Guido and Miriam / Myriam Wolther
Fraternitas Saturni

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Guido und Miriam Wolther
Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni Guido Wolther

Miriam (Andrée Mériam) + Guido Wolther, Grandmaster Frater Daniel 18°, 33° Fraternitas Saturni.
[Colored with AI]

Guido Wolther Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni

Without knowing exact biographical dates, a pluto-ritual celebrated by Wolther below the depth of the earth's surface might give hints to a unresolved and problematic relationship with his past.
In August 1962 and September 1963, allegedly Wolther and his wife Andrée Mériam Wolther/Rahel tried to "bring forth the devil from Hell" in a "magnificant stalactite cave in 250 metres below the earth" with the help of burned antimon, uranium salt, thoriumoxyd, strontium and petroleum (a recepy received by Andrée Mériam in trance by "high saturnian intelligences").

Guido Wolther, Frater Daniel, Fraternitas Saturni - Evokations-Symbole, Luciferische Hierarchie Guido Wolther, Frater Daniel, Fraternitas Saturni - Evokations-Symbole, Luciferische Hierarchie Guido Wolther, Frater Daniel, Fraternitas Saturni - Evokations-Symbole, Luciferische Hierarchie

[From: Abramelin & Co.]

"We are attracted by the unreal and mysterious — we just "have to" ... We are driven to discover and to work —, work magickally. Who met us knows that we are no "esoterical fanatics" but that we know how to skillfully and scientifically thoroughly exercise our operations."
The prime mother is evocated with the "barbaric sounds". "Onia ... Heva!! Onia ... Chavah! Chavah! Heva!! Ino ... Rea! Ria! Rua! Oia! Uuu ... Nahema! Nahema! Uuu! Oie-Ona- Uuea-Uuu! Aie, Aonie, Lilith, Lilith! Lilith! Jahou! Juhooe! Jaaaaheluu! From the deepest depth cometh forth you forces of Pluto! Heareth my call in the depth, rise forth from the transuranos — transuranos — rise forth. Plutonian powers I enforce you to show yourself. Agiel be the mediator, Arratron be the mediator! I call Saturnus, guardian of the threshold, Saturnus, Saturnus, Saturnus open the door to transuranos. Open the door to transuranos. Uuuu Jiiii."

A female demon with the body of a scorpio and the face of a woman appears. Frau Wolther passes out. The demon's body becomes human and "raises his hand against my wife". Guido Wolther utters his needs: "Therefore I beg you for the power to reign over people — the power to be master of an organisation, of an occult society which represents the power on three levels — and this power I want to partake with my wife." But the demon gets upset because "the woman ... is going to betray you, little man". Exit prime mother.

Guido Wolther Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni
Guido Wolther Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni
Guido Wolther Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni
Guido Wolther Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni
Guido Wolther Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni
Guido Wolther Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni
Guido Wolther Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni
Guido Wolther Frater Daniel Fraternitas Saturni

[Partly from 'In Nomine Demiurgi Nosferati']

More about Guido Wolther and his activities within the Fraternitas Saturni.
Context and biography.

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