Peter-R. Koenig
PierLuigi Zoccatelli
Massimo Introvigne
at Cefalù

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Peter-R. Koenig, PierLuigi Zoccatelli, Massimo Introvigne at Cefalù

I choose to remember that the audience enjoyed the show, and we certainly had fun.

About the event where this photo was taken.
German, longer version.

Aleister Crowley: un mago a Cefalù, a cura di PierLuigi Zoccatelli

A cura di PierLuigi Zoccatelli:
Aleister Crowley: un mago a Cefalù.

Massimo Introvigne + Michael Paul Bertiaux, postcard to Peter-Robert Koenig

Massimo Introvigne + Michael Paul Bertiaux:
Postcard to Peter-Robert Koenig.

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