Covers and advertisements inside various American science fiction pulp magazines.
Pulp fiction and occultism are really just a stone's throw away from each other.
Umschläge und Innenwerbung von diversen deutschen Grusel–Magazinen.
Sogenannte Kiosk–Heftchen und Okkultismus scheinen nur einen Katzensprung voneinander entfernt.
Secrets of the Rosicrucians, Templars and the Illuminati
Is the A.M.O.R.C. an offspring of the O.T.O. or not ?
Eduard Munninger: Roses in Austria. The successor to Arnoldo Krumm-Heller in the German speaking countries. The idea of Traenker's “Pansophic-Gnostic Rites” had found a home with Walter Studinski soon after Tränker’s death in 1956. Now such rites were also being celebrated by Munninger at his Burg Krämpelstein in Austria.