Carl Kellner
It is my considered conviction that Carl Kellner had as much to do with the O.T.O. as Rudolf Steiner, Franz Hartmann, or the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light: While it is true that both Kellner and Steiner knew Theodor Reuss personally and shared a mutual interest in Yoga, attempting to elevate this shared interest into evidence for identifying either Steiner or Kellner as progenitors of the O.T.O. is a leap unsupported by historical fact. It was only after Kellner's death in 1905 that Reuss began developing a study group that would eventually be named the O.T.O. Whether this group included yoga practitioners from Kellner's private circle or members of the numerous para-Masonic organizations to which both Kellner and Reuss were affiliated is ultimately immaterial. None of this constitutes evidence that Kellner was the founder or even the inspiration for the O.T.O. It was, in fact, seven years after Kellner’s death that Theodor Reuss first published claims crediting Kellner as the co-founder of the O.T.O. |
On the right: Carl Kellner and his original Baphomet of the pre-Ordo Templi Orientis' Inner Triangle |
Dr. Carl Kellner: Yoga. Eine Skizze über den psycho-physiologischen Teil der alten indischen Yogalehre. München 1896. [with handwritten anotations by Oscar Schlag that were the source for many researchers]
Carl Kellner: Reincarnationen [facsimile of the original handwriting] plus   [transcript of the text]: Carl Kellner: 16 slokas (third chapter of Patanjali's Yoga-Sutra): Carl Kellner's Emblem of the Memphis- and Misraim Rite. Here on the cover of Leopold Engel's magazine for the Order of Illuminates Carl Kellner: Einführung in den Esoterismus unseres Ordens der A. und A. Freimaurer. [1903] Carl Kellner and Theodor Reuss: Das Geheimnis der Hochgrade unseres Ordens [1903] Manifesto 33°, 95°, RoseCroix and Johannis Logen [1903] Short biography on Franz Hartmann Carl Kellner, Franz Hartmann, Theodor Reuss, Henry Klein: Amtliche Bekanntmachungen. [1903, AASR, MM] Carl Kellner and Theodor Reuss: Von den Geheimnissen der okkulten Hochgrade unseres Ordens [1904] Fides Matrimonii / Heiratsurkunde / Marriage Certificate: Postcards from Carl Kellner to his wife Maria Antoinette Delorme: Villa Hochwart / Hohe Warte with the two sphinxes and Eliphas Lévi's Baphomet on the roof gable in Vienna: Rote Villa in Hallein: The Rote Villa today: Carl Kellner very ill: Carl Kellner's Death Certificate: Todesanzeigen: Phil. Dr. Carl Kellner: English translation: Der Volksfreund: Funeral of Dr. Karl Kellner. English translation: Der Volksfreund: Obituary and Biography of Dr. Karl Kellner. Details of Carl Kellner's grave in Hallein: Franz Hartmann and Emil Adriányi: Br.·.Dr. Carl Kellner. Franz Hartmann: Dr. Karl Kellner, ein Opfer des Okkultismus. From "Noch Mehr Materialien Zum O.T.O." Heinz Walter: Chronologische Biographie Heinz Walter: Synopsis Biographical notes by Heinz Walter and August Leisler [excerpt]: