The Ordo Templi Orientis PhenomenonAdditions since 1996![]() Newly added content, revisions, and corrections to the Introduction Page. Avoid the fate of Gregor Samsa — regular visits to this maelstrom will keep unsightly metamorphoses at bay. ![]() |
February 2, 2025
— English translation: In The Bermuda Triangle. Interview for Gnostika #70. An insightful exchange, now available for those who prefer their esotericism in English.
— Eugen Grosche (in english): Practices and Results of Mirror Magic, 1957.
![]() Further documents are also in preparation, as the storage capacity for web hosting has multiplied significantly.
Beaucoup de documents et un fac-similé d'une nécrologie. Cette traduction contient, par rapport à d'autres versions en ligne, des documents supplémentaires concernant exclusivement Hilfiker. A robust compilation of documents, including a facsimile obituary. Compared to the existing version online, this translation presents exclusive materials pertaining specifically to Hilfiker.
— The Official Receiver. Karl Johannes Germer, Louis Umfreville Wilkinson, John Symonds. — Karl Germer, Frieda Harris and the Official Receiver.
Walter Jantschik: Bedenin Ölümsüzlüğü.
— L'ancien O.T.O. et son évolution. — Rudolf Steiner: Jamais membre d'un quelconque O.T.O.
Joseph Dvorak: Carl Kellner.
Theodor Reuss : Anatomie Mystique.
Steele Savage : David Bowie — Outside, Aleister Crowley et le Saint Graal. Mots clés : David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust, Quête Hermétique du Saint Graal, Aleister Crowley, Cérémonie Adept Mineur de l’Aube Dorée, Golden Dawn, Kether, Malkuth, Ramona A. Stone, Percival, Baby Grace Blue, Alfred Adler, C.G. Jung.
For instance, an update has been provided on the present condition of Boleskine, the erstwhile abode of Aleister Crowley and Jimmy Page. According to Angie Bowie, it was Page (alongside Ken Pitt) who ignited Bowie's interest in the occult. Additionally, several nuances pertaining to Bowie's occasionally unconventional activities in the 1980s within the context of the occult have been included. Incidentally, have I conveyed the fact that 'Station to Station' was a gay pornographic film produced in 1974? Concluding, I wish to extend my appreciation to fellow Bowie enthusiasts who contributed valuable insights, aiding in refining the accuracy of the content throughout.
Johannes Maikowski: instruction in Autogenes Training — Ein Yoga–System für den Westen — Indigo; in German, (25:11, 6,76 MB). |
18 October 2020
— English: Prana Therapy. — Français: Prana thérapie.
— Overall plan for web hosting: 10GB.
English translation: Der Volksfreund: Obituary and Biography of Dr. Karl Kellner.
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24 February 2014
Marcelo Ramos Motta: Instrução a Euclydes Lacerda de Almeida. Out of print: Noch mehr Materialien zum O.T.O. Out of print: Der Grosse Theodor Reuss Reader. |
Im Kontext der Freimaurerausstellung im Historischen Museum Hannover, 4. September 2012 bis 6. Januar 2013. Radio Leinehertz 106.5 am Dienstag, den 5. Februar 2013: Radiosendung in der Sendereihe VonabisW "Freimaurer, Rosenkreuzer, Templer, Theosophen, Gnosis, O.T.O., Aleister Crowley, Rudolf Steiner und die Anthroposophie und ihr Verhältnis zum O.T.O": Rezension und Lesung von Volker H. Schendel— Ministerialrat i.R. zu: Peter–R. König: "Der O.T.O. Phänomen RELOAD".
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1 January 2013
Three drawings by Johannes Maikowski: Mit geschlossenen Augen. |
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![]() Autogenes Training — Yoga für den Westen — Johannes Heinrich Schultz — Rückverbindung mit der Gottheit — Anbindung an Gott — Geistseele – Hypnose — Fraternitas Saturni — Traumexerzitien von Gregorius / Eugen Grosche |
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![]() Eugen Grosche hat nie über seine Emigration in die Schweiz und Italien gesprochen. Er hat sich auch nie über seine politischen Ansichten geäussert. Grosche lebte von seiner Buchhandlung und den Mitgliederbeiträgen. Warum hat Grosche Nazis in der Fraternitas Saturni geduldet? Es fiel niemals ein antisemitisches Wort. Miriam Wolther, eine ehemalige jüdische KZ–Insassin, hat sich ebenfalls nie geäussert. | ➩ Go to the video |
Zwei Ausschnitte aus dem aktuellen Gemälde von Johannes Maikowski: "Zwei christlich–catharische Liebespaare auf dem Liebeshof Montségur, deren Füsse im lebendigen Wasser von JC stehen". | ![]() |
➩ Go to the video ![]() Bis vor seinem Tode war Eugen Grosche (1888–1964), der Gründer der Fraternitas Saturni, völlig gesund. Es gab keinen Logenraum. Wilhelm Reichs ORGANON–Kasten. Was hat Grosche am meisten interessiert? Was wusste Johannes Maikowski / Immanuel von Grosche? Ria Grosche war immer alleine. Gregorius war der Über–Papa. Eugen Grosche war Mitglied der Evangelischen Kirche. |
![]() Johannes Maikowski erinnert sich an Walter Englert, Margarete Berndt, Karl Spiesberger, Herman Wagner, Walter Jantschik, Horst Kropp, Guido Wolther und an den Putsch 1962, angezettelt von Karl Wedler und Wolf Rösler |
Eugen Grosche ernennt Johannes Maikowski am 23.12.1963 zu seinem Nachfolger als Grossmeister der Fraternitas Saturni. Wie erfolgte die Erhebung in den 18°? Was war mit Walter Englerts 18°? |
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Johannes Maikowski berichtet über die Büste GOTOS. Was geschah damit nach dem Tode von Eugen Grosche? Wofür interessierten sich die Mitglieder? Warum der Name Saturn? | ➩ Go to the video |
➩ Go to the video ![]() Myth: The central concept in F.S. lodges is that of the lodge Egregore (group spirit). GOTOS by name and created as a bust. This is also the highest rank in the F.S. (from 'Gradus Ordo Templi Orientis Saturni'). Truth: Johannes Maikowski, Grandmaster of the Fraternitas Saturni, appointed as successor by Eugen Grosche in December 1963, speaks with Peter–R. Koenig in August 2011. |
3 July 2011
1 July 2011
Der Kleine Theodor Reuss Reader Das OTO–Phänomen Abramelin & Co. Ein Leben für die Rose
Visit the Starfire Publishing website at Starfire Publishing Ltd.
31 December 2009 New book out: In Nomine Demiurgi Homunculi. ![]() | The third volume on the Fraternitas Saturni. Johannes Maikowski: Fremdenlegionär, Gefangener im Stasi–Gefängnis Berlin Rummelsburg, Zweimal Grossmeister, Communitas Saturni und Communitas Solis, Grossloge Gregor A. Gregorius/GAG. Eugen Grosche: Bittere Nachkriegszeit, Die Stasi–Akten, Alt–Nazis in der Loge. Karl Wedler: Der Kelch, Die Palastrevolution, Die Kopiermaschine. Sexualmagische Unruhen um den 18°. Experimente mit Johannes Göggelmann und Horst Kropp. Der Ordo Saturni von Dieter Heikaus. Grossmeister und Stagnation: Guido Wolther, Walter Jantschik, Stanislaus Wicha, Joachim Müller, Heinz Conrad, Hartmut B., Ralph–Peter T. Zusammenschluss der GAG mit der F.S. Die Logendämonen: Der Meister GOTOS — Egregor? Exorial. Und: Wolf Rösler, Wilhelm Uhlhart, Richard Tschudi, die Elixiere des Teufels, die Tropfsteinhöhle in Frankreich, Walter Englert, der Berg Ipf, Horst Knaut, Adolf Hemberger, das Saturn–Kloster, Michael Gebauer, Martin S., Federico Tolli, Calix Borealis |
06 December 2009
GNOSTIKA #43, Sinzheim November 2009, ISSN 1434–7628, Vorschau auf "In Nomine Demiurgi Homunculi"
Due to the terrible political situation in Russia, the continuation of this series will be delayed until further notice.
Rafal T. Prinke: Polish Satanism & Sexmagic German version: Polnischer Satanismus und Sexualmagie
Deutsche Version: Ehrlich währt am Längsten: Warum der O.T.O. gegen P.R. Koenig verlor
Someone sent me this link to the Happy Tree Friends
Tradução portuguesa: Theodor Reuss I° Grau Ritual
While scanning thousands of fotos and documents I added some of them to this site, e.g. Michael Bertiaux with Emir Salihovich to "Ljuben je zakon" or "ljubav pod voljom"? |
Several new pics e.g. on the Gnostic Church page and the Typhonian O.T.O. page
S.–J. Esclarmonde: Bref Exposé De La Doctrine Gnostique, Credo gnostique, 1913
In November 2007 a court trial ended with a settlement which left all questions regarding the copyrights to Aleister Crowley’s works unanswered.
Heinrich / Henri Birven über Karl Germer, mit Details zu Heinrich Tränker, Martha Kuentzel, Gerald Yorke, Aleister Crowley Heinrich Traenker, O.H.O. of the O.T.O. in Germany: Die Sexualmysterien der Pansophie
Jubliäumsausgabe der Oriflamme 1912. Leopold Engel, Carl Kellner, Theodor Reuss, Franz Hartmann, Illuminaten Orden, Mysteria Mystica Maxima, Sexualmagie. Reuss' reaction in the Oriflamme 1914 [lluminaten Orden, Leopold Engel, Carl Kellner, John Yarker, Franz Hartmann] to A.P. Eberhardt: "Von den Winkellogen Deutschlands", 1914
Declaration that the relations between the Grand Orient and Theodor Reuss were definitely past history.
Satzung des Illuminaten Ordens Der Illuminatismus einst und jetzt
When I asked Angie whether her ex-husband ever claimed to believe in magic, she responded: “No! Just when he was trying to scare or impress people. He said that to me once: Oh come on, I’ll show you how to astral travel... yeah, right! I saw some weird shit, but that comes from fxation and visualization, not because there was any magic involved.” Me: “Do you have any reason to think he ever abandoned occultism or similar practices?” Angie Bowie: “I don’t think he was ever involved; he’s too egotistical to put his fate in the hands of someone else.” Read and see more in the updated version of David Bowie — The Laughing Gnostic.
Fraternitas Saturni. Istorie si protagonisti Bebelusul Nosferatului SATURN GNOSIS: Adevaratul Fraternitas Saturni Arta de a iubi si de a trai — Gnoza lui Saturn
News about the death of Ryan Larkin in Canada. Go to The Moose and search for Larkin.
A handfull of articles for Relinfo on the O.T.O., O.T.O.A., the F.R.A., the F.S., the O.S., the C.S., the Order of Illuminati, on Thelema and others
Kleine Biographie von Aleister Crowley.
Thoughts on Metzger An Apology to Red Flame No. 7 Introduction An Open Epistle Regarding Francis King's Book The Secret Rituals of the OTO The Warrior–Troubadour, The Life & Times of Grady Louis McMurtry (Red Flame No.1) Myths of the Solar Lodge Revisited (The Scribe, Vol.1 No.7 1997) Chronology of events leading up to the lawsuit filed by the Ordo Templi Orientis on Sept. 12th 1990 against Alameda County & the City of Berkeley. KALIL and the Thelema93–l Tango An Open Epistle on the Expulsion Liber Al Vel Legis (The Book of the Law) (Red Flame Nr.8)
y Gnosticismo Correcto
y O.T.O. Original Y Su Desarrollo
The 'Caliphate' Casino: Book Sales of Aleister Crowley titles, 1995 — September 2003, Phänomen–Verlag, Germany
Not only chats about the O.T.O. and related matters, there's also Bert Brecht's 'Ballad Of Sexual Dependency' — The costume I'm wearing is an hommage to Salvador Dalí. If you're Medusa you better cover your head !
New book out by Kenneth Grant: Convolvulus Jack and Jill Party in Tajikistan: faked XI° charters with a faked signature. Meanwhile, Breeze has changed the meaning of the XI°: Under Crowley it was an "inscrutable" degree while under Breeze it has become a "technical" degree. The difference is big enough to produce another bulk of confusion.
Two new Gnostic Texts by the founders of the Gnostic Catholic Church Optical update of the Content–page
while Browsing Through The Rituals
Smoke Gets In Your Aiwass. All about Angels and Abramelin Heinrich Traenker and the O.T.O. — in Germany Addition about Aivaz as a name in Bosnia, in "Ljuben je zakon" or "ljubav pod voljom"?. Nebojša Mirèetoviæ speaks about his involvement with Abrahadabra Oasis LAM: O PORTAL , Michael Staley, Tradução portuguesa Larry Mintz speaks about his involvment with the Canadian "Caliphate" David Bowie und Okkultismus, short German update with outlines of an interview with Angie Bowie. First published in DU, November 2003 Papageno Strikes Back, But the Bitch is Alive, by Soror Bitshtar. A personal account of sexual harassment
Tradução portuguesa com permissão: Kenneth Grant: Manifesto da Ordem Interna "O.T.O." Orientis Britânia 1955 Michael Staley: Uma Breve História
Kenneth Grant e a O.T.O. Tifoniana Kenneth Grant: Concernente ao Culto de Lam Michael Staley: Um Instrumento de Sucessão Michael Staley, 2003: "There is no Brazilian "Typhonian O.T.O."; nor is there likely to be. No–one is authorised to act on our behalf, no–one has our blessing. All such claims are fraudulent." Michael Staley, 2003: "Não existe "Typhonian O.T.O." Brasileira; nem nada semelhante a isto. Ninguém está autorizado a representá–la em nosso nome, ninguém tem nossa benção. Todas e quaisquer alegações são fraudulentas."
Fraternitas Saturni: The Lodge–Ornate Copyright of Liber AL, addition
Also re–visit the Graeb–page as it contains additional info
Do the Moosejump: a massively expanded update of the Canadian section on the 'Caliphate' O.T.O., with over 100 new pics Breeze's XI° signature
Those of Grant's books published by Starfire Publishing Ltd can be ordered via the STARFIRE address or via email:
Egregore Map in LAM: The Gateway (Michael Staley)
My membership papers for the 'Caliphate' Some new Reuss documents, e.g. the 1917 Synopsis of Degrees Online facsimile documents regarding Rudolf Steiner never a member of any O.T.O.
The 1999 Particulars of Claim The 2002 Ruling Photographies: Since 1954 the oldest O.T.O. lodge worldwide, in Stein, Appenzell Some have not seen: Spencer Lewis and the O.T.O. which is a chapter of my "Der O.T.O. Phänomen Remix", about Spencer Lewis, Theodor Reuss, Aleister Crowley and Heinrich Tränker
17 June 2002
Eugen Grosche: Das Ehe–Problem in esoterischer Betrachtung Fra.·.Johannes: Das Mysterium der Geschlechter Fra.·.Johannes: Das Neue Gesetz des Wassermann=Zeitalters Eugen Grosche: Okkulte Raumkunst Eugen Grosche: Der Sexual–Verkehr als magischer Od–Ausgleich Eugen Grosche: Die Tapis der Loge Fraternitas–Saturni
Eugen Grosche: Saturn–Yoga Eugen Grosche: Der Saturnische Weg Eugen Grosche: Der Magische Mensch Eugen Grosche: Das Goettliche Negative Prinzip Johannes Goeggelmann: Saturnische Gnosis Guido Wolther: Sexualmagische Zaubermittel
Moosebump: the 'Caliphate' in Canada
XI°: Experiences by Runar Karlsen in Oslo Theologisches Seminar: Okkultismus and the reactions
Fraternitas Saturni: A apresentação solene do Anel de Loja
New translation: O.T.O. Groups in Brazil Completely new translation of Charles Manson: Never a Member of any O.T.O.
Russian version of the Introduction to the O.T.O. History
Update of the "Caliphate–O.T.O. Win"
5 October, 2000
Kenneth Grant's official statement "Concerning New Isis Lodge O.T.O.", dated October 1999
Now the complete book "The O.T.O. Phenomenon" is online in English
A version of Stephan Hoeller's Mass that was modified by the EGA's late Primate, Roger St. Victor Herard A photograph of William Heidrick
A mini–update of the Ordo Templi Orientis Antiqua's History
Minutes of the Areopagus meeting held on April 29, 2000
Paraphernalia of the Fraternitas Saturni O.T.O. Phenomenon : Definition, Concept, Legal Situation Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis Misraim : Historical Notes
Robert Vanloo: Spencer Lewis and the O.T.O. Part Two
"Gestatten, Under–Cover Agent P.R. König" — Ein Interview für die FLENSBURGER HEFTE zum Thema "Feldzug gegen Rudolf Steiner" (eine Analyse des Vorgehens der Gebrüder Grandt)
Update on Paul Josef Rovelli vs. the 'Caliphate' Marcelo Motta: Carta A Um Maçon = Letter to a Brazilian Mason Class Hoffmann: Projective Synthetic Geometry in Lady Frieda Harris' Tarot Paintings and in Aleister Crowley's Book of the Law
Liturgy for the Master of the Chair of the Fraternitas Saturni Theodor Reuss — Manifesto 1903
McMurtry's Death Certificate — 12 July 1985 How to become a IX° — from the "Minutes of Special Ninth Degree Caliphate Election", September 20/21, 1985 (excerpt of page 87)
Der Kleine Theodor Reuss Reader Abramelin & Co. Ein Leben für die Rose — Arnoldo Krumm–Heller
Gerald Yorke about the real OHO Gerald Yorke to Reuben Swinburne Clymer Karl Germer's Last Will and Testament
Slight adaption of the Spermo–Gnostics and the O.T.O.
Bibliographic Note and Addendum to "Letter to a Brazilian Mason by Marcelo Ramos Motta" Karl Germer about himself Karl Germer about Heinrich Traenker Karl Germer about Theodor Reuss and succession Karl Germer's correspondence with Friedrich Mellinger about H.J. Metzger, F.L. Pinkus, Eugen Grosche and Heinrich Traenker Gabriel Montenegro's correspondence with European Thelemites in the 1960s Update on Paul Josef Rovelli vs. the 'Caliphate' Picture material (e.g. on the Gnostic Church costumes and temples, a certain building in Berlin, FBI files on Karl Germer, Motta's Last Will and Testament, another frontpage of a 1894 magazine with the so–called O.T.O.–Lamen, etc.) A new section called "Collections of Re–Collections" where 36 thelemites recall 'how they became member' or remember other experiences with HOOR, the Society O.T.O., the F.R.A., the 'Caliphate', the OTOF, etc. |
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