Ordo Templi Orientis Rituals and Sexmagick

Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon
O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick

Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley

out of print out of print out of print out of print

Edited and Compiled by
A R Naylor
Introduction by
P R Koenig
Published by Order of the Literary Executor for Aleister Crowley

498 pages — many photographs and documents
ISBN 1-872189-93-8
£ 29.99    US$ 49.95
Essex House, Thame, England. OX9 3LS.

Date: 1999

Aleister Crowley, Theodor Reuss, O.T.O. Rituals and Sexmagick, Liber LII, CLXI, CI, CXCIV,  Gnostic Neo-Christians,  IV° Lodge of Perfection, Perfect Magician, Council of Princes of Jerusalem, V° Sovereign Prince of the Rose-Croix, VI° Knights Templar of the Order of Kadosch, VII° Grand Councillor of the Mystical Templars,  De Natura Deorum, VIII° Knight of the Rose and the Cross, De Nuptiis Secretis Deorum Cum Hominibus, IX° Parsifal and the Secret of the Graal Unveiled, Agape vel Liber C vel Azoth, Amrita, Emblems and Mode of Use, Grimorium Sanctissimum, Star Sapphire, Eucharist by Clément de Saint-Marcq, Gnosticorum Missa Minor, X° De Homunculo Epistola, Hermetic Brotherhood of Light


PART 1: INTRODUCTION Birth and Development of the O.T.O.
Amazing Maze
Structure and Practises of the O.T.O. Groups
A note to the Constitutions, the Rituals and the Instructions

PART II: CONSTITUTIONS & GUIDING PRINCIPLES Ancient Order of Templars Constitution, 1906
Hermetic Science College, 1906
Manifesto of the Mysteria Mystica Maxima, 1912
Mysteria Mystica Maxima, Constitution, 1913
Preface to Revised Rituals and Synopsis of the Grades, 1914
Ancient Order of Templars Constitution, 1917
Liber LII, Manifesto of the O.T.O., 1919
Liber CLXI, Concerning the Law of Thelema, 1919
Liber CI, An Open Letter to Those Wishing to Join the Order, 1919
Liber CXCIV, An Intimation with Reference to the Constitution of the Order, 1919
Programme of Construction and the Guiding Principles of the Gnostic Neo-Christians, O.T.O., 1920 System of the O.T.O. (Magick Without Tears, 1944, published 1954)
What is Freemasonry (Confessions, 1929)

PART Ill: RITUALS & INSTRUCTIONS Mysteria Mystica Maxima, 1906, Initiation into the First Degree
Reuss-O.T.O. 1918, 1°
Crowley-O.T.O. 1° (very early, in masonic style and non-thelemic)
Crowley-O.T.O. O° Minerval
I° Man
II° Magician
III° Master Magician and Devotion
IV° Lodge of Perfection, Perfect Magician
Council of Princes of Jerusalem
V° Sovereign Prince of the Rose-Croix
VI° Knights Templar of the Order of Kadosch
Liber LXX, 1916
Reuss-O.T.O. VII° Grand Councillor of the Mystical Templars
Crowley-O.T.O. VII° Instruction, De Natura Deorum
Reuss-O.T.O. VIII° Knight of the Rose and the Cross
Crowley-O.T.O. VIII° De Nuptiis Secretis Deorum Cum Hominibus
Reuss-O.T.O. IX° Parsifal and the Secret of the Graal Unveiled
Crowley-O.T.O. IX°:
Energized Enthusiasm
The Ship
Two Fragments of a Ritual - The Supreme Ritual
- A Ritual to Invoke HICE
The Ritual of Passing through the Waters
The Ritual of Passing through the Earth
Secrets of the IX°
Agape vel Liber C vel Azoth
Liber CDXIV: De Arte Magica
Liber CCCXLIII: Amrita
Emblems and Mode of Use, 1942
Grimorium Sanctissimum
Liber XXVI: Star Sapphire
The Eucharist by Clément de Saint-Marcq (1906)
Of the Eucharist and of the Art of Alchemy, 1929
Patriarch of the Gnostic Catholic Church, 1944
Manifesto of the Gnostic Catholic Church, 1944
Liber XV: Ecclesiae Gnosticae Catholicae Canon Missae Liber CLXXXVI: Gnosticorum Missa Minor
Reuss-O.T.O. X°, ca. 1920
Crowley-O.T.O. X° De Homunculo Epistola, 1914
Crowley-O.T.O. XI°
Crowley-O.T.O. XII°: William Bernard Crow, 1948
Reuss-O.T.O. Instructions An Insight into Yoga: Mystic Anatomy, 1913
Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, 1917
Gnostic Neo-Christians, 1917

O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick Theodor Reuss Aleister Crowley

Lettre du Crocodile Theodor Reuss Aleister Crowley Peter Robert Koenig Anthony Naylor O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick

Is the content overlapping with Francis King's Secret Rituals of the O.T.O. (London 1973) and if so to what extent?

There is some overlap, aside from King's introduction everything in Secret Rituals is here with the addition of the following:-

Some extra details to rituals.
Of Secret Marriages of Gods & Men has additional Latin titles, and an extra section not previously published.
Liber Agape has illustrations.

Aside from that there is also:-
An early Crowley (pre-Thelemic) OTO initiation ritual.
De Arte Magica.
Emblems & their Mode of Use.
Various details from the VIIIth, IXth & Xth degrees not in King's book.

It has a 60pp Introduction which discusses the birth of the Order, it operation in various countries and the history of the various claimants of the OTO crown. The use of the OTO lamen is traced back to France in 1893.

Considerable Reuss material, initiation rituals, instructional texts.

Many articles by Crowley considered to be illuminating concerning OTO mysteries and sex magick are presented.

There is considerable material (50pp) concerning the Gnostic Catholic Church including the Eucharist de Saint-Marque, the Manifestos of 1944, Lesser Mass of the Gnostics.

It also has some speculations concerning the XIth degree.

XIIth degree material deriving from W.B.Crow. It publishes the documents by which Crowley made Crow head of the Gnostic catholic Church, and head of the Scottish, Memphis & Mizraim rites, and by which Crow declared himself to be Rex Summus Sanctissimus XIIth degree OTO in 1948.

It is dedicated to literary executors of Aleister Crowley's will, recognising both Louis Wilkinson and John Symonds as being IXth degree OTO. It was a surprise to realise that John Symonds is the one and only surviving member of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis of the O.T.O. as acknowledged directly by Aleister Crowley.

DO PLEASE NOTE. There is material concerning OTO initiations. Those working these initiations may wish to avoid reading them preferring to experience the ritual before reading it. However, it has a good contents page, so these pages can be easily sealed if desired. I am sure you are all well able to make your own decisions in this matter.

O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley Anthony R Naylor Peter-R Koenig

O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley Anthony R Naylor Peter-R Koenig

O.T.O. Rituals and Sex Magick Theodor Reuss and Aleister Crowley Anthony R Naylor Peter-R Koenig

Other Reviews
Information on the International Copyright Situation
National Grandmasters and OHOs of the O.T.O.

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