by Sor.'.Nema
published in "Cincinnati Journal of Ceremonial Magick"
Volume I, Number 5, 1983
with permission
In the Maatian system, Tiphereth is not the Sphere for meeting one's
Angel; this Operation should have occurred before Work with the Maat
Current is begun. Rather, it is the Dance of the Warrior, realizing
and manifesting the essence of Horus on the Outer, and the Black Flame
on the Inner. The proper Work of this Sephora is a meditative and
constructive Magickal Retirement, followed by the establishment of a
power vortex in the Magickian's home geographical region.
A Magickal Retirement rarely can be accomplished on the physical plane;
the pace of events requires the presence and the attention of the
Magickian. It is possible to simplify one's activities, to some degree,
and this would be the first step in the process. Make some time in
which to be alone and undistracted.
Establish a definite period of time for solitude on a daily basis and
adhere to it. Banish the ghosts of the Masks that have accumulated
during the day, then gradually withdraw from Existence into Being.
Dancing the Mask can be a dangerous process if one doesn't periodically
return to non-existence, or the state of pure Being. Increasing skill
at fashioning the artificial Egos renders them increasingly more
credible, even to themselves.
Once the Masking has advanced beyond the awkward prototype attempts,
the Masks acquire an autosentience and limited viewpoint of their own.
The most difficult Mask of all is the everyday Mask of Tiphereth, even
under the aegis of Horus, or the Warrior. This particular Sphere
requires the dismantlingaf the "natural" Ego and the creation of a new
one. One uses most of the natural components, eliminating the
counter-productive and adding new elements.
The daily Mask is never a finished product, of the flow of changes
requires frequent revision and adaptations to suit current conditions.
As a matter of fine-tuning to the subtleties of environmental flow,
this Mask should possess a degree of self-adjustment capability. For
more radical adjustments, one should retire to Being to assure a
viewpoint of Tao, and then proceed with the re-modeling.
The other Masks of the Dance are relatively easy to fashion and
animate, being tailored to a given Sephora or Path. The daily Ego
Mask requires much more attention, if for no other reason than it
reflects the entire Microcosmic Tree. It were well to effect a
competent transformation initially, so that subsequent adjustments will
not require undue time and effort.
In asana, confirm the location of the Observer, or Hadit-point,
within the Ajna, or pineal body. Then project the Observer beyond the
bodies so that it is self-contained. Turn its observational faculties
Inward, creating a hollow sphere. From this center of Nothing
originates the flow of undifferentiated energy from which all may be
The englobing Observer (now functioning as Nuit in relationship to the
flow) beholds the essence of Will. The very act of perception creates
Form within the hollow sphere, Form which echoes the essence of Will
and which surrounds the Force of the flow.
The Observer then returns to the mode of Hadit, removing itself from
the surface of the Form/Force, and positioning itself within the Flow,
ready to be borne along in the immanent motion. Upon this release, the
energy begins to expand, shaping itself to the Form of the Will. It
proceeds "down the Tree" toward manifestation, until it encounters the
"natural" Ego reflected in Tiphereth.
At this point the Observer acts from Chesed; it determines the
distortion of the Ego from the Form of Will, and judges the best means
of reshaping the Mask so that Will may be Danced. The most accurate
indicators of needed change are "disastrous" events on the Outer and
unusual amounts of pain, anger, indignation or misery experienced
internally. This may seem obvious and elementary, but the human
tendency to seek the source of unhappiness "outside" the self is
ancient and strong, and often delays effective action.
Using pain as an ally, the errors in any Mask can be detected and
corrected as soon as they manifest, or even before manifestation
occurs. Any malfunctioning of the daily Ego Mask will impede the
doing of Will.
For the initial Mask-crafting, as well as for subsequent adjustments,
the following sequence of procedure should prove an adequate guide for
State the Will in as simple and clear terms as possible. Assess the
personality and character to see how the present way of acting and
responding assists the doing of Will, perhaps listing the "pros and
cons". Review the astrological factors, together with inherited traits,
value systems, education, religio-philosophical training, and
consciously-acquired abilities and ideals. Check on the actual
performance thus far manifesting in the present incarnation: are you
doing your Will? What prevents its full achievement?
It's helpful to remember that your ego is an illusion, an aggregate of
factors assembled by your True Self to function as a vehicle for the
fulfillment of your incarnational purposes. It can be assumed that your
Ego lacks its necessary efficiency because of an awkward arrangement of
its factors.
The patterns of a "natural" Ego are set, at least in part, by Karmic
history, misinformation, and youthful ignorance. Upon discovering one's
Will, the imperfections of Ego reveal themselves to a discerning Eye,
and the new daily Mask can be crafted from the components that remain
after the necessary Ego-death.
Grafting the Mask of the Warrior is indeed a spiritual re-birth; the
major difference between a Mask-Dancer and the "reborn" of other
systems lies in the Willed formation of a Magickal Child, one's own
daily Mask. One is Father and Mother to oneself, fashioning the seed in
Wisdom, and nurturing the newborn Mask in Understanding. Magickians
Working with the Double Current assume full responsibility for their
"child-selves", their Willed Masks. To entrust one's re-Formation to
another entity, no matter how sublime a Saviour, is not onlv ethically
abhorrent, but constitutes an extreme of spiritual laziness.
The Willed Mask is still an illusion; it's more artistic and efficient
than the "natural" in dealing with other illusions, but it achieves no
more "reality" by having been aligned to Will than any Ego can possess.
The trick of Dancing the Mask lies in achieving a fine balance between
belief and awareness. There must be enough belief that the Mask is self
to Dance it convincingly, and a constant awareness that the Mask is not
Self, but an illusory instrument for changing an illusory Universe.
Once the destruction/rebirth process has well begun on the Inner, and
the "natural" Ego is being transmuted into the Mask of the Warrior, one
may turn attention to improving the efficiency of the "extended Self",
or Willed control of the Outer environment.
Imagine, if you will, a field of force surrounding the planet Earth,
similar in its way to the electro-magnetic field detectable by the
magnetic compass. This field of force may be considered the "astral
body" of the Earth's instrumentally-detectable field, moving along
lines of flow parallel to the lines of force in the "physical" field.
This "astral" field bears the Magickal Current, whose "frequency"
depends upon the Aeon under consideration.
Whenever events of Change occur in sufficient magnitude, they use and
contribute to the Magickal Current then in effect. This employment of
the Current creates an eddy in the flow of the astral field, in the
form of a vortex or whirlpool. The pattern of this vortex leaves an
impression in the physio-astral environment, creating power places,
holy grounds, sacred lands.
Some geographical locations on the planet have witnessed such great
events of Change that they form the major foci of the astral field.
These are known as World-Navels, or Planetary Chakras. Lesser events
create lesser vortices; nevertheless, these secondary locations are
recognized as power places. There are many unknown power places of a
tertiary nature.
These tertiary places may be divided Aeonically. From the prehistoric
Nameless Aeons, there still remain the vortices created and maintained
by geologic or climatic activity, or else fashioned by ancient and
vanished races. These have been maintained by the elementals of the
location, and can be joined to the frequency of the Aeon of Horus with
little trouble.
These prehistoric vortices remained attuned to the frequencies of their
generation, and were employed during the Aeon of Isis by
superimposing the particular frequencies of that Aeon. These would be
places like Stonehenge, large caverns sacred to Ge, oceans and forest
groves. The wise priestess or priest took full advantage of natural
astral resources in choosing a temple site.
The vortices begun in the Aeon of Isis concentrate in the earliest
cities, temples, burial-sites, anonymous groves and cross-roads. These
places can be adapted for present purposes by transmuting their
frequencies into those of the present Aeon, but the rewards for such
efforts provide but a minimal return in terms of effectiveness of the
resulting vortex.
Osirian power places, such as cathedrals, battlefields and prisons, are
ill suited to the Thelemic Magickian. They carry the forces of
restriction, op dependency. One can render a positive benefit to the
planet, however, by invoking the forces of Shaitan, as the form of the
Tarot Trump of the Tower, whenever one encounters such places. This
will be useful to neutralize the impress of the Osirian frequencies in
the particular locale, and permit the power place to heal itself by
reverting to its natural, geological frequencies.
One may begin the creation of a power vortex with the frequencies of
the Aeon of Horus simply by establishing an active Temple in the
desired location. Frequent use of the Temple in rites employing the 93
Current will magnetize the molecular structure of the environment in
the patterns most conducive to the nature of the Current's flow. The
strength of the vortex depends upon the clarity of the impress, which
in turn depends on the amount of "voltage and amperage" the Magickian
can control.
BY joining the Maat Current and the 93 into the Double Current,
however, one can create a vortex with an "extended lease", as it were.
This not only ensures the duration of the vortex well into the Aeon of
Maat, but also adds the increased intensity of supplemental power from
the future. The vortices created now by the Double Current will be/are
being used and maintained by the Maatian priesthoods "downwhen" in
the Time Stream. These even include the power places on present
coastlines that will be submerged in the Aeon of Maat by Seismic
activity and other geological forces.
The advantages to the contemporary Thelemic Magickian in establishing
such a Double Current vortex lies in the time-negation effect peculiar
to the vortex itself. A gyroscope counters gravitation and random
external forces by its internal rotation. Likewise, a Magickal vortex
counters the entropy of the Time Stream by its internal spiraling.
By using the Maat Current in conjunction with the 93, the Temple within
such a vortex merges, in a way, with the Temple in the Aeon of Maat;
the Workings conducted on either end are performed in a truly timeless
locale, and are concelebrated rites. The forces of Change thus
generated by all who use the vortex are not cumulative, as in the
"normal" power places, but simultaneous and immediate for all
participants, regardless of their native Aeon, century or year. The
increase of Magickal force is exponential according to the number of
Magickians using that force.
Since time is negated within a Double Current vortex, all who have
achieved "Temple rights" to it are aware of the nature of the Workings
conducted therein. The forces of Change are morally neutral, of course;
however, it is well to remember that Consciousness is evolutionary by
nature, and instantly detects any attempt to impede or divert
evolution. This is especially true in a situation of multiple
employment of a power vortex in which all Workings are occurring
simultaneously. Anyone attempting to use a Double Current vortex for
Black ends is quickly attended to and neutralized by the other
There is no particular procedure for using a vortex once it's
established, other than performing a ritual within its precincts. This
is best done at one's own Altar, which forms the center of the vortex.
More than one Magickian can work within a vortex along space
coordinates, of course. The spatial dimensions of a vortex are quite
flexible. The vortex may be expanded or contracted by the Magickian to
suit various purposes. Normally it conforms to its geological region,
but can, on occasion, be planet-encircling. There is no clash of
vortices at overlapping boundaries, because each vortex operates at its
own particular frequency. One employs it by attunement, much as one
selects a radio station or a television channel from among a myriad of
broadcasting frequencies. Therefore, there maybe a number of
transceivers (Magickians) operating in an area without interference,
each functioning on his or her unique frequency, yet able to tune in on
all available wavelengths.
On the floor of the Temple, with space sufficient for movement between
it and the Altar, place a round iron container. (The old-fashioned cast
iron "Dutch Oven", sans lid, is excellent.)
Within this small "cauldron" is placed the Pantacle, if possible,
the Chalice is placed atop the Pantacle, or North of it if need be.
Within the Chalice, place a plain gold ring.
The Altar should hold the candle(s) and incense-gold candles and any
"solar" incense. There should be wine and a Cake of Light, and a
medium-to-large feather upon a copy of Liber AL. vel Legis, Sword
and Wand are also on the Altar.
Bathe as ablution before the rite. The Magickian may Work robed or
nude, in either case, as much copper jewelry as possible should be
In the Sign of the Enterer, approach the Altar from the South. Light
the candles and incense with the words:
"To the Light of the Children.
Place the right hand on Liber AL, holding the feather vertical, with
the end of the quill resting on the book,
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
"It is my Will to establish a Magickal vortex of power, spinning the
Aeons of Heru and Maat.
"To this end, I Call my children, my brothers and sisters of the Aeon
of Maat to my assistance. I ask their use of the vortex in their native
time; in aid of guiding them, I hereby consecrate this place under the
sign and the seal of the Feather."
Lean forward and pronounce the following Words in such wise as to
vibrate the feather while it rests on the book.
Place the wine near the cauldron, and the Cake of Light within, resting
on the Pantacle. Stand to the South of the cauldron facing North. Grasp
the Wand and the Sword together, with both hands, the Wand pointing
down the blade. Touch the Eastern point of the cauldron's rim with the
blade's point, saying:
"Give the force of Air, O Raphael, to the Spiral of Nuit here centered,
in the Name Heru-Ra-Ha."
Turn the Wand at right angles to the blade, along the cross guard of
the hilt and pointing to your right. Touch the Southern point of the
rim with the blade, saying:
"Give the force of Fire, O Michael, to the Spiral of Nuit here
centered, in the Names Shaitan/Aiwass."
Turn the Wand so it's again parallel to the blade, but pointing upward
along the hilt. Touch the West. ern point of the rim with the blade,
"Give the force of Water, O Gabriel, to the Spiral of Nuit here
centered, in the Names BABALON/Maat."
Turn the Wand again perpendicular to the blade and pointing to your
left, Touch the Northern point of the rim with the blade, saying:
"Give the force of Earth, O Uriel, to the Spiral of Nuit here centered,
in the Names Nuit/Hadit."
Remove the Chalice from the cauldron and place the Cake of Light atop
the Pantacle. Place the Sword across the top of the cauldron, blade
pointing North. Pour wine into the Chalice, and with the Wand in
either hand, proceed with VIII*. The Elixir may be transferred from
Wand to Chalice or from Chalice to Wand in the process of
commingling it with the wine. Replace the Chalice in the cauldron and
again take up the Sword in the right hand.
Dip the blade point in the Chalice to wet it, then trace the
circumference of the cauldron's rim, deosil for the northern hemisphere
of the planet, and widdershins for the southern hemisphere. Gradually
increase the perimeter of scribing with the Swordpoint, all the while
lifting the blade until you are whirling it overhead, chanting at an
intensifying pace:
At the apex of intensity, the Sword will be heldded vertically above
the head, pointing and vibrating.
At this point the Magickian may experience a perception of power and
"otherness" coursing down the Sword and through his/her being. This
confirms the vortex's being employed in the future. (There's no need of
concern if this isn't felt immediately, however, as it may require
further experience with the vortex for the characteristic sensations to
be identified.)
Place the Wand and Sword on the Altar, then with the fingers of the
right hand, trace an outline of wine about the cauldron on the Temple
floor. Move the cauldron away, place the Cake of Light in the center of
the wine-circle, and let fall a few drops of the wine from the Chalice
onto the Cake of Light. Take it up and eat it, consuming the wine also,
- to Nuit. Remove the ring from the Chalice and place it on a finger.
(Wearing the ring provides a direct link to the vortex when Working
away from the Temple.)
Return the Pantacle and Chalice to the Altar, saying:
"So it has been established, for the end of Going and growth."
"So mote it be."
"Love is the law, love under will."
Extinguish the flames and depart.