Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon
New O.T.O. groups in the US |
Charles Manson, who was never a member of any O.T.O. group, is frequently referenced by the tabloid press in recycled stories about his alleged brief contact with Georgina Brayton’s 1960s Solar Lodge of the O.T.O.
The 'Caliphate' O.T.O. (a new American O.T.O. structured in 1977) has often described the Solar Lodge as "irregular." However, Phyllis Seckler, one of the 'Caliphate’s key figures and the wife of its founder, Grady L. McMurtry, acknowledged that the Solar Lodge had operated as an O.T.O. body. To suggest that the 'Caliphate' would not exist without Manson is misleading; rather, the "Boy in the Box" scandal and the 'Solar Lodge affair' created a climate in which McMurtry’s effort to reestablish the O.T.O. gained urgency and legitimacy. Let’s explore this historical development further. During Aleister Crowley's lifetime, there was only one active O.T.O. lodge in the United States — the so-called 'second Agapé Lodge' in California. Crowley was frequently dissatisfied with its members and activities, referring to them as "fans". On March 9, 1945, he recorded in his diary: "I place the Californian Lodge under INTERDICT." He later added: "Jack's NLT came just in time to stop me doing this." Recognizing the unstable situation, Crowley gave Grady Louis McMurtry special instructions: in the event of an "emergency," McMurtry was to assume control of Agapé Lodge, but only with the approval of Crowley’s appointed successor in O.T.O. matters, the German-born Karl Germer. The complication, however, was that Germer held a low opinion of McMurtry, referring to him as a "Minus" and characterizing the United States as a "spiritual desert." On September 7, 1953, Germer officially closed the Agapé Lodge and instead favored Hermann Joseph Metzger in Switzerland as the O.T.O.’s European leader. Around this period, McMurtry became inactive in O.T.O. affairs. This period of O.T.O. dormancy in the United States set the stage for later developments. The Solar Lodge emerged in the mid-1960s, operating independently but invoking the O.T.O. name. Meanwhile, McMurtry's return to O.T.O. matters in 1969 was largely a response to the Solar Lodge affair, the public scrutiny surrounding it, and his belief that a structured O.T.O. revival was needed to prevent similar incidents. |
Introduction |
Ray and Mildred Burlingame were affiliated with the second Agapé Lodge — reportedly for a period of ten years — prior to its closure in 1953 by Karl Germer. In 1961–1962, Georgina (Jean) Brayton (1921–1984) became acquainted with Mildred Burlingame and subsequently met her husband, Ray. Richard M. Brayton (1911–1989), a secondary school educator, taught Civics (Government) at the 11th or 12th grade level, with all of his students being African American.
In 1965, Jean Brayton, along with Frater Shiva and Soror Asi, established the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O., also known as the Riverside Lodge of the O.T.O.. ![]() Dick Brayton exhibited little personal interest in esoteric matters [detail provided by Frater Shiva — see separate box below]. The Solar Lodge was, in effect, the orphaned offshoot of a previously dissolved O.T.O. lodge. Neither the Burlingames nor Grady L. McMurtry — who would later re-enter the scene — possessed formal authorization to initiate candidates into the O.T.O. or to establish new lodges. According to the Order’s statutes, the founding of lodges and the performance of initiations without explicit permission from a superior officer within the O.T.O. hierarchy is strictly prohibited. Members of the Solar Lodge acquired a controversial reputation when some were accused of having forcibly entered the residences of Karl Germer’s widow, Sascha, Dr. Israel Regardie, and Mildred Burlingame in order to appropriate O.T.O. documents. Upon learning of these incidents, Phyllis Seckler — herself a former member of the now-defunct Agapé Lodge — contacted another Agapé alumnus, Grady L. McMurtry, in January 1969. Their subsequent collaboration, which led to marriage, would later form the nucleus of what became the 'Caliphate' O.T.O. [see below]. Years later, Solar Lodge member Robert Duerrenstein denied that anyone in the Lodge had participated in the aforementioned burglaries. His denial rested on the assertion that Ray Burlingame had informed them there was nothing of significant value related to the O.T.O. in those households. As McMurtry ironically noted: "Like true friends they only took one of each book, thus leaving Mrs. Burlingame a number of duplicates instead of taking everything." (Grady Louis McMurtry to Ray E. Lindstrom, October 17, 1970). |
Report by a member of the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O.Date: August 1999, compiled from several emails I am a former member of the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O., in Los Angeles, from September 1967 to February 1968. I was looking for an apartment and ran across one owned by Georgina (Jean) and Richard Brayton, as they had advertised such for rent. They had at least three properties in the USC neighborhood. I only know about the houses and apartment in the USC neighborhood. This was at the beginnning of the time when they were building their empire. Jean encouraged me to attend a meeting, gave me the manifesto of the O.T.O., and a privately-printed copy of the Book of the Law. There were approximately 15-20 members as I recall at the time. I have forgotten most of their names. The house where they lived is no longer there. They seemed very organized, and quite dedicated. Los Angeles at that time was immersed in the same social ferment as San Francisco. Remember the summer of love? I had just come down from Haight-Ashbury. We were all still using LSD and looking for utopian groups. The news was only just beginning to sensationalize and distort what we were doing. But we were easy targets for the more experienced, sinister people who wanted our money, souls, etc. The O.T.O. looked like a cool group of people, at first, because they had all the right words. They were very welcoming, and wanted us to join in with their rituals. They practiced all the rituals you read about in the Equinox. They began initiating more and more people during the months I was involved, because they wanted to increase their numbers. Jean was clearly in charge, but was often absent. But she supervised the dismantling and reassembly of buildings in the desert. Her husband was a teacher at the University. Several of the lodge members were students. Many kinds of drugs were available. One or two of the members were making them. The house had a main temple on the top floor, but members had individual temples in their rooms, some quite elaborate. I left in order to go to Vietnam. This was before the affairs with the newspapers and the stories about Charles Manson. You can imagine the chills I felt in 1969, hearing about Charles Manson's beliefs in race wars, building retreats in the desert, hearing messages in Beatles songs, using drugs, talking about "man is god" and "Do what thou wilt" philosophies. Nevertheless, I did not know about the Solar Lodge scandal until I ran across it in an obscure book in a second hand bookstore in 1988! Now of course with the Internet there is all kinds of information and misinformation. The only thing I have read in the press was the book, The Family, by Ed Sanders. Some of his information seemed about right, but some of it was just plain wrong, I think. There was never a lodge in San Bernardino. They are confused with San Bernardino county, which is where Blythe is. |
In August 1969, Charles Manson’s so-called “Family” committed a series of notorious murders which captured national attention. Simultaneously, the Solar Lodge found itself at the centre of a separate and highly publicized scandal. The following is a newspaper clipping from the Washington Post, dated October 31, 1969: |
Boy Tells Of Chaining By Cultists INDO, Calif, Oct. 30 (UPI) — Anthony Saul Gibbons, 6, sitting on a pillow on the witness stand so he could be seen, tes- tified Wednesday he was burned with matches and imprisoned in a packing crate at a desert com- mune for starting a fire. The small boy was barely audible as he relatd the events that led to his being chained inside the sweltering box for 56 days during the sum- mer on the farm commune operated by a cult called Ordi Templar Orientialis. Eleven members of the commune, including the child's mother, are on trial for felony child abuse. Anthony, now a ward of the court, said his fingers were burned with matches after he started the fire which destroyed a house and injured a group of goats June 20. He testified he was placed in the packing crate with his legs chained and let out only to do his "chores." The boy was questioned repeatedly before he took the oath as Defence Attorney Keith Blazer attempted to establish if the boy knew what a lie was. The boy said he understood that he would be punished if he told a lie. After Anthony testified, the prosecution rested its case. | ![]() [From: 'Materialien Zum O.T.O.'] |
Candace Reos, a former member of the Solar Lodge, was interviewed by law enforcement authorities in 1969. During questioning, she stated that Jean Brayton exerted psychological control over members of the Lodge. According to Reos, one individual was instructed to suppress his sexual urges by cutting his wrists whenever he experienced arousal. Reos further alleged that when she became pregnant, Brayton reacted with outrage and told her that she would need to train herself to hate the unborn child.
Reos also reported that the children of the group’s forty-three members were separated from their parents and subjected to a form of specialized "training", which was administered in "very severe tones." She claimed that "there was a lot of spanking involved, and a lot of being enclosed in dark rooms." According to her testimony, disciplinary measures employed by instructors "left welts", and in some instances, parents within the Order were allegedly directed to physically punish their own children. |
The FBI files on the Solar Lodge |
Sections redacted by FBI censors are indicated by the placeholder XXX. It is important to note that Charles Manson is not mentioned at any point within these documents.
Date: 8/15/69 TO: DIRECTOR, FBI ATTN: Identification Division FROM: SAC, LOS ANGELES (88-16511) SUBJECT: GEORGINA R. BRAYTON, aka Jean Brayton — FUGITIVE; RICHARD MONTGOMERY BRAYTON — FUGITIVE; ROBERT ALLEN DUERRSTEIN — FUGITIVE; EDSON FRANK DUNLAP — FUGITIVE; JAMES HERBERT GIBBONS — FUGITIVE UFAP — CHILD ABUSE OO: Los Angeles The following information was furnished 8/14,15/69 by XXX Riverside County Sheriff's Office, and XXX Riverside County District Attorney's Office, Blythe, California. These agencies requested Unlawful Flight to Avoid Prosecution (UFAP) assistance for captioned subjects: This case involves an organization or cult known as O.T.O., which letters stand for Ordo Templi Orientis (Order of the Temple of the Orient or Oriental Templars). It is also known as the "Eye of Horus" and has had book stores under this name. The aims of O.T.O. are the teaching of hermetic science or occult knowledge, the pure and holy magic of light, the secrets of mystic attainment and yoga of all forms. According to cult literature entitled "Manifesto of the O.T.O.", it embodies the whole of the secret knowledge of all Oriental orders and "has existing branches in every civilized country in the world." The O.T.O. maintained book stores in Blythe, California, and at 1918 West Eight Street, Los Angeles, which later moved to 1241 West 30th Street, Los Angeles. These "Eye of Horus" book stores were managed by subject ROBERT ALLEN DUERRSTEIN. A group or commune of the O.T.O. based in Los Angeles, California, at 1241 West 30th Street and 2627 Menlo Street, approximately one and one half to two years ago began building a retreat or commune on 20 acres of land located in a remote desert area, 38 miles north of Blythe, California, on Highway 95. According to tax records, this property is in the name XXX. During the period of construction, the cult members worked in Los Angeles and travelled to this property on weekends. About three to four months ago, a large part of this group moved to this desert commune and several obtained jobs in Blythe. The buildings consisted of a Quonset type building and "houses" made out of "piano boxes" and "A" frames. They maintained livestock such as cows, goats, and horses on this property. The O.T.O. also listed a run-down tavern, motel, store, and station at Vidal, California, approximately two miles from their commune. Among persons moving to this commune were five children, two of which were ANTHONY SAUL GIBBONS, also known as Saul Gibbons, age 6, XXX. Their mother, BEVERLY JUNE GIBBONS, a white female, age 36, and xxx APPROX. father, JAMES HERBERT GIBBONS, an employee of the Los Angeles County Probation Department at Camp David Gonzales, were members of O.T.O. Witnesses state that according to rules of the cult, the parents were not to have direct control over their children and the children would be in effect wards of the O.T.O. [Remark P.R.K.: This sounds like Reuss' concept of a social utopia, somehow tried out by Crowley at his Abbey of Thelema at Cefalú] On 7/26/69, XXX went to the commune to look at some horses which were for sale. At this time, they observed a child chained inside of a large shipping crate and thereafter notified the Riverside County Sheriff's Office. Riverside County Sheriff's Deputies proceeded to the commune, where they found SAUL GIBBONS sitting on a mattress in a 6' by 6' box. A heavy metal chain was padlocked to his left leg and the other end of the chain was locked to a large metal plate. The box also contained a No. 10 can partially filled with human waste and swarming with flies. Also, the box contained an uncovered plastic jug with drinking water, a food encrusted plate, and a small washtub filled with dirty water. The stench was nauseating, the flies were swarming, it was hot, and the boy could not recall how long he had been in the box. The recorded temperature in Blythe since 7/1/69 reached 117 degrees with 12 days raching 110 degrees or more. Investigation determined that on 5/20/69 the Quonset hut at the commune, with many of the cult's belongings, burned down. This fire was not reported to authorities. Cult members determined that SAUL GIBBONS set the fire and about three days later, GEORGINA BRAYTON, RICHARD BRAYTON, and ROBERT DUERRSTEIN, as well as other cult members, proceeded to the commune from Los Angeles. XXX former O.T.O. members, stated that GEORGINA BRAYTON is the leader of the group and ROBERT DUERRSTEIN is second in command. The group is strictly disciplined and JEAN BRAYTON finalizes all decisions. Upon arrival at the commune in May, JEAN BRAYTON is alleged to have held lit matches to the hand of SAUL GIBBONS as punishment for burning the Quonset down and for killing two goats which were destroyed by the fire. She allegedly made SAUL bury the goats after which he was "beaten all day" with bamboo sticks by the adult members of the commune while the BRAYTONS and DUERRSTEIN watched. SAUL was then put in an "A" frame building by the "cow pens" and chained to the heavy metal plate. He allegedly stayed in the "A" frame two weeks, during which time he was fed only bread and water. Thereafter, he was transferred to the 6' by 6' wooden box in which he was found on 7/26/69. A week or two after SAUL's original punishment at the commune, a meeting was held at the O.T.O. Temple, 2627 Menlo, Los Angeles. JEAN BRAYTON told those present that as punishment for setting the fire she had burned SAULS's hands with matches, made him dig the grave and bury the carcasses of the two goats. and then chained him in an "A" frame, where he was to sit in Asana, a yogie position. She then said that when it was convenient, she was going to give SAUL LSD and set fire to the structure in which he was chained and give him just enough chain to get out of reach of the fire. She asked if anyone had any objections or better ideas. No one, including SAULS' mother, BEVERLY GIBBONS, who was present at the meeting, had any objections. ROBERT DUERRSTEIN suggested they kill the child, but JEAN BRAYTON said this would not be necessary. BEVERLY GIBBONS allegedly remarked during these conversations that it was "sacrificing one to save many". SAUL GIBBONS, age 6, was apparently chained in the above condition from about 5/23/69 to 7/26/69. The Riverside County Sheriff's Office arrested the following cult members after SAUL was found and they were subsequently booked 8/13/69 on Riverside County Grand Jury indictments charging child abuse. They are currently out on bond: CLIFFORD ALAN REOS, white male, age 21, 5'10", 160 pounds, brown hair, and green eyes; MICHAEL JOHN FOXWORTH, white male, age 20, 6'20", 175 pounds, brown hair, and brown eyes; GARDNER HERBERT REYNOLDS, JR., white male, age 22, 5'11", 180 pounds, brown hair, and hazel eyes; JAMES EDWARD HUNGERFORD, white male, age 22, 6', 175 pounds, brown hair, and blue eyes; VIRGINIA CELESTE MICHEL, white female, age 21, 5'3", 110 pounds, brown hair, and blue eyes; PATRICIA ANN MOSHER, white female, age 26, 5'3", 105 pounds, brown hair, and blue eyes; JACK REVEL NEECE, white male, age 22, 5'8", 140 pounds, brown hair, and blue eyes; JOHN FRANCIS NICHOLSON, white male, age 21, 5'8", 148 pounds, brown hair, and blue eyes; JUIDH LYNN OSTER, nee Angelson, also known as Julie Oster, an employee of the Bank of America; BEVERLY JUNE GIBBONS, white female, date of birth 5/13/33, 5'4", 105 pounds, brown hair, and brown eyes; JEFFERY FLYNN As previously stated, the above listed persons have been charged with felony child abuse and are currently out on bond. On 7/28/69, XXX Riverside County District Attorney Investigator, interviewed XXX who were all together at Blythe, California. He also talked that date by phone with XXX. Warrants were not outstanding for these persons at this time and they were not arrested. All of these people disappeared thereafter and their whereabouts are currently unknown. XXX Vidal, California, advised the Riverside County Sheriff's Office 8/4/69 that XXX disappeared after the above arrests and that she had seen a letter from RICHARD BRAYTON to XXX , which was postmarked in Arizona, city unknown. While JULIE OSTER was in the Blythe jail, conversation was overheard between JULIE and O.T.O. friend in which JULIE said that if "she (JEAN BRAYTON) couldn't come back in the stat, someone else would have to administer the business enterprises at Vidal". Also, that the BRAYTONS "weren't safe in the United States". On 8/13/69, the Riverside County Grand Jury returned a true bill charging 19 members of the O.T.O., including all five captioned subjects, with violation Section 273(a), California Penal Code, Child Abuse, a felony. This case was discussed with Assistant U.S. Attorney DAVID P. CURNOW, Los Angeles, by SA XXX on 8/14/69. He authorized prosecution of all five captioned subjects for violation Title 18, Section 1073, U.S. Code, UFAP — Child Abuse. He recommended $25,000 bond for each subject. On 8/15/69, complaints were filed by SA XXX before U.S. Commissioner JOHN MORGAN, Riverside, California, and warrants were issued. Fugitive Form Letters submitted. GEORGINA R. BRAYTON is a white female; born 12/29/21, possibly in England; 5'5", 135 pounds; brown hair dyed red; green eyes; California driver's licence F553407; and Social Security Number XXXX. She allegedly has claimed to be the reincarnation of Sir ALEISTER CROWLEY, who wrote "Book of Lies" published in London in 1913. CROWLEY, since deceased, was an alleged leader of O.T.O. RICHARD MONTGOMERY BRAYTON is a white male; born 1911 in Ohio; 5'10"; 165 pounds; black hair, graying; brown eyes; Social Security Number XXX, California driver's licence B240125, and Criminal Identification and Investigation (CII) Number XXX. He was arrested for burglary by the Los Angeles Police Department 9/28/68, their number XXX. BRAYTON is alleged to have become addicted to percodan. ROBERT ALLEN DUERRSTEIN is a white male; born 9/23/39; 6'3"; 160 pounds; brown hair; blue eyes; California driver's license F819421; and with address 1241 West 30th Street, Los Angeles. EDSON FRANK DUNLAP is a white male; born 10/10/30; 6'2", 180 pounds; brown hair; hazel eyes; address 1241 West 30th Street, Los Angeles; and California driver's license F324970. DUNLAP, a dentist and graduist of University of Southern California (USC) Dental School, is reportedly a high cult member and has worked for XXX has a bank account at the Bank of America, 1255 Sartori Avenue, Torrance. JAMES HERBERT GIBBONS is a white male; born 8/22/32 in California: 6'1"; 160 pounds; brown hair; Social Security Number XXX and was employed by the Los Angeles County Probation Department. He also has degrees in theology and made application to teach at the Palos Verdes Junior College, Blythe, California. The Riverside County Sheriff's Office also has felony warrants for charging child abuse in connection with this matter for DENNIS CASTINEREZ, also known as Paul Masters, Steve Quilly, a white male, 25 years of age, 5'7", muscular build, dark hair, and tan complexion. CASTINEREZ allegedly may be avoiding the draft. They also have felony warrants to B. APPORX. Lorna FLYNN, a white female, and GEORGE CHRISTIAN SCOTT, a white male. The Riverside County Sheriff's Office to date has not located these persons. UFAP process is not outstanding for CASTINEREZ, LORNA FLYNN, or GEORGE SCOTT at this time. XXX The O.T.O. leases and operates the Richfield Service Station at 3401 South Flower, Los Angeles, which is run by cult member XXX. Other cult members work at the station. XXX |
Comment by Frater Shiva,
It seems that the accused parties came before a judge in December 1971. | ![]() |
The Solar Lodge Affair and the Reconstruction of the O.T.O.: A Critical Overview |
Two major controversies became associated with the group led by Jean and Richard Brayton, known as the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O.: Solar Lodge and 'Caliphate': Documents: Early Struggles. 1. The “Boy in the Box” Scandal and Public ExposureOn 10 June 1969, a young boy living at the Solar Lodge set fire to his bedroom. The fire spread quickly and, according to subsequent claims, destroyed “all of Aleister Crowley’s written diaries” then allegedly held on the premises (McMurtry to Lindstrom, 12 May 1971; to Lt. Thomas Grammer, 13 May 1971; to Henry C. Hayes, 14 May 1971). McMurtry later downplayed the loss, writing: “no loss, [Germer] sent [Gerald Yorke] copies of everything before he died” (Notes on the Brayton Case, 13 June 1973). As punishment for starting the fire, the child was confined in a wooden box at the Lodge’s desert ranch. This act initiated the now-infamous “Boy in the Box” case, which attracted widespread media attention. Law enforcement and the FBI became involved, and the Braytons fled, remaining in hiding for eighteen months. Charges against Richard Brayton were later dropped due to insufficient evidence, while Jean Brayton pleaded no contest to one count of felony child abuse; she received three years' probation and a $500 fine (McMurtry letters, 1971; case records, Riverside County Sheriff’s Office). 2. McMurtry’s Negotiations with the Solar LodgeAn important aspect of the conflict between McMurtry and the Solar Lodge is a letter dated May 1, 1971, written by Dick Brayton to McMurtry (see original document). This letter provides crucial insights into the Solar Lodge's attempt to negotiate with McMurtry rather than remain in outright opposition. Brayton, writing on behalf of the Velle Transcendental Research Association, acknowledged McMurtry’s leadership and proposed a unification of forces under McMurtry’s title as "Caliph." He suggested that a merger between McMurtry’s O.T.O. and Velle could double the movement’s followers, arguing that the only thing keeping them apart was the "Pasadena scandal" — a clear reference to the negative public perception stemming from the Solar Lodge’s criminal allegations. Additionally, Brayton attempted to involve Millie Burlingame as a mediator between both sides, suggesting that she could negotiate terms on behalf of McMurtry. This proposal highlights that not all interactions between the Solar Lodge and McMurtry were adversarial, and there were attempts to bring about a resolution that might have altered the course of the O.T.O.'s later development. Most significantly, the letter reveals that Brayton sought political support from McMurtry’s members, urging them to write to Deputy District Attorney Gary Schroetter in protest against the prosecution of Brayton and five other Velle members. He explicitly asked for a "Plea for Religious Toleration", aligning this appeal with the broader effort to frame legal actions against the Solar Lodge as religious persecution — a strategy also reflected in the anonymous 21-page document of the same name, which McMurtry later forwarded to law enforcement. McMurtry, however, rejected the offer and continued to distance himself from the Solar Lodge. The letter remains a key historical document demonstrating the complexities of O.T.O. factionalism in the early 1970s. ![]() 3. McMurtry’s Legal and Organizational StrategyBetween 1970 and 1973, McMurtry actively documented a pattern of thefts which he attributed to the Braytons and their associates. These included:
McMurtry believed these coordinated thefts were intended to construct a false lineage and confer on the Solar Lodge an appearance of authenticity. He argued that not only were the stolen items historically and ritually significant, but that they were also “charged” with occult energies — making their theft an act of spiritual violation (McMurtry to Jean Brayton, 1971). On March 20, 1973, McMurtry and Seckler took a further step toward formalizing their control over Crowley’s literary estate by publicly copyrighting Crowley material for the first time. This marked a critical moment in the legal battle over Thelemic texts, as McMurtry sought to assert legitimacy through copyright ownership as well as initiatory lineage. 4. ConclusionThe May 1, 1971, letter from Dick Brayton demonstrates that the Solar Lodge actively sought to align itself with McMurtry, rather than merely opposing him. Brayton acknowledged McMurtry’s claim to leadership and attempted to negotiate a merger between their factions. However, McMurtry rejected the offer, recognizing that any affiliation with the Solar Lodge could be damaging due to the "Boy in the Box" scandal and associated criminal investigations. The letter also confirms that the Solar Lodge was engaging in organized legal defense efforts, attempting to rally McMurtry’s members to support their cause through letter-writing campaigns. This suggests a broader narrative of competing legitimacies — both McMurtry and Brayton sought to present themselves as the true inheritors of Crowley’s O.T.O., but McMurtry ultimately prevailed by legally consolidating control over Crowley’s literary legacy. Ultimately, the affair highlights the complex interplay of legal, esoteric, and political struggles that shaped the modern O.T.O. landscape. McMurtry’s rejection of Brayton’s offer and his decision to formally copyright Crowley materials in 1973 were crucial steps in establishing the 'Caliphate' O.T.O. as the dominant Thelemic organization in the decades that followed. Solar Lodge and 'Caliphate': Documents: Early Struggles. |
And the Swiss O.T.O. ? |
In 1971, with the newspaper clip from the 'Washington Post', "Boy Tells Of Chaining By Cultists", for October 31 1969 (see above) Hermann Joseph Metzger from the Swiss O.T.O. travelled to the American Embassy in Berne which reported to the Director of the FBI: "He stated that he was afraid that these people were giving his organization a bad name in the U.S., and he wished to emphasize that they had nothing to do with his society." ![]() |
Charles Manson and the O.T.O. ? |
![]() Before Charles Manson (b. 1934) allegedly attended public gatherings hosted by the Solar Lodge, he had already developed a complex background that included exposure to occult and fringe religious ideas. It is reported that Manson first encountered Scientology while incarcerated at McNeil Island Penitentiary in Washington, where he may have received approximately 150 hours of auditing. After his release, he moved to Los Angeles and is believed to have attended various Scientology events, potentially including early ceremonies at the organization’s "Celebrity Centre." Manson’s interest in fame, especially through his music, led him to contact industry figures such as Dennis Wilson of the Beach Boys and Terry Melcher, the son of actress Doris Day. There are suggestions that Manson also had brief contact with The Process Church of the Final Judgment, a group with apocalyptic and ritualistic themes that had splintered from Scientology. Early connections between Scientology and Crowley’s Ordo Templi Orientis were made through L. Ron Hubbard’s involvement with Jack Parsons, a rocket scientist and high-ranking member of the O.T.O. in California. The suggestion that Charles Manson was among the guests at one of these gatherings has circulated in various forms, but remains entirely unsubstantiated. There is NO verified evidence that Charles Manson ever visited the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O. While superficial similarities between Manson's lifestyle and certain occult stereotypes — such as ritualized sex, drug use, and authoritarian group dynamics — may have fueled speculation, no reliable sources confirm that Manson or any of his followers had interest in or knowledge of Aleister Crowley’s teachings. Nor is there any indication that they were ever initiated into, or even directly familiar with, the O.T.O. The events surrounding the Solar Lodge — including the “Boy in the Box” case — and the Manson Family murders both took place in Southern California during 1969. This geographical and temporal proximity, coupled with the tabloid press’s appetite for occult sensationalism, led to media claims of a link between the Manson killings and the O.T.O. Such claims are without substance and have been explicitly denied in law enforcement documentation. There is, however, a tangential cultural overlap worth noting. One former Manson associate, Robert “Bobby” Beausoleil (also known as “Cupid”), lived briefly with underground filmmaker and occult icon Kenneth Anger, although Beausoleil did not share Anger's deep interest in ritual magic. Before becoming involved in the Manson affair, Beausoleil played the rôle of Lucifer in Anger's unfinished film Lucifer Rising. While imprisoned for the Hinman murder (not the Tate-LaBianca killings), he composed a musical score for the film. Kenneth Anger had earlier been associated with various occult currents, including the Church of Satan, founded by Anton LaVey. A persistent but incorrect claim holds that LaVey played the rôle of Satan in Roman Polanski’s 1968 film Rosemary’s Baby. Sharon Tate, one of the Manson Family’s most well-known victims, was married to Polanski at the time of her death. ![]() Bobby Beausoleil. |
Today, Kenneth Anger is a close friend of William Breeze, the 'Caliph' or leader of the 'Caliphate'. He is a member of the 'Caliphate' IX° and as a member of the VIII°-Aeropagus has a say in this Order's fate. |
BibliographyPrimary and Archival Sources
Documents: Early Struggles. Published Works
Online Resources
Related Material on Charles Manson and the Solar Lodge
This is an outline from the German/English "Der O.T.O. Phänomen
RELOAD" (2011) and from the English "O.T.O. Rituals and Sexmagick" (1999). © Peter-Robert Koenig. Translated and adapted by Mark Parry-Maddocks. Regarding Crowley's antidemocratic, racist and mysanthropic writings, followers point out: "The reason [...] aspects of Thelema are omitted [in public discussion] indicates the actual problem with presenting Thelema as a religion and attempting to get Thelema sanctioned by the government or approved by the public: Thelema is ultimately in contrast to and transgressive of normative society. Thelema rejects the morals and values of normative society and acts to transgress and violate these norms. From the inclusion of intoxicants in ritual, to the positive view of sexuality, which frequently is seen as promoting promiscuity, to the pro–authoritarian and Nietzschian aspects of Thelema, normative society has much to reject in Thelema and conversely, Thelema encourages its adherents to reject most aspects of normative society.". See The Templar's Reich. More about all this in: Andreas Huettl and Peter-R. Koenig: Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz |
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