Interactive map of Caliphate OTO bodies:
This Java applette requires a Java 1.1+ enabled browser such as Netscape 4.06+, MS Internet Explorer 4.0+ or a browser using Sun's Java Plug-in. If your browser does not support this, then you should use the previous (and no longer updated) version by clicking here.
Load a layer: COMMAND -> ADD LAYER -> (choose layer to add)
Delete a layer: (click on desired layer) -> COMMAND -> DELETE LAYER
Move a layer (up, down, to top, to bottom): (click on desired layer) -> LAYER -> (choose option)
Show or Hide Status Window: COMMAND -> STATUS WINDOW -> (select SHOW or HIDE)
Note that due to the generalization of the base map data some places may not appear in precisely the correct location in relation to lakes, rivers and boundaries. However, generalized data results in smaller file sizes and therefore faster downloading and redrawing.
E-mail: (replace .at. with @)
Entry page for this node of Maps and Magick
Click here to go back to where you came from or use this Java Navigation Bar: