others.
 The whole of the 14 Nadis are: Shushuma, Pingala, Ida, Gandhari,
 Hasti-jihvica, Kuhu (generative), Sarawasti, Pusa, Sankhini, Payaswini,
 Varuni, Alumbusa, Viskwodan "and Yasaswini.
 Chitta is the principle of thinking
 The Eastern Hermetic name for Nerve Plexus is "Lotus"
 The Lotuses are the Psychic Centres of the Body, within which force and
 life-energy are stored up. There are 42 Lotuses of which 7 are of
 special value and importance for practical purposes:
 1) Mudladhar Lotus, wherein is the "Coiled-up-one" the Kundalini Nadi
 at base of Shushuma in the Sacral Plexus. It is the dormant or sleeping
 power of Supreme life. It embraces the 3 channels or cords, Ida,
 Pingala and Shushuma, or MOON, SUN and FIRE, or NEGATIVE, POSITIVE and
 the UNION of BOTH. and its RESULT. Solar Plexus. Coeliacus. Gods
 Instrument. It is known as the "Fundamental Lotus" or the "Base of
 Life"! The energy which surrounds this Lotus is the Seed of Love,
 and'the whole combination is called Mudladhar Lotus which has 4 petals.
 2) Swadkisthan Lotus has 6 petals.
 3) Manipur Lotus has 10 petals. It is situated under the navel.
 4) Anahat Lotus with 12 petals (Fibres) is in the heart. Within this
 Lotus dwells the flame Van-Linga!
 5) Vishudda Lotus has 16 petals.
 6) Ajna Lotus between the eyes on bridge of nose, it has 2 petals. The
 Shushuma passes up from the Sacral Plexus througth the Spinal Cord, to
 the right side of Ajna Lotus (Pingala) and from there it passes to the
 left of Ajna Lotus (Ida). Pingala comes from the left side of Ajna
 Lotus and goes to the right side of the nostril.
 7) Sakasrar Lotus, the 1000 petalled Lotus, is at the base of palate.
 HA is MOON or Ida; THA is SUN or Pingala; HA-THA is UNION of Prana and
 Apana under the navel.
 Hence Ha-Tha-Yoga. He-She-Union or Coition.
 Prana goes from heart downwards, Apana goes from anus upwards.
 From what above has been stated about the Hermetic or Mystic Value of
 the Sympathetic Nerve System, is shown that the Sympathetic Nerve
 System, of which School Science knows so very little, forms the bridge
 which connects the gross and material conception of the human Body
 (Microcosmos) with the higher and hidden or esoteric and hermetic
 conception of the Finer Forces of Human Natur. And like in Microcosmos,
 so in Macrocosmos!
 In Macrocosmos we find then (esoterically or hermetically speaking)
 Seven Forces, or Seven Centres of Forces. Whether it be 7 Lokas
 (spheres of existence in eternity, or 7 Tattvas (the reasons of
 existence: I am I) or the whole chain of Seven. Or whether they be
 Macro-Kosmic Forces, or the Micro-Kosmic, Forces, they always stand in
 same order and relations. The Seven Tattvas are:
 Adi Tattva, the primordial universal force issuing at the beginning of
 manifestation, or of the "Procreative" period from the eternal
 immutable SAT, the substratum of ALL. It corresponds with the Auric
 Egg, which surrounds every Globe, as every Man. It is the Force
 proceeding from the First or Unmanifested Logos! Equivalent of SUN!
 Father! Vater!
 Anupadaka Tattva, the first differentiation on the plane of being, the
 parentless, the God Brahma born without father or mother, sprung from
 that grows from Vishnu's navel. Equivalent of MOON. Logos Son! Sohn!
 Akasha Tattva, this is from which all religions start: Jupiter, Indra,
 Pater Ether, Pneuma, or the Manifested Logos, and the biblical Holy
 Ghost! Heilige Geist! Its equivalent is Saturnus.
 Vayu Tattva, Aerial plane; Tajias Tattva, plane of our atmosphere;
 Apas Tattva, liquid substance of Water; Prithvi Tattva, solid substance
 of earth.
 These last four correspond to the Four Elements.
 Vayus corresponds to Air and Jupiter;
 Ajna (Agni) corresponds to Fire and Mars;
 Apas corresponds to Water and Venus;
 Prithvi corresponds to Earth and Mercury.
 According to Mystic Anatomy Akasha Tattva is located in the Brain;
 Tayas Tattva in the Shoulder, Vayus Tattva in the Navel; Apas Tattva in
 the knee; Prithvi Tattva in, sole of Feet. Further in Mystic Anatomy:
 Spleen corresponds to Linga Sharira,
 Liver corresponds to Kama,
 Heart corresponds to Prana,
 Corpora Quadrigemina corresponds to Kama-Manas,
 Pituitary Body corresponds to Manas Antakarana,
 Pineal Gland corresponds to Manas, and when this is touched by
 Kundalini, it becomes Buddhi Manas or Divine Thought.
 Of special importance in Mystic Anatomy is the Pituitary Body at the
 base of the brain. This Pituitary Body or Hypophysis Cerebri, is
 connected with the Pineal Gland or Conarium. Both the Hypophysis
 Cerebri and the Conarium are covered with a grey sand which is called
 Acervulus Cerebri. This sand, of which the School Physiologists know
 nothing to say, is found in Man only after he, or she is 7 years of
 This sand is of the greatest mystic importance. It is connected with
 the production of SAT, the ultimate Essence of Everything. It stands in
 relationship to the Central Organ of ALL FLUIDS, the W.O.M.B., and in
 the womb is PRANA the Great Architect of the child. PRANA is also in
 the air, and is absorbed by all created living beings.
 Without Prana everything would die. Prana is in the air, but it is also
 there where air is not able to penetrate. It is independent of air
 while air is dependent on Prana. Prana is born from the Atma (Atem
 Gottes). It arises in the Atma like the shadow in the body.
 We absorb the Prana of the air in every breath we take. But we can
 train our breathing to absorb, inhale, a greater quantity of Prana than
 is ordinarily required for our daily life. Arid this Surplus-Prana we
 are able to store in our Nerve-Centres, Lotuses or Plexus, until such
 time as we may require it again for special use. This function can be
 compared to the STORING of materialistic electricity in a Leyden Jar.
 Through this self-willed, conscious accumulation of SURPLUS PRANA in
 our body, the physical body developes forces which previously lay
 dormant in him. Persons who have by accumulation of Surplus Praina
 developed such special Forces by special intellectual training may
 become able to transfer, exhale, disseminate, pass on (part) of their
 own stored up Prana to Others! This is called then, and is used for,
 PRANA HEALING, and has been systematised by Theodor Reuss under the
 name of "PRANA-THERAPIE" in the year 1893. A treatise on this subject
 was published in 1893 in a Magazine published by Dr. Huebbe-Schleiden
 of Hannover entitled "Die Sphinx" and signed with the pseudonym
 "Theodor Regens." — This treatise was afterwards published as a
 separate little book called "Pranatherapie".
 (Fortsetzung folgt.) Merlin.

© Th.Reuss 1906

Mystic Anatomy (1913). Get rar file of the facsimile reproduction.

Theodor Reuss . Ordo Templi Orientis . Memphis Misraim . Alter Angenommener Schottischer Ritus . Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite . Martinismus . Cerneau . Swedenborg. See charters, magazines, photographs and many more

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