Ritual of the Fraternitas Saturni
The Solemn Presentation of the Lodge Ring

Saturn Lodge Finger Rings Saturn Logenringe

[version 1]

The Brother steps in front of the altar with arms crossed over his breast.

Master of the Chair speaks:

In the name of the great demiurge Saturn
as representative of our venerable brotherhood

I solemnly present to you, dear brother,
the ring of Saturn.

It is the symbol of your membership
in our brotherhood.

It is the symbol of loyalty

It is the symbol of a magical bond
with the "Fraternitas Saturni"


May this ring protect you on all of your
life journeys and lead you to deep spiritualization

In the spirit of the great


During these solemn words the Master puts the ring on the brother's right hand finger.

And then speaks: Raise your hand to swear loyalty to the lodge.

Solemn silence.



Ritual for the Presentation of the Lodge Ring

[version 2]

Master of the Chair: Brother/Sister ... step in front of the altar!

The brother/the sister walks with slow steps and arms crossed over the breast towards the altar, stands in front of it briefly and bows.

Master of the Chair: In the name of the great demiurge Saturn and as representative of our venerable brotherhood

I present to you, — dear brother — dear sister — the ring of Saturn!

It is the symbol of your membership in our brotherhood!

It is the symbol of loyalty!

It is the symbol of a magical bond with the FRATERNITAS SATURNI!

(During these words, the Master of the Chair puts the brother's ring on his right hand finger.)

May this ring protect you on all of your life journeys and lead you to deep spiritualization.

Saturn, the guardian of the threshold, be with you!

Brother/Sister ...,

Raise your hand to swear loyalty to the lodge!

The brothers and sisters are witnesses!


The brother/the sister bows and goes back to his/her seat.

       Fraternitas Saturnian Emblem

Symbolism of the Pentalpha

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