The New Illuminati
The authentic Order of Illuminati of Adam Weishaupt never found any historical continuity — apart from Johann Joachim Bode in Weimar, until his death in 1793. |
Literature on the original Illuminati Order |
Peter Christian Ludz: "Geheime Gesellschaften", Heidelberg 1979. Helmut Reinalter: "Freimaurer und Geheimbünde", Frankfurt am Main 1986. Gerd–Klaus Kaltenbrunner: "Geheimgesellschaften", Munich 1987. Manfred Agethen: "Geheimbund und Utopie", Munich 1987. Richard van Dülmen: "Der Geheimbund der Illuminaten", Stuttgart–Bad 1975. Leopold Engel: "Geschichte des Illuminaten–Ordens", Berlin 1906, Munich 1978, and Bremen 1985. Adam Weishaupt, Leopold Engel & H.J. Metzger: "Über die Selbstkenntnis", Zuerich 1966. Used for this article (= chapter 11 of "Das O.T.O. Phänomen", Munich 1994): Karl R.H. Frick
Various pieces of information in this chapter marked with an asterisk (*) originate from a letter written by Hermann Joseph Metzger's lover, Anita Borgert to her lawyer Ludwig Delp on December 2nd 1970. Sources of quotations and dates without footnotes are reprinted as a facsimile in "Materialien zum O.T.O." |
Presidents of the 'World League of Illuminati' |
1880 — Allegedly, the singer and pharmacist Theodor
Reuss re–activated the "Ludwig Lodge" [1] of the Illuminati Order (IO) in Munich. [2] Sources to these dates are highly speculative, see the events of 1901. The actor and author Leopold Engel ("Theophrastus", b. 19.4.1858) joined the Lodge founded in Berlin in 1895, on November 9th 1896. [3] Leopold's father, Karl Dietrich Engel (1824–1913) was a violinist and in 1846 became Konzertmeister (leader) of the orchestra of the Imperial Russian Theatre. When he returned to Germany he eventually settled at Dresden and wrote extensively on the Faust legend. His son, Leopold Engel was an itinerant actor who practised hypnotism and alleged naturopathic healing on the side. |
1893 — Leopold Engel founded the World League at Berlin [other sources state that Engel first founded his IO in 1897 at Dresden]. [4] Reuss himself does not appear to have been involved in any regular masonic activity since he had joined the Pilgrim Lodge in London in 1876.
1895 — Carl
Kellner held discussions with Reuss about his idea to create an 'Academica Masonica' of 'Oriental Templars'. Reuss was too preoccupied with the Illuminati Order though, and Kellner didn't like Reuss' companion Engel. Engel and Reuss fell out.
25.5.1896 — the Spiritualist Engel, Max Rahn of the Sphinx periodical, August Weinholtz "et alii" founded the 'Union of German Occultists.' [5] Weinboltz and Rahn were both at Berlin; Engel lived at Dresden. Rahn had a job at the Börse (stock exchange) and Weinholtz owned a business which supplied equipment for horse drawn carriages. Rahn and Engel were joint secretaries of the Society of German Occultists, and Weinholtz its treasurer. Rahn and Weinholtz were respectively the editor and publisher of the periodical "Die Übersinnliche Welt" which was mainly concerned with alleged psychic phenomena, animal magnetism and similar subjects. In his turn Leopold Engel edited and published the periodical, "Das Wort" (No. I, 1894), which reflected its proprietor's esoteric preoccupations. 30.8.1896 — Reuss, Franz Hartmann, Engel "et alii" were co–founders of the 'Theosophical Society in Germany.' In 1897–98 Rahn and Engel edited and published an "International Directory of Seekers after Truth" for the benefit of the occult fraternity. 1899 — Engel's IO and Reuss's IO were united (again?). In "Das Wort", the organ of the Illuminati Order, Reuss published a 'Political Review' in 1900. [6] |
Reuss received a Martinist charter from 'Papus' in 1901; naturally enough, as they were both Theosophists.
12.3.1901 — Engel and Reuss sought to lend their organisation more "gravitas" with a home–made and back–dated charter [7] allegedly giving them power to re–establish the OI (as founded by Adam Weishaupt): Theodor Reuss, Leopold Engel, August Weinholtz, Max Rahn and Siegmund Miller, who were joined by Max Heilbronner and Georg Gierloff, met at Reuss's home in Berlin and resolved to re–open the Ludwig Lodge which had been founded at Munich in 1880. According to the minutes the dormant Ludwig Lodge was "ancient and accepted". The following officers were then unanimously elected: Master: Theodor Reuss, Senior Warden: August Weinholtz, Junior Warden: Max Rahn, Senior Deacon: Leopold Engel, Junior Deacon: Georg Gierloff (Reuss's future brother–in–law), Treasurer: Max Heilbronner. The Warrant was issued by the Order of the Illuminati and referred to the Order's specific authority to form masonic lodges. Reuss was now accorded the sole right to found and consecrate masonic lodges according to the Order's "lodge regulations". All masonic documents were to be signed and sealed at the Order's office at Dresden. For some unknown reason this document was backdated to 1 January 1900. The foundation of this Ludwig Lodge was announced in the Rahn–Weinholtz periodical "Die Übersinnliche Welt", where it was stated that "the Order of the Illuminati founds and warrants masonic lodges. However, only master masons can be accepted in the high degrees or found freemasonic lodges ... The Order has close connections with freemasons in France, England and America." It was also emphasized that the lodge was masonically regular and worked a recognized ritual based upon an old and genuine English exemplar. Apart from the three craft degrees there was also a fourth St Andrew's degree. "Master masons who are in possession of the St Andrew's degree and wish to pursue occult studies can be received into the Rosicrucian degree ..." The brethren soon began to hear objections that the Ludwig Lodge was nothing more than an offshoot of the Order of the Illuminati and not masonic. A solution was easily found. On 3 July 1901 the lodge ceased to have any official connection with the Order and Engel startd to call Reuss' Charter back–dated March 1901 a swindle. Quarrel once again. September 1901 — Allegedly Kellner, Reuss, and Franz Hartmann founded the O.T.O. [8] This source is highly doutbful because it is to assume that neither Kellner or Franz Hartmann ever knew about the Ordo Templi Orientis, and certainly were no members! Number 0 of the "Oriflamme" appeared in 1902, in which Leopold Engel, Max Rahn, August Weinholtz and Franz Held were named as the first participants. It appears that Reuss and Engels were reconciled again. 1902 — Meetings held at Dresden. The English Regent of the Reussian OTO was the 'Summus Magus' of the 'Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia,' William Wynn Westcott "Non Omnis Moriar, Sapere Aude" (co–founder of the Golden Dawn). Reuss was the 'Magus' or leader of the short–lived offshoot the 'Societas Rosicruciana in Germania' from 7.7.1902 to 11.7.1907. [9] Engel was its 'Magus Delegatus Primus.' 27.6.1902 — Westcott wrote to Reuss: "Engel told me additionally that I could consider myself as an Illuminatus of the Dresden branch." On 26.8.1902 Westcott accepted "the position as Regent." On 3 July, according to Reuss, the officers of the Grand Mother Lodge Ludwig resolved to expel Engel and his friend Siegmund Miller on account of certain alleged misdemeanours and they were accordingly banished. Reuss introduced his Memphis–Misraim in Germany and lost interest in the OI.
June 1902 — Final schism between Engel and Reuss. Kellner's "teachings of the 'Hermetic Brotherhood of Light' would be reserved for a few initiates". [11] Certain Memphis–Misraim degree members soon were to become members of a new organisation: the O.T.O. Reuss' activities now pass beyond the borders of this chapter. |
English: Theodor Reuss and the Brothers of Light in the Seven Churches of Asia. The origins of Brotherhood of Light of Theodor Reuss.
Deutsch: Die Brueder des Lichtes der sieben Gemeinden in Asien. Theodor Reuss' Hermetische Bruderschaft des Lichtes. Français: Les Frères de Lumière dans les Sept Églises d'Asie. Les origines de la Fraternité de Lumière de Theodor Reuss. |
Leopold Engel |
18.1.1903 — Leopold Engel's Order of the Illuminati in Dresden enacted
new statutes. On the title page the words "registered society" were added by hand.
1906 — Engel published the "Geschichte des Illuminaten–Ordens" ("History of the Illuminati Order") at Dresden, in which he distanced himself from Reuss on p. 466. 1911 — Engel included the visions of a woman clairvoyant in his science–fiction novel "Mallona". [12] 10.5.1912 — Engel, Heinrich Widtmann and Willy Vierath founded the 'Institute of Illuminated Freemasons.' 25.5.1912 — New 'Laws of the Inner Order' came into effect. |
Early 1921 — Leopold Engel's father, the conductor Karl Engel (d.
1913) appeared from the spirit–world, and commanded his son to start an embassy of the other world, through which he "should be prepared to enter into a most exalted and influential life of heavenly glory," wherein he would "communicate his ideas to mankind on Earth." [13]
1.11.23 — Engel authorised Maximilian Haitz "Hartwig" to take care of his collection of books "now and after my death." [From 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] 1924 — The Dresden IO was forced to close due to lack of members. [14] 11.9.1926 — Legal incorporation of the 'World League of Illuminati' with the authorities at Tempelhof in Berlin. [15] 1928 — Engel recieved "Luzifers Bekenntnisse" ("Lucifer's Confessions") mediumistically. [16] Leopold Engel, Weltbund der Illuminaten, letter to Eugen Lennhoff, editor of the 'Freimaurer–Lexikon' [From 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] 8.10.1931 — Leopold Engel died. October 1932 — Julius Meyer "Marius" was elected as new head. [17] 1933 — The Order's Prefect H. Teumer "Theobald" of Chemnitz proposed that the Order of Illuminati should be dissolved. [18] 8.9.1934 — The Gestapo raided Meyer's house. 22.9.1934 — The Gestapo compelled Meyer and Maximilian Haitz to sell off the Order's property. During the Second World War the activities of the 'World League' took place in the national groups abroad {see below}. [From 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] 1.12.46 Mayer sought the return of the Order's property through the Berlin police. He was informed that the Gestapo buildings had been burnt to the ground, and that no paperwork had escaped the fire. [From 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] 9.4.1953 — Julius Meyer commissioned Maximilian Haitz in Berlin to act independently "as receiver" of the Order's goods confiscated by the Gestapo, and "also to wholly represent me in the conduct of the Order's work." (Frau Anita Borgert's letter to her lawyer Herr Delp also mentions the Berliner Adolf Wille "Odilo" here. The source for this was apparently Paul Vogel's deed {see below} of 1966 [!], in which Hermann Joseph Metzger was made chief.) [From 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] 1953 Julius Meyer died. 1.11.1955 [19] — Paul Kirchvogel "Klodulf" (member since 5.6.1927) took up the leadership in Kassel. [From 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] 14.11.1963 — Kirchvogel transferred the presidency to Metzger ("Paragranus") "face to face in Kassel." [20] As "the O.T.O. under Reuss separated from the Illuminati Order in 1902" Metzger wished to "re–incorporate [everything] in due course." [From 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] |
Provincial Groups |
1896 — Engel created the provincial group in Austria.*
1910 — 'Adam Weishaupt zum Licht am Rhein' lodge established at Cologne. [21] 1912 'Adam Weishaupt zur Pyramide' lodge established at Berlin. [22] 1929 — "Illumination" of the 'Zum Wilhelm Tell' Synod in Zurich by president Leopold Engel in Berlin.* 1933 — Karl Brodbeck "Rudolf" Provincial and Custodian for Switzerland (he also belonged to the Bernese 'Zur Hoffnung' Masonic lodge, the 'Droit Humain' Co–Masonic lodge, and was Master of the 'Zur Gralsburg' lodge), [23] achieved a merger with the Austrian provincial group. Brodbeck belonged to the group surrounding F.L. Pinkus (Metzger's "spiritual father"), which included Reuss's probable heir Hans Rudolf Hilfiker and his colleagues Reichel, Merlitschek, Bader, Baumgartner from Aarau ('Zur Treue' lodge), Struppler, and the Abramelin–enthusiast Traugott Egloff. 1935 — Foundation in Vienna of a new 'Areopagus' with anti–Semitic "Aryan" rules, and its own Grand Master, without permission from the Swiss Custodian. In the same year this led to a split: the Swiss Province declared the Austrian branch irregular. With the 'Anschluss' of Austria into the Third Reich in 1938, the latter group was dissolved. [24] Eduard Korbel was able to rescue the Order's papers.* In 1935 the Pole Jan Korwin-Czarnomski "Elpher" was made 90° and 95° Memphis and Misraim at Warsaw for the 'La Pyramide du Nord en la Vallée de la Vistule' lodge Nº 16, and the 'Pelican à l'Aube Naissante' Rosicrucian Chapter Nº 3, and retained these posts until these lodges were closed. [25] Besides this, Czarnowski represented the Martinists in Poland, Greece, and Madagascar. In 1937 he created an offshoot of the anti–Semitic Austrian 'World League of Illuminati' group in Warsaw; but in 1938 all these lodges were closed down. By 1939 he was active in the ranks of Constant Chevillon and Swinburne Clymer's anti-FUDOSI movement, and called upon Arnoldo Krumm-Heller, Hilfiker, and other people not mentioned here, to join him [26]. Members of the Warsaw 'World League' group included Stanislaw Czarnomski (his brother?), Robert Walter "Waltari" (who had seceded from the Anthroposophists; d. 1981), and Colonel Boris Smyslowski "Hermes" who rescued the vestiges of Memphis–Misraim from France after World War Two. Jan Czarnomski was murdered by the Gestapo on June 25th 1944. [27] |
Austria |
In 1949 the Austrian 'World League of Illuminati' was revived as the
outer court of the Fraternitas Saturni by Eduard Korbel, who had amassed the titles of Grand Order Chancellor–General, Chancellor of the Austrian Province, Grand Magus 5°, and the highest degree of the Illuminati Order. [28] Another version has it that this revival was performed by one Hermann Medinger on November 11th 1949. [29]
H.J. Metzger was commissioned by Meyer in Berlin [30] to act as his go–between with Korbel in Vienna, because censorship of letters made direct contact difficult; as a Swiss citizen Metzger had a visa valid for Berlin and Vienna.* In 1950 Metzger was able to provide Korbel with copies of his rituals, as Korbel had been without books or documentation since 1945; [31] but this contradicts Metzger's later claim that he had inherited "authentic documents" from Korbel. [32] Members in Vienna (among others): Franz Spunda and Prof. Wunderlich; Korbel also advertised his fraternity in the astrological magazine "Mensch und Kosmos"; his circle was describ by Metzger as "A group of illustrious scholars and devotees, consisting of peaceful and enlightened people." [33] 1949–1953 — Carl Krivsky "Klotwald" was Custodian of the Austrian 'World League.'* 1953–4 — This position was taken over by Hermann Medinger "Manfred", who had belonged to the 'World League' since 1931, and was Provincial of the Lower Austrian group.* Karl Brodbeck died on January 6th 1955 in Switzerland. Metzger was then made Custodian for Switzerland on May 1st through the offices of Korbel in Vienna; this was commissioned by a charter signed by Julius Meyer during Metzger's journey to Vienna on behalf of the Fraternitas Saturni. Metzger believed this now gave him permission "to fulfil the union, and to take the Order's work and expansion in hand," to discover the connections surrounding the O.T.O.'s origins, which he viewed thus: "The O.T.O. under Reuss split from the Illuminati Order in 1902." Eduard Korbel received his first mention in Metzger's publications in May 1955. [34] 1954–1958 — Holecek–Hollschowitz "Herbert" was Custodian in Austria.* 1953 — Julius Meyer passed his office on to Maximilian Haitz, and died on November 16th 1955. 25.1.1958. The Chancellor Korbel died, and Metzger's mistress Anita Borgert "Ainyahita" became Order Grand Chancellor. [35] In Austria Dr. Danneberg "Dietrich" became Custodian, and Prof. Rieger "Hildebrand" Chancellor.* "Danneberg was vice–president of the district court at Korneuburg in Lower Austria, and the brother of the leader of Austria's Social Democratic party — Rieger was considered to be a Nazi and 'Aryan'." [36] 1960 — The names of Hans Trösch (Karlsruhe) and Karl Prosvic (Vienna) appear in Metzger's publications. In Metzger's obituary of Korbel, the title 'I.O.' occurs publicly for the first time. [37] On March 1st Metzger began recruiting for the IO: "Will those who are interested please notify us." [38]. On March 1st 1962 Metzger's first mention of the 'World League of Illuminati' appeared. [39] 27.10.1965 — Maximilian Haitz died. December 1968 — Metzger spoke for the first time of his "Masonic Museum of the Illuminati Order." [40] 1969 — The 'World League' in Austria went into abeyance. Probably spurred on by Walter Englert, [41] Hermann Medinger felt able to resume his position as Custodian. Metzger opposed this, as Danneberg was still the most authoritative figure to him.* Although Medinger, sounding like a character from Mozart's "Magic Flute", was inclined to think that "Vengeance is unknown in these holy halls," [42] "the Swiss sisters and brothers were considered to be dangerous servants of Satan." [43] Medinger named himself Grand Chancellor of the 'Illuminati Order for Austria,' and published instructions for his "Radiæsthetic Practice". [44] 18.2.1972 — Gustav Frey (born 13.1.12) was made Master of the 'Lavater' Lodge in Zurich. Frey "Jeremias" who was a bookseller by trade, had been to Metzger's lectures in 1950, and had recieved the Light of the Masons on December 8th 1951; he became an officer of the 'Lavater' Lodge in 1964, and died on May 1st 1972. [45] |
Sole Heir |
Friedrich-Wilhelm Haack's knowledge of the 'World League' succession
was that Julius Meyer had left a power of attorney with Maximilian
Haitz to regain the League's estate, which had been confiscated by the
Gestapo; this Haitz duly did. But this hardly gave Haitz a claim on
Meyer's succession, nor one on the ownership of the estate; the sole
beneficiary of Meyer's will was his son Gert, a retired police
commissioner. [46] "Haitz had already obtained the goods from the
East Berlin police with the aid of a receipt from Meyer, and after Meyer's death claimed to be his successor." [47] But Gert Meyer stated: "My father did not plan a revival of the Order after the War [...] I am my father's sole heir." [48]
Haack: "In accordance with the desires of the last Grand Master J. Meyer, there was no revival after 1945. All successor Orders (including the P[sychosophical] S[ociety] and the Frankfurt IO [see below]) have no authorised 'World League' tradition." [49] "From a historical perspective, an alliance, say, between the Illuminati and the Rosicrucians is nonsense." [50] "The Order of Illuminates has [...] become an Order of magical religion." [51] As to the papers which could document Metzger's successions to the O.T.O., F.R.A., GCC, or IO: "They waved with documents before our eyes — but we weren't even allowed to touch or look through them." [52] Karl Brodbeck claimed that he had found a 'Grand Lodge of Atlantis' in the USA; a branch that had split off in the 1920s. [53] W. Collins proposed a line of succession from John Yarker Junior to Ronald Powell, the "Duc de Palatine" [54]. |
Illuminati and Templars |
The disagreements between Reuss and Engel effectively gave Hermann Joseph Metzger
carte blanche to mix the O.T.O. and the Illuminati Order (IO): "as has already been repeatedly stated, a split occurred in the IO at the turn of the century, and one half of this consequently called itself the O.T.O. Both branches of the same tree are re–united." [55] "All other separated branches which we re–united with the Order after 1952 [?], we lead on an historical basis, and as a result of legal and equitable understandings." [56]
"Today's Ordo Illuminatorum has resolved itself as a reunion of the IO (Engel), OTO (Reuss), and FRA (Krumm–Heller) branches." [57] Reuss and Crowley had both thought differently (to Metzger); the IO was incorporated in the O.T.O. |
Hermann Joseph Metzger
Metzger's collection of Orders was called the Illuminati Order or Ordo Illuminatorum interchangeably; it was rarely apparent whether this was meant to be the World League of Illuminati. Leopold Engel himself made no great distinction between them, too. [58] In the "Anuario Americano Bucheli", Metzger made it clear that in his opinion Engel's World League of Illuminati and Reuss's O.T.O. were united as the Ordo Illuminatorum. [59]
Hermann Joseph Metzger
[From 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.']
[From: 'Noch Mehr Materialien Zum O.T.O.']
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