Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon

The Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon

An Apeirogon
by Peter–Robert Koenig

Sar Peladan Rose + Croix, Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O. Lamen


This project aims to research the psycho–sociology of a modern secret society called Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) through detailed historical fieldwork.
The focus of the research is on modern–day occultism and the rôle of money, the alleged connections to the Templars and falsification of history, the modern Gnostics' use of expanded consciousness in their kitchen and bedrooms, sex magic(k), the modern Illuminati, the NeuRosicrucians, ossified folklore, ceremonial magic, and their relationship with Voodoo and Freemasonry. Additionally, the research will investigate the personalities, rituals, correspondences, and books associated with the O.T.O. Phenomenon.

Ordo Templi Orientis Aleister Crowley Stele of Revealing Cairo 1904 Liber AL vel Legis Book of the Law Aiwass Aiwaz

Gnosis in the Bedroom

This study does not serve as an introduction to occult or esoteric topics, although it does cover the magical practices and rituals of relevant groups. Its primary focus is on documenting and occasionally discussing the behavior of the participating parties.

The study serves as a reflection of the many puzzle pieces that compose a phenomenon characterized by the inconsistency and subjectivity of its sources.
Folkloric aspects, which some might also consider as tittle–tattle, are treated as part of psycho–sociology and history. The banal within the elite. The avant–garde within the ordinary.

All puzzle pieces have been utilized, except for legal criteria.

Sometimes the result looks like a 'laundry list'.

Fraternitas Saturni Lodge Logen Hammer Fraternitas Saturni GOTOS breath

Western Orientalism effectively originated with the translation of the 'Thousand and One Nights' into French at the beginning of the 18th century. Soon anything even vaguely 'Oriental' seemed to exude a magical, sensual appeal —­ an appeal that had much to do with the idea of unspoilt nature in far–off lands. Nearly all Orientalist works contained erotic elements — often explicit — which sprang from a widespread belief that in the Orient mores (and thus morals) were more relaxed than in Europe.
Orientalism can be understood as a mode of thought that has become globalized since the 19th century, shaping not only perceptions of the 'Orient' but also self–interpretations within it. Some even argue that the West, in fact, constructed itself through orientalism.

Following Napoleon's campaign in Egypt and Syria between 1798 and 1801, Europeans were gripped with Egyptomania, and many were inspired to see and write about the treasures of the country for themselves.

In the colonial 18th and 19th centuries, Western scholars engaged with Indian subcontinent cultures. British Orientalists emerged, translating Hindu scriptures to grasp their complexities. The 19th–century telegraph and steamships sped up India–West communication, aiding globalization. This facilitated broader access to Hindu knowledge as travelers, researchers, and officials shared insights via reports and publications.

Like the fault Nietzsche had found in western culture, voids in some European's own cultures became filled with exotic customs, arts, philosophies, religions and sciences.

Within their own universe, modern occultists are wandering encyclopaedias. It is quite state–of–the–art for them to plunder Ali Baba's coffers. The outcome is a construct of Western–influenced Egyptology and Orientalism, infused with elements from the Kabbalah, and sometimes containing fabricated details.

It was in just such a context that an Oriental Templar Order, the O.T.O., was concocted in 1906 by Theodor Reuss from the symbols, rituals and nomenclature of regular and irregular Freemasonry in Germany. To see members wearing period garb was and still is not uncommon.

The letters O.T.O. (or OTO) stand for Ordo Templi Orientis.

Neither the use of the letters nor of the full name is unique to any group. Since the founding of the O.T.O. many groups have appropriated the name, its abbreviations, and acronyms and imbued them with contents to their own taste and liking. There are several rival groups using the name Ordo Templi Orientis or O.T.O. Some of them derive from an original that is, a first O.T.O. but not all. Not all but a few of them can lay some claim to stem from the original i.e. first O.T.O. of 1906.

Within all iterations of the Ordo Templi Orientis, the lineage of succession assumes a paramount rôle, owing to the conviction that the appointed leader serves as the vessel for the Order's magical potency. Moreover, this leader also lays claim to a range of copyrights and royalties, most notably pertaining to the literary contributions of Aleister Crowley, a prominent protagonist within the O.T.O.

Aleister Crowley and the Law of Thelema and the Stele of Revealing

The structure of most O.T.O.–varieties, like that of Freemasonry, is based on a staged series of initiations or degrees. It includes approximately 10 degrees, with some variation in between, and one that some refer to as a secret degree, depending on the circumstances. The essence / secrets of the Ordo Templi Orientis–variations are in their higher degrees; strictly speaking only members of these degrees are considered to be members of the O.T.O. proper.

English version: Synopsis of Degrees.
Traduction française: Synopsis des Degrés.

Aleister Crowley: "Of the [highest] Eleventh Degree [of the Ordo Templi Orientis], its powers, privileges, and qualifications, nothing whatever is said in any grade. It has no relation to the general plan of the Order, is inscrutable, and dwells in its own palaces." (Liber CXCIV, 1919) "I am inclined to believe that the XIth degree is better than the IXth degree", diary entry 26 August 1916.

Theodor Reuss Hermetic Brotherhood of Light Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O. Memphis Misraim

Religion As Decoration

While the O.T.O.’s initiatory system is a sort of Kafkaesque bureaucratic club game, it has a religious association under its obedience: The Gnostic Catholic Church. One of the O.T.O.groups intends "to restore Christianity to its real status as a solar–phallic religion." In addition to tax advantages, religion supplies a commodity that is always in demand: salvation. And it would seem that some O.T.O.–variations are simply making themselves bulletproof in the context of the law in some countries.

The technical term for the bishopric in the context of the O.T.O. Phenomenon is Wandering Bishop or Episcopi Vagantes. This status is not defined by any character qualities, not by theological education or theological position. These bishops are not elected by a canonical church, nor proposed as an ordain by a suffragan and not bound to a historical episcopal see or consecrated by an official bishop according to the canonical procedure.

Holy Logos Dove

A real bishop is not a successor of a sole apostle as only the synod/college of bishops in toto are heir to the college of the apostles. Therefore: no Wandering Bishop has a real apostolic succession. There is no Holy Ghost in Wandering–Bishop–consecrations.

Louis–Sophrone Fugairon Sophronius Cérémonial de L'Église Gnostique

[From: 'Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica']

Their instrumentum consecrationis is of no apostolic value. Nonetheless, Wandering Bishops are collectors of papers and diplomas in the hope that at least one of the consecrations they record has taken.

Gnostic Catholic Church Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica

Heinrich Tranker Baphomet Rosycross

This website houses approximately 1000 webpages, incorporating articles, translations, comments, and diverse contributions, each containing numerous documents, photos, and similar visual enhancements. Some images are colored by AI and are duly labeled.
The current introductory page provides access to only a restricted subset of these resources. Therefore, it is advisable to follow the hypertext links within individual pages for more comprehensive exploration.
This labyrinthian character reflects the complexity of the investigated subject, as well as the nature of the research involved.

Ordo Templi Orientis, Theodor Reuss, Order of Illuminati, Illuminaten, Pansophia, A.M.O.R.C., O.T.O., Kenneth Grant, Gnostic Catholic Church, Fraternitas Saturni, Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua, Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica, Memphis Misraim, Libertas et Fraternitas, Choronzon Club, Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, David Bowie, Aleister Crowley

As of October 2024.

juste cruci suffixus est Fraternitas Saturni Räucherpfanne censer

"juste cruci suffixus est"
Censer of the Fraternitas Saturni
[Colored with AI]

This site covers various esoteric topics, including the German Fraternitas Saturni, the Golden Dawn, Memphis Misraim (one of the mother–orders of the Ordo Templi Orientis), the Gnostic Catholic Churches (of French origin), the German Order of the Illuminati, Anthroposophy, the mostly Pan–American Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua, QBLH, A.M.O.R.C., the Austrian AAORRAC, German Pansophia, the Choronzon Club (a sort of homosexual O.T.O. offshoot), the Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua as an example of gnostic inflation with countless outflows and affiliations (e.g., the Monastery of the 7 Rays and La Couleuvre Noire). It also covers a new American O.T.O. founded in 1977 (called 'Caliphate'), the Society O.T.O. (in Brazil and the US), the Typhonian Ordo Templi Orientis (now called Typhonian Order), the Swiss O.T.O., the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O., and Charles Manson.
Additionally, the site discusses Abramelin and Holy Guardian Angels, Aiwaz, LAM, Baphomet, and its equivalent, the egregor GOTOS of the Fraternitas Saturni.

Aleister Crowley and the Stele of Revealing

This site encompasses diverse discussions ranging from spermo–gnosticism, the pursuit of the Elixir of Life, and explorations into homeopathy. It delves into Aleister Crowley's parareligion, Thelema, shedding light on its complexities. Additionally, the platform scrutinizes the historical roots, including the proto–fascist and misogynistic elements within occult culture. Notably, it unveils never–before–published rituals, originating from the original Ordo Templi Orientis and a variant of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, rediscovered from archives previously undisclosed.

Readers will also encounter contentious legal opinions and disputes, adding a layer of intrigue to the exploration, while an ethnological perspective invites contemplation on the broader cultural implications of these esoteric subjects.

Startling Stories 1948

"What Every Mason Wants"
'Startling Stories", January 1948.

Secrets of the Rosicrucians, Templars and the Illuminati

Secrets of the Rosicrucians, Templars and the Illuminati, Peter-Robert Koenig

Discussions on the Nature of the O.T.O. Phenomenon

There are many critical theories, but I don't employ any specific one because, in general, they all can work, and I don't approach texts, ideas, or people as if they were patients. Rationality is a highly subjective issue. Or, as expressed by the Austrian philosopher of science, Paul Karl Feyerabend: Anything Goes.

The suitability of methods for thinking about occultism and esotericism is usually linked to results. So long as those insights stay discursive, innovative and useful, any method — however informal or offbeat — is not only appropriate but even required. Thus scientific analysis becomes a conversation between subject and researcher, and can only ever yield tentative results. Wayward ideas, however, can and should be viewed from wayward perspectives.

Reading Paul-Michel Foucault, Roland Barthes and Jacques Derrida, Félix Guattari and Gilles Deleuze, George Batailles, Antonin Artaud, Terence Sellers, Jean Barraqué, Hermann Broch, Alain Robbe–Grillet, Maurice Blanchot and Comte de Lautréamont (Isidore Ducasse) will not hurt you. Have you tried Jacques–Marie Émile Lacan?

Johannes Goeggelmann, Saturnius, Fraternitas Saturni

The Technology of Sex

The Technology of Sex, Ordo Templi Orientis, Sex Magic

[AI–generated image]

Certainly, spermo–gnosis and sex–magic tend to invite rhetoric that veers towards sensationalism and may sound alarmist, not to mention titillating. I have diligently strived to steer clear of these potential pitfalls. Nevertheless, it is essential to declare from the outset that the subject requires candor, and I have not hesitated to provide it.


Spermo–Gnostics and the Ordo Templi Orientis — Introduction to the Ascetic and Libertine Gnostics, or The Erotization of Misery.

Clément de Saint–Marcq: The Eucharist, 1906.

The Correct Gnosticism: The ascetic roots of the O.T.O.

The Secrets of the O.T.O.–groups.
Touto esti to sperma mou. Ho pater estin ho huios dia to pneuma hagion. AUMGN. AUMGN. AUMGN.

Aleister Crowley's 'Gnostic Mass' includes a Cake of Light which incorporates the Logos and is prepared using certain ingredients including bodily secretions. This Cake is not intended for transubstantiation but to contain a deity called the Childe, specifically an aspect of Horus, the Egyptian God of the Sky.
The cake is transmuted by digestion, not through transubstantiation, making it a sex–magical medium for the participant's will. Consumption or bodily contact with the host is necessary for transformation, unifying the host with its consumer, unlike the Roman Catholic host, which changes its invisible essence without changing appearance or chemical qualities.


In the 1970s, the occult community embraced a heightened level of sexuality involving a variety of partners. This not only created but also reinforced the stereotype about occultists that persists to this day, shaping how some individuals define occultism. During that era, many embarked on a social experiment of extended proportions, likening it to a form of religion and using sex as its raw material.

A significant emphasis was placed on individuals' autonomy, encouraging the freedom to engage in whatever they desired. The expression of sexuality underwent a transformative shift from being carried out furtively to becoming a celebratory manifestation, embodying the newly liberated attitudes towards occultism.

The moment sex became available to everyone at a mouse–click, the power of discourse (to borrow Foucault's term) of those who constructed a truth–producing apparatus around sexuality, also crumbled.

Aura of the O.T.O. Phenomenon.

Halo of Flies.
Organized occultists seek to establish their parareligion as a fixed aspect of society. The purpose of this article is to illustrate how such organizations impose intellectual conformity on individuals who genuinely seek knowledge. This contribution, originally published in Richard Metzger's "Book Of Lies" in 2003, explores several key topics, including Thelema and the loss of identity, manufactured gnosis, and the manifestation of Borg–consciousness in secret societies like the O.T.O.

Of a similar nature: Phantoms of the Paradise.
Anonymous 2021: Burning Down The House. Keywords: 'Caliphate', Argenteum Astrum, James Wasserman, Donald Trump.
What Will I Give For An Encore?

Part One of Smoke Gets In Your Aiwass. All about Angels and Abramelin.
Part Two: More on The chajoth, the ‘living creations’ or ‘flying things’.
The focus is on the rôle of the Abramelin Book in inspiring occultists to engage with the Holy Guardian Angel. Notable themes include the Mysterium iniquietatis, Roman–Catholic Angels, God's Test, the sins of the Angels, the Heavenly Doppelgänger, and Aleister Crowley's experiences with the Abramelin Book.
Die vollständige Version (mit einem dritten Teil), ist jedoch nur auf deutsch erhältlich: Abramelin & Co.

Ecstatic Creation of Culture.
The main ideas of this lecture, dated 1996, are the examination of Aleister Crowley's magical religion, the phenomenon of euphoric trance–images, the use of Cabbala as a verbal bridge between different realities, and the discussion of occultists associated with occult orders and free occultists.

These days, debates on the internet often resemble a collective downhill race. Participants vie with each other to rush towards the abyss on their ideologically primed steep slopes. The crash seems inevitable, and the end near — however, the specific end in question varies depending on the faction. Is it the domain of the self–righteous and know–it–alls, those voices that express opinions on absolutely everything and prefer to preach their truths in the form of slogans?
And how was the internet perceived and used in its early days?
Use of the Internet — A questionnaire for occultists of April/March 1997.

Playgame of an O.T.O.–Fatamorgana 2011.
The article explores the controversial membership of the O.T.O., through academic research and statistics. It discusses the renovation of the statistics, noting that little is known about the entire membership. It also touches on the rôle of AIDS within the organization, as well as the presence of AIDS–denialists as members of the Cabinet of the 'Caliphate'. Additionally, the article examines the suicide rate among members and explores the process for gaining entry into the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis, the O.T.O.'s innermost circle. It also discusses censorship and the media's coverage of the O.T.O., as well as the issue of name–dropping within the organization.

Ordo Templi Orientis Caliphate Body Infant Suit Baphomet

Fetish, Self–Induction, Stigma and Rôleplay. 2011.
The O.T.O. has a controversial history, and it has been linked to several allegations of misconduct. Individuals who participate in O.T.O. rituals or practices may, therefore, face potential risks stemming from the organization's history or reputation. It is worth noting, however, that this article does not concentrate specifically on negative effects. Rather, it provides an analysis of the use of fetishism, self-induction, stigma, and rôleplay in the context of O.T.O. rituals and practices.

Gaps in the Script of Esotericism: Hypocrisy and Hypercrisis — Oscar Wilde: Ambition is the last resort of failure. 2012.
In the realm of academia, scholars, preoccupied with their interpretations of archived knowledge, form insular communities. Occultists disguise themselves as scholars, and vice versa. Laypersons, adept at employing 'langue de bois' rhetoric, gravitate towards their preferred online platforms. A culture of self–affirmation prevails, accompanied by a chorus of indignant condemnation directed at others.

The McDonaldisation of Occulture.
The present article, dating back to 1997, investigates the utilization of calculability and quantifiability as evaluative criteria by secret societies such as the O.T.O. Specifically, I examine the degree to which the American O.T.O. has adopted a supermarket–style approach characterized by McDonaldization in its organizational structure and practices. Furthermore, this concept is contextualized within the burgeoning realm of the internet, elucidating the potential implications of these developments on the nature and function of secret societies in contemporary society.

Michael Paul Bertiaux

The Creative Power. Golems and Homunculi are two symbolic constructs that represent the creative power of the soul. The homunculi, which are artificially created beings, represent the potential for creation that exists within each individual. The golem, on the other hand, is a creature from Jewish folklore brought to life through mystical means and represents the manifestation of creative power in the physical world.
Keywords: Paracelsus, Ordo Templi Orientis, Baphomet, Egregor, Fraternitas Saturni, Theodor Reuss, Hanns Heinz Ewers.

GOTOS UTUIT Gradus Ordo Templi Orientis Saturni Egregor Fraternitas Saturni

Aleister Crowley created a kind of a parallel world, with new values based on the injunctions of religion etc, called Thelema, in which he played the central rôle of a Prophet.

Regarding his antidemocratic, racist and misanthropic writings, followers point out: "The reason [...] aspects of Thelema are omitted [in public discussion] indicates the actual problem with presenting Thelema as a religion and attempting to get Thelema sanctioned by the government or approved by the public: Thelema is ultimately in contrast to and transgressive of normative society. Thelema rejects the morals and values of normative society and acts to transgress and violate these norms. From the inclusion of intoxicants in ritual, to the positive view of sexuality, which frequently is seen as promoting promiscuity, to the pro–authoritarian and Nietzschian aspects of Thelema, normative society has much to reject in Thelema and conversely, Thelema encourages its adherents to reject most aspects of normative society." ['Caliphate' O.T.O.'s "Journal of Thelemic Studies", 1;2, 2008, page 40]

Nicht alle Zweige des O.T.O. haben Crowleys Thelema übernommen. "Der Grund, dass [...] Aspekte von Thelema ausgelassen sind, ist das aktuelle Problem, wie Thelema in der Öffentlichkeit als Religion darzustellen ist, um so vom Staat anerkannt zu werden. Thelema ist ganz eindeutig konträr und an den Grenzen der normativen Gesellschaft. Thelema weist die normativen Werte und Moral ab und zielt auf die Ueberschreitung und Verletzung eben dieser Normen. Die Miteinbeziehung von Drogen in die Rituale, die positive Betonung der Sexualität, die als Werbung für Promiskuität angesehen werden kann und der autoritäre und pro-Nietzscheanische Aspekt von Thelema zwingen die normative Gesellschaft zur Ablehnung und gleichzeitig ermutigt Thelema seine Anhänger, die meisten Aspekte der normativen Gesellschaft abzulehnen." ["Journal of Thelemic Studies", 1;2, 2008, Seite 40, übersetzt]

Concernant les écrits antidémocratiques, racistes et misanthropes de Crowley, ses disciples soulignent : « la raison [que quelques] aspects de Thelema sont omis [dans la discussion publique] indique le problème réel avec la présentation de Thelema comme une religion et essayant d'obtenir pour Thelema une sanction du gouvernement ou approuvé par le public : Thelema est finalement en revanche transgressive de la société normative. Thelema rejette la morale et les valeurs de la société normative et agit pour transgresser et violer ces normes. De l'inclusion des substances intoxicantes dans les rituels, à la perception positive de la sexualité, souvent considérée comme favorisant la promiscuité, le proautoritaire et l’aspect Nietzschéenne de Thelema, la société normative a beaucoup rejeter en Thelema et inversement, Thelema encourage ses adhérents à rejeter la plupart des aspects de la société normative. » [Journal of Thelemic Studies, 1;2, 2008, page 40, traduit].

In merito agli scritti antidemocratici, razzisti e misantropici di Aleister Crowley, i suoi seguaci precisano: «La ragione per cui [...] certi aspetti della filosofia thelemica sono omessi [nei pubblici contesti] indica l’effettiva difficoltà di presentare Thelema come una religione e al contempo ottenere una legittimazione dallo stato o la pubblica approvazione: invero Thelema trasgredisce e si contrappone alle norme sociali. Thelema rifiuta la morale e i valori della società normata e agisce per trasgredire e violare queste norme. Per l’uso di ‘sostanze’ nei rituali, per la magnificazione della sessualità, spesso fraintesa come spinta alla promiscuità, per gli aspetti pro-autoritari e nietzscheani, la società normata ha molto da respingere in Thelema e, allo stesso modo, Thelema incoraggia i suoi accoliti a respingere la maggior parte degli aspetti della società normata.» “Journal of Thelemic Studies”, 1; 2, 2008, p. 40.

Em relação aos escritos antidemocráticos, racistas e misantrópicos: "A razão […] de certos aspectos de Thelema serem omitidos [de discussões públicas] indica o real problema em apresentá-la como uma religião e tentar fazer com que seja aceita por governos ou aprovada publicamente: Thelema está, no final das contas, em contraste com a sociedade preceptiva além de transgredi-la. Thelema rejeita a moral e os valores dela e age para transgredir e violar tais normas. Desde a inclusão de intoxicantes em rituais, passando pelo ponto de vista positivo em relação a sexualidade — que com freqüência é visto como incentivo à promiscuidade — aos aspectos pró-autoritários e Nietzscheneanos de Thelema, a sociedade preceptiva tem muito para rejeitar em Thelema e, reciprocamente, Thelema encoraja os seus simpatizantes a rejeitar muitos aspectos dessa sociedade." "Journal of Thelemic Studies", 1;2, 2008, pag. 40.

The Slaves Shall Serve – Aleister Crowley – SS Runes Skull Nazi – Equinox – The Templar's Reich

Das Milieu des Templer Reichs — Die Sklaven Sollen Dienen.
The argument presented in this discussion suggests that Aleister Crowley may be considered a political opportunist, who sought to build relationships with anyone, anywhere, in order to advance his personal interests, including the operation of his parareligion, Thelema. As he faced repeated failures in his political and utopian pursuits, Crowley increasingly emphasized his status as the founder of a religion, attracting followers from all walks of life. Therefore, it is beneficial to recognize the diverse range of people interested in this topic.
This article will focus on notable individuals and organizations in this milieu, such as the Ordo Novi Templi, Fraternitas Saturni, and key figures such as Lanz von Liebenfels, Mathilde Ludendorff, Karl Germer, Christian Bouchet, Paolo Fogagnolo, and James Wasserman. The discussion will explore the political leanings of these groups and their members, as well as their attitudes towards anti–Semitism and religious intolerance. Additionally, the analysis will address the question of whether a consistent political direction can be identified within the O.T.O. Finally, the concepts of Ariosophy and paranoia will also be explored and illustrated with examples.
Also: Proto–Fascist Elements in the O.T.O.

Something that is not related to the O.T.O.: Rudolf von Sebottendorff: Der Talisman des Rosenkreuzers. With a preface by Albrecht Goetz von Olenhusen.

Holy Rat

Articles on the History of the Ordo Templi Orientis

Whether treated as object or subject, the very term "O.T.O." is itself neither fixed nor coherent. The O.T.O. is not a compact, bounded set of categories, but consists of different individuals and more or less loose groupings, which often meet and part (or converge and diverge) with each other — and all at the same time.

Any historical account, any arrangement of these individual parts is perforce provisional, subject to rules of thumb and remains experimental in nature.

Carl Karl Kellner Renatus Hermetic Brotherhood of Light H.B.L. Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O. Carl Kellner Yoga pre-Ordo Templi Orientis Memphis Misraim Baphomet Carl Kellner Yoga Memphis Misraim Baphomet
Carl Kellner
[Colored with AI]

Carl Kellner, Theodor Reuss, Clément de Saint–Marq, E.C.H. Peithmann, Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn, P.B. Randolph, Rudolf Steiner not being a member of the O.T.O., Franz Hartmann (no member of the O.T.O.), Aleister Crowley, Karl Germer, Arnoldo Krumm–Heller, Herbert Fritsche, Michael P. Bertiaux, Hermann Joseph Metzger and his Ladies, Grady L. McMurtry, Friedrich Lekve, Friedrich Mellinger, William Wallace Webb, Eugen Grosche, Henri Birven, Joanny Bricaud, Leopold Engel, Franz Bardon, Charles Manson and the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O., 'Caliphate', Heinrich Traenker, Kenneth Grant, Marcelo Ramos Motta, William Breeze ...

Some protagonists and components of some O.T.O.–variations.

Ordo Templi Orientis, Carl Kellner, Theodor Reuss, Aleister Crowley, Karl Germer, Herbert Fritsche, Michael P. Bertiaux, Hermann Joseph Metzger et alii


Carl Kellner: Yoga. Eine Skizze über den psycho–physiologischen Teil der alten indischen Yogalehre. Ordo Templi Orientis. O.T.O.

The history of the Ordo Templi Orientis, along with its variations, is marked by a considerable degree of complexity, with various claims to apostolic succession, mutual accusations, and expulsions. In this context, it is not surprising that there are significant overlaps and interconnections between different factions within the organization and its variations.


Details about Carl Kellner: Never a member of any O.T.O.
  • Josef Dvorak: Carl Kellner   [collected gossips and speculations about Kellner's life, Franz Hartmann, Hatha Yoga and Baphomet].
  • Deutsche Version: Carl Kellner.
  • Türkçe çeviri: Carl Kellner.

Short biography of Franz Hartmann.

Joanny Bricaud: Notes Historique sur le Rite Ancien et Primitiv de Memphis–Misraim.

Theodor Reuss – Ordo Templi Orientis Phenomenon

Theodor Reuss, Parsival und das entschlüsselte Grals–Geheimnis, Aufbauprogramm und Leitsätze der Gnostischen Neo–Christen O.T.O.

[From: 'Der Grosse Theodor Reuss Reader']

Theodor Reuss — a sort of biography.

A letter from Francis X King to John Symonds about Theodor Reuss.

Theodor Reuss' O.T.O. rituals ©  with an introduction.

Information about Aleister Crowley's O.T.O. rituals.

A.P. Eberhardt: Von den Winkellogen Deutschlands  [O.T.O., Illuminati, Memphis–Misraim, etc.]

Theodor Reuss Peregrinus Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O.
Theodor Reuss
Aleister Crowley Baphomet Ordo Templi Orientis O.T.O.
Aleister Crowley
[Colored with AI]

Reuss O.T.O. Lamen

  • English: Theodor Reuss and the Brothers of Light in the Seven Churches of Asia. The origins of Brotherhood of Light of Theodor Reuss.
  • Deutsch: Die Brueder des Lichtes der sieben Gemeinden in Asien. Theodor Reuss' Hermetische Bruderschaft des Lichtes.
  • Français: Les Frères de Lumière dans les Sept Églises d'Asie. Les origines de la Fraternité de Lumière de Theodor Reuss.

  • Aleister Crowley Golden Dawn Ordo Templi Orientis Robe
    [Colored with AI]

    Biography of Aleister Crowley:

    Lamen of the O.T.O.

    In 1936, Hans Rudolf Hilfiker claimed that John Yarker's charter endorsed him as Theodor Reuss' successor. He declared the O.T.O. dead with Reuss' passing and considered it non–existent. Hilfiker revived the Memphis–Misraim Rite under Constant Chevillon's leadership, distancing from Crowley. He worked to unite Rosicrucian orders with Chevillon and Reuben Swinburne Clymer's help. Chevillon consecrated Arnoldo Krumm–Heller in 1939 but was murdered by the Gestapo in 1944.

    Consider the O.T.O. non existent.
    • Variation française : Hans Rudolf Hilfiker (1882–1955) de la Verità Mistica sur le Monte Verità et de la Libertas et Fraternitas à Zurich se considérait après la mort de Theodor Reuss en 1923 comme son successeur et en 1936 l'O.T.O. comme non existant.
      Beaucoup de documents et un fac-similé d'une nécrologie. Cette traduction contient, par rapport à d'autres versions en ligne, des documents supplémentaires concernant exclusivement Hilfiker.
    • Versione italiana: Considerare l'O.T.O. inesistente.
    • Traduccion castellano: Consideraban a la O.T.O. como no existente.
    • Ceská verze: Veritas Mystica Maxima.

    Discover the key figures and texts associated with Monte Verità and the O.T.O. through this curated selection of protagonists and documents.

    Letter from Engelhard Pargaetzi to Hans Rudolf Hilfiker, April 4, 1920: Quarrel in Theodor Reuss' Swiss O.T.O. lodge.

    Declaration that the relations between the Grand Orient and Theodor Reuss were definitely past history.

    Theodor Reuss Rudolf Laban de Laban Vertrag Ordo Templi Orientis 1917

    1917 Vertrag / Contract Theodor Reuss — Laban de Laban
    [From: "Der Grosse Theodor Reuss Reader"]

    [Visit this Gallery.]

    [Another gallery of some documents relating to Theodor Reuss.]

    Feldzug gegen Rudolf Steiner Ordo Templi Orientis Theodor Reuss Flensburger Hefte Guido und Michael Grandt Arfst Wagner Wolfgang Weirauch Eve Grothe Klaus-Dieter Neumann Stefan Leber P.R. Koenig Josef Dvorak Hella Wiesberger Julius Zoll

    [From: "Feldzug gegen Rudolf Steiner", Flensburger Hefte 63 IV/98, Flensburg 1998]

    Rudolf Steiner: Not a member of the O.T.O.
    After decades of incomplete media reports and propaganda efforts by biased parties regarding Rudolf Steiner's alleged membership in Theodor Reuss' German lodge of the Ordo Templi Orientis, the archive of Rudolf Steiner's probate has finally opened its vault. This has given historians the necessary evidence to put the matter to rest. There is no evidence to suggest that Rudolf Steiner ever accepted anything from Theodor Reuss, except for his permission to use the term "Misraim". Additionally, there is no documentation that proves Steiner was ever a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis.

    Online facsimile documents regarding Reuss and Steiner.

    Two letters from Theodor Reuss concerning Franz Hartmann / Rudolf Steiner.

    "Gestatten, Under–Cover Agent Peter–R. König" — Ein Interview für die 'Flensburger Hefte' zum Thema "Feldzug gegen Rudolf Steiner".

    Spencer Lewis, AMORC, A.M.O.R.C., O.T.O., Order of the Rosicrucian, Ordre de la Rose-Croix, AMORC, Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis

    Spencer Lewis and the O.T.O. which is a chapter of my 'Der O.T.O. Phänomen RELOAD', about Spencer Lewis, Theodor Reuss, Aleister Crowley and Heinrich Traenker.

    A.M.O.R.C.: Controverse Autour d'un Document — Harvey Spencer Lewis et l'O.T.O.

    H. Spencer Lewis and Theodor Reuss.

    Robert Vanloo: Is the A.M.O.R.C. an offspring of the O.T.O. or not ?

    Also, visit the occult gallery context.

    A.M.O.R.C. O.T.O. lamen

    R+C robe

    Conqueror of the Grail.
    Arnoldo Krumm–Heller was a complex and multifaceted figure in the world of esotericism and spiritual exploration. His life was marked by a fascination with mysticism and the occult, which led him to explore a wide range of esoteric traditions, including Theosophy, Rosicrucianism and the connections between the Grail legend and the spiritual traditions of the Americas.

    Baphomet and Rosycross.
    Arnoldo Krumm–Heller received a charter from Reuss in 1908 and established his Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua (F.R.A.) in 1927, which was primarily active in Latin America but also had branches in Austria, Germany, and Spain. In 1930, during Krumm–Heller's meeting with Crowley and Germer in Germany, some of the rituals were given Thelemic references. Krumm-Heller also became a Gnostic bishop in 1939, but after his death in 1949, his F.R.A. split into numerous groups. In 1963, the Swiss Hermann Joseph Metzger attempted to bring all of these organizations under his authority through his contacts in Venezuela, but his efforts were unsuccessful.
    • Version française: Fraternité Rosicrucienne Antique. L'histoire de la F.R.A. n'échappe pas à l'agitation habituelle aux mouvements ésotériques ou maçonniques. Beaucoup des protagonistes de cette histoire furent également membres d'autres organisations, francs–maçons, martinistes, théosophes, et autres. C'est donc avec intérêt que le lecteur pourra recouper les informations contenues dans cet article avec d'autres études où l'on retrouve ses personnages.
    • Dutch version: Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua.

    Dance the Adolf Hitler. Contains English und deutsche translation of Arnoldo Krumm-Heller's "Hitlerianismo" and "El Problema Judio y Jesus el Nazareno". Attention: These texts are of a problematic racist nature and can be regarded as anti-Semitic propaganda. This article delves into Arnoldo Krumm–Heller's perspectives on Hitlerianismo and the concept of "raza superior", as well as his expression of anti–Semitic rhetoric "sino Judios los estafadores" in his publication, 'Rosa-Cruz'. Furthermore, the article touches upon his son's enrollment in the NAPOLA and Krumm–Heller's use of the salutation "Heil Hitler" in his correspondence.
    The article also includes outtakes of Basil Thomson's work 'Queer People - Curious Visitor', as well as a specially written contribution by John Gaster entitled 'Krumm-Heller in England'.

    Arnoldo Krumm-Heller Huiracocha Eduard Munninger Medardus successor of the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua F.R.A. Austria Kraempelstein Antiquus Arcanus Ordo Rosae Rubeae Aureae Crucis A.A.O.R.R.A.C. Fraternitatis Rosæ Crucis Fraternitatis Rosæ Crucis

    Eduard Munninger: Roses in Austria.
    Through an examination of historical records and primary sources, this article seeks to shed light on the development of A.M.O.R.C. and A.A.O.R.R.A.C. in the German–speaking world, including their early leaders, members, and contributions to the organizations. The appointment of Munninger as the successor to Krumm–Heller is a particularly noteworthy event in the history of these organizations.

    Of Booksellers And Other Grand Masters of the O.T.O.
    This article contains detailed biographies of Heinrich Traenker, Karl Germer, Henri Birven, Spencer Lewis, C.H. Petersen, and Eduard Munninger, who were all influential figures in the O.T.O. Additionally, it explores their relationships with the organization under the leadership of Reuss, Crowley, and H.J. Metzger.
    Furthermore, the article provides Henri Birven's "Obituary on Karl Germer", which sheds light on Crowley's visit to Berlin in 1930.

    Heinrich Traenker Pansophia Pansophische Gesellschaft

    In 1921, Heinrich Traenker, the German Grand Master of Reuss' O.T.O., founded an organization called Pansophia, which published important Rosicrucian books and early writings of Crowley. Krumm-Heller and Reuss used the term "Pansophia" in their letterhead and stamps. After Reuss' death in 1923, the remaining Tenth Degree members were required to elect the next Outer Head of the Order (OHO). Only eight members were left, among them Traenker and the American Grand Master, C.R.J. Stansfeld Jones. In 1925, these two declared Crowley as "A World Saviour", but quickly withdrew their votes.
    Pansophia disbanded after Traenker's death in 1956.

    Fraternitas Saturni, GOTOS

    In Nomine Demiurgi Nosferati.
    In 1926, Eugen Grosche broke away from the inner circle of Pansophia and founded the Fraternitas Saturni (F.S.) with sixty ex-O.T.O. members, allegedly after Crowley had visited Traenker and Germer in Germany. The F.S. became the second order based on the Law of Thelema, while Traenker's remaining O.T.O., which made only vague references to Thelema, nearly became inactive.
    The death of Eugen Grosche in 1964 caused several splits.

    Eugen Grosche: Bericht über die "Geheim–Konferenz im Jahre 1926 in Thüringen"  [Crowley's disastrous visit at the homes of Heinrich Tränker and Karl Germer].

    Constitution of the Secret Lodge Fraternitas Saturni, 1928.

    Closing of the "Pansophic Lodge", 1928.

    Fraternitas Saturni Emblem Logo Lamen Siegel Sigill

    Johannes Goeggelmann (Saturnius): Beispiel einer Skandalisierung. Die Geschichte der F.S. aus der Sicht des Boulevard ?

    The perception of the Fraternitas Saturni is primarily shaped by the focus on its protagonists. In addition to its founder Eugen Grosche (Gregor A. Gregorius), the Grand Masters Guido Wolther (Daniel), Walter Jantschik (Jananda), Johannes Maikowski (Immanuel), and a few others, it is also Johannes Göggelmann (Saturnius) who contributes to the image of the lodge.
    The fact that the F.S. came into the focus of the tabloid media approximately 30 years after World War II is correlated with a written report by Johannes Göggelmann, stating that he allegedly killed a cat in the woods for ritual purposes on January 8, 1955.

    Contrary to popular belief, the F.S. mostly engages in discussions and cultivates a comfortable and friendly environment where people can engage in discussions, with rituals being rare. The notion of Grosche's supposed worldview about fire and ice, which has been widely circulated since the 1980s, is only found in traces in his writings and never materialized beyond that.
    The misjudgment of Grosche's alleged worldview can be attributed to newer and younger members who sought to revitalize the F.S.'s outdated image within the occult milieu in the 1980s, often sidelining older members.

    The tabloid media's interest in esotericism and occultism also surged during the 70s, with journalist Horst Knaut citing Göggelmann in his 1970 book 'Rückkehr aus der Zukunft' for a larger, non–esoteric audience. Meanwhile, the esoteric and occult milieu has seen significant changes. Parareligions such as O.T.O. and F.S. have emerged from the ethnological underground of Western civilization into the mainstream, drawing criticism from politically and religiously motivated critics in the German–speaking world who label them as 'youth religions'.

    Today's Saturnian lodges differ greatly from those during Grosche's time, with modern members and outsiders seeking sensationalism. The newer Saturnian lodges are generally more interested in strong and fast stimuli, leading to significant personnel rejuvenation and reduction as the attention span for older writings has decreased.
    Nevertheless, all the F.S. groups, as well as the O.T.O. groups, have not managed to break away from the occult mannerisms of the early 1920s. They continue to cling to the same pompous style and utilize the same vague jargon, which seems to be mandatory for all forms of occultism.

    Die GOTOS–Büste.

    Sammlung von 23 Texten von Walter Jantschik.

    Guido Wolther's sexmagical drawings.

    Johannes Maikowski Gemälde Ausschnitt

    Excerpt from a painting by Johannes Maikowski

    Online mit, von und über Johannes Maikowski:

    Instruktion für Autogenes Training — Ein Yoga-System für den Westen — Indigo (25:11, 6,76 MB).

    • Eine Auswahl der Gemälde und Collagen Maikowskis.
      It seems evident that the paintings crafted by Johannes Maikowski, a former Grand Master of the Fraternitas Saturni, are essentially esoteric in essence and emanate from Maikowski's personal encounters with meditation and spiritual praxis. A handful of Maikowski's paintings are available, accompanied by succinct annotations of each.
      As a whole, Maikowski's paintings are profoundly linked to his spiritual discipline and occult convictions. The depictions of the paintings offer some enlightenment into the subjects that held significance to him.
    • Autobiographie. Traduction française : Une Biographie.
    • Katharer.
      Johannes Maikowski possessed a fervent interest not only in the Fraternitas Saturni, but also in the Cathar movement. He assimilated certain principles and tenets of the Cathars into his personal mystical doctrines, which included the dichotomy of luminosity and obscurity, the significance of sanctity, and the concept of a metaphysical conflict between virtue and malevolence. Perhaps there exist some parallels between the doctrines of the Fraternitas Saturni and the Cathars. Nonetheless, there is no indication that Maikowski directly integrated the teachings of the Cathars into the oeuvre of the Fraternitas Saturni.
    Kontext: Bücher zum Kontext:
  • Reaktion.
  • Video–Interwiew.

    Maikowski a traduit plusieurs articles en français pour ce site web.

    Eugen Grosche Gregor A Gregorius Fraternitas Saturni nicht auf christlichem Boden


    Nosferatu's Baby — Too Hot To Handle.

    Saturn–Gnosis — a portrait of the Fraternitas Saturni and its magical link to the Ordo Templi Orientis.

    Saturn's Art of Living and Loving.

    Eugen Grosche [Gregor A. Gregorius] Fraternitas Saturni In Nomine Demiurgi Homunculi

    Eugen Grosche [Gregor A. Gregorius]
    Photographiert von Johannes Maikowski

    Weitere Photos:
    Eugen Grosche
    Albin Grau

    Erweiterungen zur Geschichte der Fraternitas Saturni. Fotos und Texte von und zu: Eugen Grosche, Der Berg Ipf, Der Putsch 1962, Wolf Rösler, E.P.H. Barth (?)/Amenophis, Karl Wedler, Margarete Berndt, Karl Spiesberger, Walter Englert, Guido Wolther, Walter Jantschik, Horst Kropp, Johannes Maikowski, Dieter Heikaus.

    Hermann Joseph Metzger, a Swiss baker and former communist, was initiated in the O.T.O. by Alice Sprengel in Davos, Switzerland in 1943. Due to his visa for German territories under Allied occupation, Metzger became a messenger for multiple organizations, including the Order of the Illuminati and various Thelemite groups in Europe. After the death of Grosche in 1964, Metzger attempted to take over the Fraternitas Saturni and saw himself as the "mother lodge" for all organizations following the Law of Thelema.

    Felix Lazerus Pinkus founded the section "Psychische Forschung" of the Swiss Cultural Society and, in 1945, also established a "Psychosophische Gesellschaft" with the aim to "communicate esoteric values and provide psychological help". In his esoteric group were notable figures such as Karl Brodbeck, Hans Rudolf Hilfiker, and many others. Soon, Pinkus' "Psychosophische Gesellschaft" evolved into the umbrella organization for H.J. Metzger's compilation of Orders. Metzger regarded Pinkus as his spiritual father and Grandmaster of the O.T.O. in Switzerland.

    Thelema in Appenzell ?
    This article offers brief biographies of the individuals who aided Hermann Joseph Metzger in establishing his collection of both Thelemic and non–Thelemic orders in the Canton Appenzell of Switzerland. The persons involved include Annemarie Aeschbach, Anita Elisabeth Borgert, and Rosalie Metzger–Strickler, who was Metzger's wife. The piece also includes interviews with Hansruedi Giger and Ulla von Bernus.
    Additionally, the work of this Thelemic group is highlighted, which, during the 1950s, was the only organization in the world to publish books by Aleister Crowley and to have a functioning lodge. However, their public activities eventually drew the attention of the tabloid press, leading to a significant scandal, and the group was forced to withdraw completely from public view.

    The Psychosophical Publishing Company.
    The terms "Psychosophic" or "Psychosophical" have their origins in a lecture delivered by Rudolf Steiner in 1910, entitled 'Anthroposophy — Psychosophy — Pneumatosophy'. Hermann Joseph Metzger adopted the term "Psychosophie" to describe various undertakings, including his publishing enterprise, as well as an umbrella term for his collection of orders.
    This article explores Metzger's associations with a number of notable figures, including Franz Bardon, Lanz Liebenfels, the Ordo Militiae Crucis Templi, Memphis Misraim, and the Argenteum Astrum. Additionally, the article delves into Metzger's views on Thelema.

    The Ordo Militiae Crucis Templi and Hermann Joseph Metzger.

    Ordo Templi Orientis in Switzerland, Stein Appenzell, Order of Illuminati, Gnostic Catholic Church, Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua

    H.J. Metzger's Manifesto 1963 — With biographical notes on Karl Germer.

    Karl Germer: Never the OHO of Crowley's O.T.O.

    Karl Germer about himself.

    Documents and photographies re: Karl and Sascha Germer.

    Some of Karl Germer's Personal Letters.

    Sascha Germer's Diary about Karl Germer's death.

    Legal dispute after Karl Germer's death.

    Gnosis on Stage: Friedrich Mellinger. With H.J. Metzger's Manifesto of 1963.
    Karl Germer's correspondence with Friedrich Mellinger about H.J. Metzger, Pinkus, Grosche and Traenker.

    Friedrich Frederic Mellinger to Aleister Crowley

    More Documents.

    Gabriel Montenegro's correspondence with European Thelemites in the 1960s.

    Henry Birven — addicted to Crowley?

    Friedrich Lekve — Dreamland Thelem Chassidim — Martha Kuentzel. With links to texts.

    C.H. Petersen — Abramelin in the Abbey of Thelema.
    • Karl Germer to Carl Heinz Petersen.
      Keywords: Hermann Joseph Metzger, Henry Heinrich Birven, Theodor Reuss and Succession, Nazis, Martha Kuentzel, Friedrich Lekve, Heinrich Traenker.

    Carl William Hansen — Denmark.

    Illuminati and Templars

    Illuminati and Templars — From Leopold Engel to Walter Englert, a 18° of the Fraternitas Saturni.
    The term Illuminati refers to several historical secret societies that purportedly sought to promote enlightenment and knowledge. Today, the term is often used to refer to various alleged modern–day secret societies or conspiracies.
    Around the turn of the century, Reuss and Leopold Engel attempted to revive the Order of Illuminati (OI), originally founded by Adam Weishaupt in the eighteenth century. However, their efforts were largely unsuccessful. Despite this, several groups affiliated with Engel persisted through both World Wars and eventually came under the presidency of Metzger in 1963. Metzger viewed the OI as a structure that could be utilized in his consolidation of various orders, including the Ordo Templi Orientis and the Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua. He swiftly incorporated the Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica into the upper echelons of his OI.

    Paul Ruediger Audehm: Co–founder of the New Illuminati in Frankfurt.

    H.J. Metzger vs W. Englert: Court Case.

    Karl Brodbeck: Der Illuminatenorden.

    Texts by Leopold Engel:

    Texts by Hermann Medinger:

    LAM XI° Ordo Templi Orientis

    Material on and from the Typhonian O.T.O. — Keywords: Kenneth Grant, Shaitan–Aiwass, New Isis Lodge, Michael Staley, Starfire, LAM, Maat and the New Aeon, Maggie Ingalls, Nema, Linda Falorio.

    Kenneth Grant, who was Crowley's secretary, has rejected the Masonic structure of the Crowley–O.T.O. Crowley spoke highly of Grant, stating in his diary in March 1946 that "there must be a trained man to take care of the English O.T.O." in case he were to die or go to the United States. Unlike other versions of the O.T.O., the Typhonian Order does not have group rituals or ceremonies of initiation at any stage of the degree structure. Instead, initiation is based on the individual's direct magical and mystical workings. As a result, all initiations are effectively self–initiations.

    Documents: Karl Germer to Kenneth Grant.

    Eugen Grosches Eindeutschung von Kenneth Grants O.T.O.–Manifest von 1955.

    Kenneth Grant and the Plan 93 From Outer Space.

    Behind the T.O.T.O.

    History of a Fake. Aleister Crowley appointing Kenneth Grant as his successor as Outer Head of the Order of the Templi Orientis in 1947?

    Aleister Crowley Baphomet Wax Seal

    Charles Manson and the Solar Lodge of the O.T.O. — Reports by witnesses and the FBI.

    History of the 'Caliphate': Mysteria Mystica Maxima. A Song of the Whitewash.

    Four letters from Gerald Yorke.
    Keywords: Charles S. Jones, Grady Louis McMurtry, H. Spencer Lewis, Heinrich Traenker, Hermann Joseph Metzger, Jerry Kaye, John Symonds, Karl Germer, Kenneth Anger, Kenneth Grant, Thoth Tarot Teck.
  • Gerald Yorke to Karl Germer.
  • Gerald Yorke to Reuben Swinburne Clymer.
  • Gerald Yorke to Grady Louis McMurtry.
  • Gerald Yorke to Helen Parsons-Smith.

  • About Jack Parsons in Nikolas and Zeena Schreck: Demons of the Flesh.

    In 1946, Crowley referred to his student Grady McMurtry as 'Caliph' in a few letters sent from England to California. This title was not used in any O.T.O. context or in the writings of Reuss or Crowley, and was simply based on the postal abbreviation for California at the time, "Calif". Over two decades after Crowley's death, McMurtry interpreted this title as making him the Outer Head of the Order (OHO) and Patriarch of Crowley's church. However, McMurtry's resulting 'Caliphate' O.T.O. group did not receive any valid ecclesiastical or O.T.O. succession. In 1987, the group rewrote its constitution after McMurtry's death. Under the current leadership of William Breeze, the 'Caliphate' has taken steps towards institutionalization, registering and incorporating both the US Grand Lodge and O.T.O. International to obtain special tax–exempt status in the United States as a non–profit religious organization.

    News about the 'Caliphate', a firm or club from 1977 and its version of the instrument of "apostolic succession".

    All we want is a 'Caliph': 'Minutes of the Special Ninth Degree Caliphate Election' Held September 20/21, 1985.

    William Breeze Hymenaeus Beta Frater Superior OTO

    Some Spicy Smacks in Russia.

    "Ljuben je zakon" or "ljubav pod voljom"? — The O.T.O. in ex–'Yugoslavia'. An example of member activities.

    Moosebump: the 'Caliphate' in Canada.

    Cafe Thelem Thelema in Montreal — Ordo Templi Orientis in Canada

    With face uncovered: William Breeze, Grady Louis McMurtry

    The O.T.O.–Foundation: A new F.S. begets a new O.T.O. — Censorship and Inquisition.

    National Grandmasters and OHOs of the O.T.O.

    Oscar R. Schlag: self–styled last grey eminence. Jane Wolfe, Marcelo Ramos Motta, Choronzon, Karl Germer, H.J. Metzger.
  • Documents on Oscar R. Schag in the context of Jane Wolfe, Marcelo Ramos Motta, Karl Germer, Hermann Joseph Metzger.

  • Marcelo Ramos Motta, Oscar Oskar Schlag, Peter-Robert Koenig

    Dedication from Marcelo Ramos Motta to Oscar Schlag.
    + Schlag's short letter to P.R. Koenig.
    [From: 'Ein Leben Für Die Rose']

    Society Ordo Templi Orientis Marcelo Ramos Motta S.O.T.O. Marcelo Ramos Motta

    After Karl Germer passed away in 1962, a number of individuals sought to assume sole leadership of Germer's Crowley–O.T.O. According to Germer's will, the ultimate decision rested with his widow and Friedrich Mellinger. Sascha Germer initially favored Brazilian Marcelo Ramos Motta (1931–1987) of the F.R.A., but eventually determined that Swiss national H.J. Metzger had been her husband's preferred candidate. Subsequently, the competing claims of Grady Louis McMurty and Motta for leadership of the O.T.O. were resolved through legal proceedings.
    H.J. Metzger's existence was not mentioned at all by all parties in court. On the one hand, it was a discussion in America; on the other hand, everyone was aware that Metzger was the only valid candidate for leadership of the O.T.O. So why complicate things?

    P.R. Koenig: Uma O.T.O. no Brasil.
    Euclydes Lacerda de Almeida - Marcelo Ramos Motta - Kenneth Grant: Documentos 1966-1997.
    Euclydes Lacerda de Almeida: Marcelo Ramos Motta — Um Enigma.
    Euclydes Lacerda de Almeida: Emails to P.R. Koenig.
    Marcelo A.C. Santos: A Verdadeira História do "Califado" no Brasil.

    Marcelo Ramos Motta speaks about the O.T.O. rituals, about the A.·. A.·. and Kenneth Grant; in Portuguese, approx. 1973 (circa 620 KB).

    Marcelo Ramos Motta: Ritual de Iniciação do Grau I O.T.O.
    Marcelo R. Motta: Carta A Um Maçon.
  • Marcelo R. Motta: Lettre à un maçon brãsilien.
  • Marcelo R. Motta: Letter to a Brazilian Mason UNEXPURGATED.
  • Bibliographic Note and Addendum to "Letter to a Brazilian Mason by Marcelo Ramos Motta".
    Marcelo Ramos Motta to Karl Germer, July 2, 1954.
    Marcelo Ramos Motta about Paulo Coelho and others.
    Marcelo Ramos Motta: The Development of a Secret Society in America in the Years 1957-2000.

    Claudia Canuto de Menezes: Conheci Marcelo Ramos Motta nos idos anos 70.
  • Claudia Canuto de Menezes: I met Marcelo Ramos Motta in the 70’s.

  • Palace of Secretes — Anal Intercourse and the O.T.O. — the XIth degree

    Palace of Secretes — Anal Intercourse and the O.T.O. — the XIth degree.
    The focus of this article is on the XI° of the O.T.O., which is also called the Palace of Secrets. The article offers a historical perspective on the XI°, tracing its origins and evolution over time. This historical account features Aleister Crowley, Victor B. Neuburg, William C. Conway, Roland Merritt Shreves, Cecil Frederic Russell (and his Choronzon Club, which remains active to this day), and Louis T. Culling. Additionally, William Wallace Webb, who cultivated his Ordo Argenteum and the QBL Alchemist Church, deserves mention. Michael Paul Bertiaux contributed an AIDS table in the context of the XI°. Notable names in the history of the XI° are also discussed, including Marc–Antoine Lullyanov, Llee Heflin (who contributed to the development of the current Crowley–Tarot–set), Patrick King (with his Rites of Shiraz and Mitylene), James Graeb, and William Breeze. Furthermore, the article mentions the evolving perspectives of the 'Caliphate' towards the XI° over time. Lastly, Marcelo Ramos Motta's and Hermann Joseph Metzger's distinctive viewpoints on these matters are also touched upon.

    Patrick King — Herald of the 'Caliph' and early XI° of the 'Caliphate'.

    Stranded Bishop  — Gnostic Churches

    Lignée malabare: René Vilatte, Jules Doinel, Theodor Reuss, E.C.H. Peithmann, Arnoldo Krumm-Heller, Herbert Fritsche, Hermann Joseph Metzger

    Lignée malabare: René Vilatte, Jules Doinel, Theodor Reuss, E.C.H. Peithmann, Arnoldo Krumm–Heller, Herbert Fritsche, Hermann Joseph Metzger.

    The French Gnostic Churches, like many other organizations, experienced numerous divisions since their establishment in 1890. They aimed to follow the traditional path of apostolic succession in their ecclesiastical practices, but neither Reuss nor Crowley were ever properly consecrated. In 1920, Reuss attempted to make Crowley's 'Gnostic Mass' the official religion for Freemasons. However, Crowley's claim to leadership of the O.T.O. was only used once to appoint William Bernard Crow, an English Theosophist, as head of Crowley's Gnostic Church and Memphis–Misraim in 1944. Notably, the position of the "Outer Head of the Order" (OHO) within the O.T.O. constitution was not connected with leadership of any church.
    Hermann Joseph Metzger became part of the line of succession established by Krumm–Heller, which held French apostolic succession, allegedly.

    Stranded Bishops — Gnostic Churches in the kitchen.

    Some documents (follow the link).

    Siehe auch die deutsche Seite  Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica.

    Ernst Tristan Kurtzahn, Mitglied von Reuss' O.T.O.: Die Gnostiker und die Unsichtbare Kirche  [1925].
    • English translation: The Gnostics. — About the Gnostic Catholic Church, Androgyn + Gynandria, E.C.H. Peithmann, Peryt Shou, and the immissio membri virilis in vaginam in avoidance of the ejaculatio seminis.

    Aleister Crowley appointing W.B. Crow Patriarch of the thelemic Gnostic Catholic Church.
    William Bernard Crow: OHO of the O.T.O., Grand Administrator General of Memphis and Mizraim and Patriarch of the Gnostic Catholic Church: The Ancient and Universal Rite of Cosmic Architecture.

    Stephan Hoeller: Position Paper Concerning the Thelemite or Crowleyan Gnostic Churches.
    This position paper concerns the significance of maintaining magical succession without causing divisions and disputes. It emphasizes the importance of conducting consecrations with valid and appropriate intentions, and clarifies that one Mass no Church doth make.

    William Wallace Webb. Frater Damon, Hermetic Alchemical Order of the QBLH, Philosophic Gnostic Hermetic Society, Qabalistic Alchemist Church, Ordo Argenteum Astrum.

    Holy Ape

    August Leisler Carl Kellner, Josef Dvorak, Michael Paul Bertiaux, William Wallace Webb, Euclydes Lacerda de Almeida, Marcelo Ramos Motta, Johannes Maikowski, the 'Caliphate', Grady Louis McMurtry, Robert Deumié, Oscar Schlag, the Swiss O.T.O.

    In 1921, the Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua (O.T.O.A.), which was said to have split from a French O.T.O. line, grew to have sixteen degrees. It eventually absorbed several Gnostic successions, a Memphis–Misraim line, episcopal consecrations, and an Eleventh Degree. The organization is currently focused on magic, particularly sexual magic, and is strongly influenced by American Michael Paul Bertiaux, a former Theosophist associated with Henry Smith's spiritualist movement. The group's practices operate entirely on a magical level, and Kenneth Grant also took some inspiration from Bertiaux.

    History of the O.T.O.A.: Inflation of Gnosis — Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua, Michael Bertiaux, Manuel Lamparter, La Couleuvre Noire, Monastery of the Seven Rays, Choronzon Club.

    How William Breeze lost an Apostolic Succession.

    My Own O.T.O.A.

    Selling out O.T.O. groups in Italy.

    Michael Paul Bertiaux O.T.O.A.

    Baphomet Goat of Mendes Aiwass Aiwaz Sheitan

    I want to become a member of Ordo Templi Orientis, How to join O.T.O.

    Collections of Re–Collections.
    The section titled 'Why they became O.T.O. members or not' comprises a compilation of emails I've received since commencing my research on the O.T.O. Phenomenon in 1985. It features a selection of emails spanning from 1996 to 2000, along with comparable reports.
    The emails offer insights into the motivations that lead individuals to join or refrain from joining the O.T.O. They provide a contribution to the understanding of this organization and its appeal to different individuals.
    Overall, this collection sheds light on the complex and multifaceted reasons that drive people to become involved in the O.T.O., or not.

    Haben Sie ein Einweihungszeichen das vom Papst

    An objective researcher will benefit from these Court conclusions

    Grady Louis McMurtry — Ordo Templi Orientis — Caliphate

    The American Ordo Templi Orientis, 'Caliphate,' with Grady Louis McMurtry,
    1985, in front of a court building.

    The Maine Decision, the California decision, The New Court of Last Resort Contents, Austrian rulings on Copyrights, German rulings on Copyrights, the International Copyright Situation, X versus the 'Caliphate', Anthony Naylor, Phaenomen Verlag, Starfire Ltd, Peter–Robert Koenig ...

    Holy Monkey

    Selection of Comments – Joscelyn Godwin, Ellic Howe, Albrecht Goetz von Olenhusen, H.T. Hakl, Wolfram Frietsch, Thomas Lueckewerth, Otto Buchinger, John Patrick Deveney, Oscar/Oskar R. Schlag, Erik Davis, Richard Metzger, Jean-François Mayer, Michael D. Eschner, Bill Heidrick, William Breeze, Christian Bouchet, Kenneth Anger, Ben Fernee, Michael Staley, Michael Aquino, G.M. Kelly aka Martin, Jerry Cornelius, James Graeb, Richard T. Cole, George Elliott, Genesis P-Orridge, Gion Cavelty, Bradford Verter, Angela / Angie Bowie, Christopher Hyatt, Ingo Heinemann, Manfred Ach, Dominik Tischleder, Harald Szeemann, Phyllis Seckler, Helen Parsons Smith, Gerald Suster, Timothy d'Arch Smith, Mark Parry-Maddocks, Johannes Maikowski, Daniela Siepe, ChatGPT, Boris Polonski, Colin Wilson, David Bersson and others.

    Christian Bouchet, Thelema, Bulletin de l'O.T.O. en France, VIII;26, Château Thébaud, 1991

    ["Thélèma, Bulletin du Mouvement de Thélème en France (Ordo Templi Orientis et Astrum Argentinum)", VIII;26, Château Thébaud, 1991]

    1917 Theodor Reuss O.T.O. Constitution

    MP3 / YouTube recordings:
    The voices of Marcelo Ramos Motta, Oscar Schlag, W.W. Webb, Michael P. Bertiaux, Annemarie Aeschbach (the female successor of OHO H.J. Metzger in Switzerland), and a grandson of Carl Kellner who remembers his grandfather.

    Photographs and Documents:
    Photographs and documents featuring Carl Kellner, Theodor Reuss, Arnoldo Krumm-Heller, Marcelo R. Motta, Oscar Schlag, charters, letters, manuscripts, and more.

    What's New?
    New items posted to the O.T.O. Phenomenon website, updates and corrections  [starting in March 2000].

    Le Phénomène Ordo Templi Orientis. Exposé en français.


    Eating at the McKoenig: Enjoy The McKoenig Menu 2006.

    2008: Honesty is the best Policy: How the 'Caliphate' O.T.O. and William Breeze lost in a legal case.

    David Bowie and the Occult  [Version 2024].
    • Gnosis als Hype. Short German variation with outlines of an interview with Angie Bowie. First published in DU, November 2003.

    These articles explore Bowie's spiritual inclinations and how they influenced his music, performances, and lifestyle choices. His fascination with both Western and Eastern religions, as well as the occult, along with his use of masks and transformations, shaped his artistic expression. The analyses delve into how Bowie's exploration of these themes is reflected in his crafted lyrics and manufactured overall presentation.

    Steele Savage: David Bowie — Outside, Aleister Crowley, And the Holy Grail.

    Juenger Jaeger Justiz

    Fraternitas Saturni, Walter Englert, Ordo Templi Orientis, Ordo Illuminatorum, Weltbund der Illuminaten

    Andreas Huettl und Peter–R. König: "Satan — Jünger, Jäger und Justiz".

    Texts by Marco Pasi:

    Claas Hoffmann:

    Collage: Eugen Grosche (Gregor A Gregorius) Grandmaster of the Fraternitas Saturni - and Salome with the Head of St John the Baptist. Transgender, Spermo-Gnose and Sexmagick. Original by: Lucas The Elder Cranach. At: Bob Jones University Collection, Greenville, SC, USA

    Rafal T. Prinke:


    What is the A.·.A.·.? Is it an official organization in the mundane world? There have been attempts to control the Argenteum Astrum, and certain individuals claim links to it, such as in the continuum of all XI° variations. Can we identify independent lineages of the A.·. A.·.? Here is a lineage that is seldom mentioned: that of Charles Waldemar.

    Charles Waldemar Magie der Geschlechter Eine neue Sittengeschichte Munich München 1958 Dämonie der Erotik eine Psychopathologie der Frau Wiesbaden 1967

    German–English books on–line

    Der Kleine Theodor Reuss Reader  (statutes, the Oriflamme, rituals and sexmagical writings) — German original version.

    Das O.T.O.–Phänomen  (the complete History of the O.T.O. groups).

    Ein Leben Für Die Rose   (This text offers a biography of Arnoldo Krumm-Heller, accompanied by an analysis of the sex magic practices of Reuss, Crowley, and Krumm-Heller. It also provides insights into the belief system of the Fraternitas Saturni.).

    ABRAMELIN & Co.   (This book is an analysis of Holy Guardian Angels, other UFOs, and their relation to the concept of Thelema and the Argenteum Astrum (Silver Star) as personified in Aleister Crowley. Additionally, the book explores Crowley's sex magic / coprophagy and algolagnia.)
    • Selections of this book have been translated into English: Part One and Two of Smoke Gets In Your Aiwass.
      Ein dritter, deutscher Teil ist der Buchversion vorbehalten.

    Der O.T.O. Phaenomen RELOAD — Peter-Robert Koenig

    Print: Der O.T.O. Phänomen RELOAD.

    Address to buy some
    books about the O.T.O. Phenomenon:

    Manfred Ach
    Gunta–Stölzl–Str. 9
    D – 80807 München
    Deutschland / Germany

    Online ordering via email
    The majority of these books are no longer available for purchase.

    The O.T.O. Secret

    See them
    Scattered On The Floor while
    Browsing Through The Rituals

    Le Phénomène Ordo Templi Orientis. Exposé en français.

    Java applet navigation page

           Reuss' Memphis Misraim Emblem

    one of Reuss' O.T.O. seals

    O.T.O. and the Holy Ghost

    Search Parareligion Website

    Nein, Von Diesem Lichte Ess Ich Nicht !
    In diesem Interview werden verschiedene Aspekte meiner ethnologischen Feldforschung im Kontext des Okkultismus behandelt. Ein zentrales Thema, das betont wird, ist die Entfremdung und Ausgrenzung innerhalb der Gesellschaft. Es wird diskutiert, wie verschiedene Diskurse wie Popkultur, Wissenschaft und Esoterik sich gegenseitig beeinflussen. Ich verwende die Figur des Alien als Beispiel für Codierungen und Ausgrenzungsgeschichten im Okkultismus. Dabei wird deutlich gemacht, dass die Erforschung der Beziehungen zwischen Ich und Anderem grundlegende Fragen aufwirft.
    Weitere Stichworte: Biographie, Cefalù, Postmoderne, Cover Art.

    No, I Shan't Eat This Light !
    This interview explores various aspects of my ethnological field research within the context of occultism. Emphasized as a central theme is the phenomenon of alienation and exclusion within society. The interplay between different discourses such as popular culture, science, and esotericism is discussed, highlighting their mutual influence. I employ the figure of the alien as an exemplification of coded narratives and exclusionary stories within occultism, revealing that the exploration of the relationships between the self and the other raises fundamental questions.
    Additional keywords: Biography, Cefalù, Postmodernism, Cover Art.

    My intent is to piece together parts of the O.T.O. phenomenon like a puzzle. If you have any annotations, corrections, suggestions, or complaints, please do not hesitate to contact me:   mail.

    Rechtlicher Hinweis.

    ©   Peter–Robert Koenig on–line since April 1996.

    Avoid the fate of Gregor Samsa — regular visits to this site will keep unsightly metamorphoses at bay.

    Click here to go back to where you came from or use this Java Navigation Bar:

    Content Carl Kellner Spermo-Gnostics The Early Years O.T.O. Rituals Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica Fraternitas Rosicruciana Antiqua Fraternitas Saturni Typhonian O.T.O. 'Caliphate' Pictures RealAudio and MP3 David Bowie Self Portrait Books on O.T.O. Deutsche Beiträge Charles Manson Illuminati