Learn more about the Bust GOTOS and the history of Werner Schmitz's book "Auf Teufel komm raus".
Interview zur Blindenschriftversion zum Buch von Schmitz. Johannes Goeggelmann (Saturnius): Beispiel einer Skandalisierung. Die Geschichte der F.S. aus der Sicht des Boulevard ? Horst Knaut, Adolf Hemberger, Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack. Myth: The central concept in F.S. lodges is the Egregore (group spirit) of the lodge. The GOTOS is both a name and a sculpted bust, representing this concept. Additionally, GOTOS is the highest rank within the F.S., as designated in Gradus Ordo Templi Orientis Saturni. One aspect of the truth: Johannes Maikowski, Grandmaster of the Fraternitas Saturni and appointed successor to Eugen Grosche in December 1963, spoke with Peter-R. Koenig in August 2011: |
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